Italy Sup Forums New Boss Same as Old Boss Edition



- RESULTS SO FAR [% of voters] -

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]


Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union [English]

34% of Italians Want to Expel all Foreigners, Recent Survey Says [English]

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration [English]

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna [Eng Translate]

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples [Eng Translate]

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" [Eng Translate]

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" [Eng Translate]

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" [Eng Translate]


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We need a real leader for the west again

Top KEK!!


renzi figlio di puttana

Italy Sup Forums

BERLUSCONI: «Più di questo non potevo fare, ho dato tutto. I tempi ristretti non hanno aiutato a fare aumentare i nostri consensi. È chiaro che si rischia l'ingovernabilità, ma il centrodestra ha la maggioranza politica, è la prima area politica e quindi il vero vincitore».

>"More than this I could not do, I gave everything. The tight schedule did not help to increase our support. It is clear that we risk ungovernability, but the center-right has the political majority, it is the first political area and therefore the real winner".

Chi cazzo sono sti cinegri qui?

He sounds like he is giving up? D:

>Salvini, take my delegates, they're all yours.
>make italy leftyless again

Is their a girl in the English translation

Now he should buy M5S seats


What a lovely result to wake up to this morning. Get dat 40% boyz

looks like it, check the history though.

>Friendly reminder for every "how will the right wing coalition get the votes?
>right wing WILL have 40%. Why I'm so sure? we have Berlusconi, aka a 4d chess master.
quick roundown:
>you need 40% to form a government
>coalition is at 37%
>you have people from M5S who can't get a seat with that party because they're prosecuted.
> you have literal sharks who actively look for the best opportunity to run the government
> M5S and PD will never ever form a coalition togheter
>Berlucsoni does what he's best at: bribing and buying senators
>we make Italy (and Europe) great again.


He is fucking 81.

GIULIA fighting communists on twitter RIGHT NOW

I just want to wear a black uniform, march in lockstep with my brothers and kill the enemies of my people, is that so much to ask?

Hey does he hate korea?

yes, you are a fuck

Look at the bright side. PD is destroyed.

Show me

Come sempre molte grazie ai napoletani che fanno le cose a cazzo poiché incapaci di prendersi alcuna responsabilità

It is not. I hope one day someone will grant us our rights back

DACA expired today, better get to running Paco

did everyone do the "right" thing and help the "refugees"


oh boy

Thank you for introducing me to my new favorite gif

Rights come from God, and they must be taken back. Our People are waking up the world over, we will reclaim our place on Earth and one day take our place among the stars.

Salvini, 44, staged 300 rallies in the course of the race and ran a successful social media campaign in which he condemned migrants who came to Italy illegally. As he surged in northern Italy, the ruling Democratic Party — widely blamed by voters for allowing more than 600,000 migrants to head for Italy over the last four years — has struggled to cling to votes in its left-wing heartlands in the central regions of the country.

to be fair, they did get shilled hard by (((Avaaz)))


I wonder what the new architecture modern Europe would come up with.

>autoderminatzione non ha vinto
che mondo di merda

Soon brother

When do you think it will be decided whether a center-right coalition forms or not? If it forms, I reckon Salvini will be able to make quite high demands when it comes to minister posts?

It is too beautiful to imagine

In Palermo, Sicily, polling stations opened late after a mistake with voting slips forced the reprinting of 200,000 slips at the last minute.

La maratona Rai che cerca di distrarre dal fallimento PD con 50% spazio per le elezioni e 50% per gli Oscar. STOP.


non esiste, o credi che domani tu e la tua famiglia possiate costituirvi nazione? suvvia.

Just woke up lads, what a wonderful day. We will get that 40%, don't worry.

this, is outrageous how some talk about russian hackers and ignore Avaaz

PD was fucked in the ass by M5S, they lost all their votes to them mostly, because terronis were a communist stronghold. If PD caves in to a M5S coalition, they might as well wear Blacked® badges. It's a de facto stalemate, because M5S is kikery, they won't take an anti-nigger stance the way Salvini would, and Salvini can't blow away the huge amount of votes he got by going full goyim.

>In Palermo...
Stopped reading there, whatever follows can't possibly not be corrupt.

lo scopo del partito era solo fare casino a roma

I'm so fucking scared though

>Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
What is Austria?

Question, any reason people like the swastika? Didn't bother to Google prior my question.

I don't really care about this but love spaghetti.

Berlusconi will come through for you guys with his back-door dealing ways, have hope.

>terronis were commies
yeah no sorry

M5S cucks on social networks
"Ho sempre ammirato la Campania. Regione bellissima, accogliente e ricca di storia"


2001 was 31 years ago.


It's symmetrical and balanced. Kind of a visually hypnotic symbol to humans.

in Austria the centre right moderates are the SPO
Greens are the meme left

Salvini merely needs to convince 3% to jump ship.

With Berlusconi influence, anything is possible.

where did you get this news???My family voted without issue, twitter has nothing, I will call my cousin now
if this is true JESUS they don't fucking care

It's an ancient indo-european symbol that was adopted by the National Socialists.

It is the most beautiful symbol ever created. The color scheme is brilliant and it can be scaled perfectly for different purposes.

What happens to Casapound's votes ?

I'm gonna sleep now boys. Forza Italy! Proud of you, get that 40% some how. Finnaon, I hope you get to the US sometime, dirty spic mutt who was chatting shit, I hope ICE kills your abuela and you get skinned to death by the cartels after we deport you. 'Night!

Man, time goes fast

> "Ci sarà la fila per entrare nel centrodestra...", commenta il capogruppo azzurro alla Camera, Renato Brunetta.

What did he mean by this?

>because terronis were a communist stronghold
this is simply false, the rest of your post alternates poor political analisys with straight delirium

hThough the FPÖ labels itself as a center right party and is pretty moderate in many aspects. I don't know if the Lega Nord are more extreme.

we did it bros

you couldn't possibly be implying a foreign agent has been trying to steer votes away from the right, could you? what are you a Russian bot?

Will Berlusconi help Salvini to save his own ass and get back in il governo


5 star movement is getting all the votes now...

Don't bother arguing, why anyone would say communist when there are more obvious issues is crazy

that's beautiful.

Fascis parties didn't even get to 2%. Maybe they can join Lega but it's hardly likely.

Can someone tell me who this is?

Quick rundown on how things proceed from here: why are the 40% so important as compared to the 37% they have now?

>Our lord and saviour Jesus Abberlusconi will assist in any way he can Salvini
>Soon Lega Nord will conquer the Parliament

Democrats to me are complete communists, rest is semantics. Do you vote PD? You're a communist with hammer and sickle.

campionessa di aborto competitivo semmai

I get annoyed that so many burgers are using it. They are to blame for many horrible developments in Europe right now, since people turned extremely leftist. I am a patriot, but stop using this symbol and create new ones.

They didnt even make it to the parliamente, the cant join Lega

damn i've been found out,
don't tell anyone

>nella tua città il PD è sempre il primo partito
>sia il tuo senatore che il tuo deputato sono del PD
tell me more about these historical results

Because you need that to form a majority

>the entire South voted M5S because they thought reddito di cittadinanza = free neetbux, or because they already know some ways to exploit it along with fake disability and forest rangers
One third of Italy's votes has been wasted on memes. This is the lowest point in Italian history.

40% gives you the majority in Parliament, otherwise all you get is either a Grosse Koalition type of deal or a (((technical government)))

The democrats need to be hung as traitors

Beppe Gentiloni

Nothing. I don't think they got enough to get a house or senate seat, so they can't even jump on board with a right-wing coalition. They will probably also miss out on funding bonuses for not reaching a threshold.

Forgive my ignorance but does this have any cultural clash with the other existing european aesthetics/faiths? I'm working off the fact you said "adopted".

dk are you carabinieri?


Ok but what happens to their votes ?


Fucking cinegribots