Auschwitz guide's home vandalized with Jewish star and "Poland for Poles"
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I agree
poland for poles
get out my country
Wonder who could be behind that.......mmmmmmm
obvious falseflag
Goodbye jews
How many Poles are in New Pakistan anyway
Hey rabbi, watcha doin?
Polak, isn't it it unfair, when jews has been The only other nation to create your country, steal the clay?
>Backstabbing polaks, oy wey !
oy vey
>around poles never relax
Polish jews should pack their shit up to leave this shithole behind and find a new life in their eternal home. Let this european sinkhole go bankrupt after all the jews who play major roles in this cesspool abandon it, and come to literally enrich our future superpower.
And defence minister 100% kosher Khazar
>And Duda, isn't he jew from Ukraine?
They're going to go to jail for this
His body shook when he heard "You're Jewish"
He was like how did the goyim know
>I agree
>poland for poles
No sweety, pooland is rightful jewish clay
>get out my country
Britain is for Brit's
Get out vermin!
> he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
poles are still butthurt over their polish deathcamps i see, when will they take responsibility and stop blaming the germans?
Jews are in for a shock when they find out that Poland is maintaining Auschwitz not for "muh memory" but for a rerun.
By Brits do you mean Pakis?
Reminder that Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And the Polish government went to Hitler and said: "If you expel them, they’ll all come here [to Poland]." Hitler then asked: "What should I do with them?" and the the Poles replied: "Burn them!"
I repeat: Hitler did NOT want to kill the Jews, the Holocaust was a tragic event forced on the Germans by the treacherous Poles.
muslim nigger president for 8 years
Cheap bait
Bibi is a pole
It's wracać not wrócić, step up Britong
>poland for poles
kek, which one of you did that?
He's as polish as an eskimo
He's not a britbong, he's an eastern euro toilet cleaner butthurt about Poland.
fuck off schlomo, your best are corrupted europeans, the majority are inbred arabs
fucking jews.
I told you Jews are Jews. It's actually an insult to me that some Kike can call himself Polish because he can speak the language and has a document saying he's Polish.
Do you see many Poles larping as Jews in israel? lol
At least we didn't start WW2 to genocide Europeans and establish Zionist control.
Funny story about Britcuckistan.
Girlfriend is Polish American.
Telling me about time she lived in UK.
Told me it's the most nigger Muslim infested ghetto she's ever seen in her life and she grew up in Milwaukee.
I told her that they hate white people in UK and hopefully she didn't tell anyone her name.
She said to me her friends in UK already warned her that UK has had its objective since WW2 to kill all white people, so she was careful about it.
She tells me how she observed a white person get hit by a car in UK, laying on the street in pain.
Anglos walk on by, business as usual as far as white genocide goes, as Churchill would say.
The only people who went to help was the Polish store owners.
>Polish American
hehe, mutts fucking mutts.
Normally meme faggs get ignored
(You) gets
This time round, for a fast link posting
Takes a jew, to expose a (((polak))) being liar,
state of the world
suck it up you fucking kikes
This is a very obvious false flag. Somebody scribbled "Auschwitż for poland guide!!!". Auschwitż being the most suspicious word because nobody who speaks polish would spell it like that.
The sentence is also not conforming to polish or english grammar standards.
Her parents immigrated to US in like the 1980s bud. I'd ask you to try not being retarded but you actually think you're an ally to white people anywhere when you started WW2.
Holohoax didn't happen
b-b-but muh European ancestry!
eat a bullet, subhuman
I wonder who could be behind that graffiti
So German clay, polak build, polak execution of 6 gorrilions of (((polaks))) in (currently) pooland
>Makes sense
Polak death camps
Anglos aren't European, you're basically crypto-kikes.
Just realised how horribly I phrased that
I meant I want poles out my country
haha, those straws.
what are you then, monstro?
Are you legally retarded or are you yet to be diagnosed?
Mutt trusts polka tales...
Bell end quality genetic mutation is screeching
>I want more pakis
It's not even a straw, the whole world knows that the Jews and their complicit anglo pets have subjected the world through Jewery thanks to Anglos limitless devotion toward sewing war across Europe and destroying it.
You really belong in the ovens beside the Jews you serve. When you look, even here in America, at the Jews who have tricked the world, there will always be a subhuman Anglo nigger at his feet licking at his soles.
how abt Paki’s and the filthy Parjeets???
Actually full divorce Polish-Jewish for many would be great news. You can even find death camps in germany. Why you spend money in Poland?
British logic:
>get as many shitskins as possible, pay them for doing nothing, be happy they rape your women
but also:
>beat up an innocent 50 year old Pole who works hard for your lazy ass because someone told you Poles are bad.
Why won't you do the same to Muslims? Scared they will stone you and rape your family? Or maybe scared of your gay people who will call you racist.
Since we're on the subject and the whole death camp hoax has been debunked long ago, what do you think would be a good method to solve the jewish question?
I'm thinking large holes in the ground and a bullet to the back of the head would be simple and efficient. And fertilizer is more useful than lampshades.
Anglos are just pets to their Jewish masters.
They have a deep-seeded hatred toward white people. If they didn't, they would have at least tried to mask the genocide they inflicted on Europe by sticking to the original story for starting it and try to keep Poland from becoming a communist vassal state.
>what are you then, monstro?
what are you then, monstro?
>what are you then, monstro?
what are you then, monstro?
My Polish brothers, don't even waste your time on arguing with britfags. Their country is already lost and they know it. That's why they're mad as fuck and want to let their anger go by unreasonable insulting.
Yep, straight out the
>pic related
(((who))) would do such things????
Literally the most retarded nation.
dammit a aussie cunt is faster than i am
Polak, that's one bald statement
Utter BS, but it's OK
Once cooked in furnice in Polish Death Camp, you'll be equal dirt to the ashes of other animals
At least they will always be able to hang on to their history
Ey What'cha doing?
Enjoy getting raped
Thank God for the British being there to save the world from white people to establish the Jewish state.
Britcucks can't even defend themselves.
Just the top-half; waist to head
Poland for Poles
england for Poles and bongs!
Unless we have civil war this behaviour is simply retarded. As long we play (((their))) game, we should beat them at their own fucking game.
Redpill your fellow man.
Live a simpler life.
coming soon to emuland to civilize you criminals
Second sige of Polish Embassy in Tel: Aviv. Never forget!
>Bibi is a pole
Bibi is a BASED pole
This close. Very toit
Does anyone even want this shithole?
>Thread about jews
>suddenly a bunch of (((anglo-saxons))) appear and defend them
really makes me think...
Has been done in the past,, many times over it is named Pooland for a reason
at least the kike got the swastika right this time, he should know his zionist allies created nazism
Daily reminder that talmudic law prevents them from drawing it correctly; drawing any goy symbol is idolatry.
I wont say nothing but just check how many presidents or pm's was Polish.... I believe that Israel is most polish place after Poland but before Chicago.
Poles go there to take what you owe us for saving your ass in WWII. Poland should demand war reparations from you, Britshits! I still don't get why we even bothered to fight for such degenerates as Britshits.
You allied with usbto stop us from allying with Hitler. When Hitler invaded Poland you did shit! You're bunch of stinky inbred cowards, who think they're cool, but exist only because you live on shitty island. You don't even have your own language. English is awful bastardisation of French.
Hey, at least they're white and not responsible for the death of Europe.
>Be Anglo
>Drag the world into a genocidal war against white people to win the goodest goy award
>Still lose
>Empire crumbles
How the FUCK did Britcuckistan manage to actually lose a war that Germany didn't even win?
Poo, ask jews, if it is at all clever to go to poo'land.
I doubt it, but do it!
The hilarious irony being that Britcuckistanis import Indians by the truckload to come shit on their plate. Indian poo is the favorite food of Britcuckistan.
LOLא Typical polak scum
>I'm thinking large holes in the ground and a bullet to the back of the head would be simple and efficient.
Nah that takes forever, and also it requires men to shoot babies and little children, pretty young girls and beautiful women, little old ladies and grandfathers, women that look like their mothers and sisters, boys and men that remind them of their brothers and fathers
this is brutalising on the men, and causes them to have mental health issues. (we know this because the experimental data shows it)
would it not be a better idea to have a method of mass killing, doing undreds or thousands at a time? preferebly in a controlled space, or sealed room, so that the executioners do not have to see their victims?
Some sort of mass electrocution perhaps? or you could pump steam into the room? (second thoughts, electrocution would be difficult to power and hard to ensure they all died, and cause burning and mess. Steam would make the skin peel off and make it hard to clean up.)
Ok how about we use exhaust fumes from an engine? That would work.
or what about poison gas - if we had a way of putting in something like hydrogen cyanide - it would only take low concentration, and we could have a ventilation system to clear the gas afterwards.
Of course what do you do with teh bodies afterwards?
I know what about a crematorium? and we could have it all manned by slave labour - use the jews to do it. Gas the weak and old and the children, but keep some of the fit healthy ones to be slaves?
You know this might work.... what do you think?
Why do you people always believe this utter shit? A gang of vigilantes has been working hard on the pieces of shit in Rotherham, but of course you're not going to read in the Guardian how the British people are dealing with rapists outside of the law, it would only encourage more of the same. They report how "racist" we are, and idiots believe them. The East Europeans are able to make a good life here, nobody hates them, sometimes reading posts like yours makes me think the Jews aren't the only ones with a massive victim complex.
Do you suck their dicks to death or something?
The Welsh are an ugly people but they didn't deserve this. The evil Anglo knows no bounds.
>it requires men to shoot babies and little children
Could make some jews do it, with the right incentive I'm sure they would.