How the fuck do you move on from nihilism and apathy?
What do you do?
You cant. This is the final redpill.
you don't
Shut it down, it's over.
Realize that the neo liberal paradigm is ending so you have to have fiscal/social resources and mental/physical strength to survive and be the best man you can be. Don't settle for being a NEET. When you are a NEET its like living in Bill Murray's Groundhogs day movie. Get out there cunt.
By not being a retard. Also inb4 "redpill" these aren't redpills they are faggot pills for those that lack the psychological strength to process and conquer an environment.
sometimes i wish i could Format my life, and re-install myself. start over :(
You can.
Neo, did you break the conditioning?
Are you free?
Just force yourself to do the things you would do if you weren't apathetic.
>managing thought
>managing behavior
>managing environment
OP, you should learn to play the fiddle so that you can play it as the world crumbles around you.
Do whatever moves you, man.
You are essentially programming yourself in ten years, now. Timeframe varies individual to individual.
i will keep those in mind.
hopefully i can change my life around.
It’s called getting a job and doing something with your life you fucking losers
>attend all lectures and tutes
>outwardly decent to people if a bit reserved
>have gymmed for years, will go right back after back heals
>have journal, write down goals and tasks
>have people I study with but never do shit outside of it
>finishing uni this year and trying to get into international migration since it's the most Sup Forums-related field I can think of
>still hate my fucking life since everyone around me is DIVERSITY YAS and thinks opening the floodgates to the third world is an acceptable solution to low white birthrates
what do I do neo?
hobbies mostly
Find something larger than yourself to believe in and fight for:
I can't even find the righteous anger half of Sup Forums talks about though
It's at the point where I get pissed off at the constant degeneracy but it happens so much that I can't see a way to fight back against it seeing as we're the "bad guys" to modern society and thus I get depressed like a little bitch
do something
are you really nihilistic? or just horiffically behind/outnumbered/relatively poor etc?
if it's the latter, then you have a hope but it must be very hard
Gym, alcohol, ponies.
Give that video I linked a full-watch lad, it'll help.
>can't see a way to fight back
Start with improving yourself, be a positive beacon to the people in your life and they seek to emulate you. If all of our people simply did this we would be the undisputed masters of this Earth. "Be the change you want to see in the world".
>seeing as we're the bad guys to modern society
Judging by the absolute STATE of modern society, you ought to take that as a compliment.
>get depressed
It happens to the best of us (pic related in the 1920's). We'll get through this lad, nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
Cheers user, I'll give this a go
By growing up you underage faggot
MM's most inspirational work of art to date.
Don't take everything so seriously user. Learn to laugh at the classical comedy playing out in front of you. The real tragedy is all the self serving self righteous idolatry going on and how it's twisting the hearts of weak willed fools into their destiny of a living hell. You can probably think of someone who is so far gone that if they so much as accept an iota of truth it would shatter their ego and they would actually rather accept death instead of moving on as a failure. Our world is infested with degenerate selfishness being paraded around as something to be proud of, people are literally worshipping their sinful behavior and show no sign of guilt or repentance. Our civilization is dying a death of the spirit that was freely given to us by the sacrifice of Jesus. So stop worrying about judging others and instead become the best most virtuous version of yourself that you can muster, people will see that and follow you and hopefully escape the living hell they put themselves into. It's easy to fall into the trap of not caring or outright hating people, so put in the work that is required to love others. You can start by learning how to love yourself again.
My mom's single, schizophrenic and unemployed. I never had a chance.
the next step is to ky
Stop making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself.
I've started getting into woodworking, starting out with scrap wood and pallets from work/out the back of hardware stores and freight companies and stuff. Local in-built wardrobe place always throws stuff out the front door that they don't want as well, shelving, melamine boards, sliding doors etc..
Take it home, look at it all, think of something to build with it/repurpose it somehow.Find a hobby, user.
Religion my friend, God is proving your will
you’re not a nihilish, you’re just spineless because your life has been so comfortable.
give away all your belongings and try to live in the streets. your life will soon have direction and maybe eventually values.
Ve a rezarle a la virgencita de Guadalupe puto indio asqueroso.
Get degree
Get serious lifelong illness. Diabetes.exe
Soldier on get job in lab
Job shit, makes health worse
Quit, marry a lesbian and start PhD
Marriage abuse + shitty supervisor = even worse health.
Have to quit PhD
Get a job in biotech company.
Lesbian cracks because we can't have kids.
At the same time let go for refusing to be sales' bitch.
Shit job 2.0 - literally no protocols, on day when am writing protocol and got employees of the month award manager says time for me to go because I'm shit. Da fuq? Hypocrisy.exe
Meet hot GF. Feels good man.
Backup plan loaded. Lab job, good but money bad. No progression.
Start teaching science.
Ctrl+N "career plan.doc"
Train for 6 months. High grades, going well. Kids love science, I love school.
Randomly develop insomnia and panic attacks.
See psych. Get drugs. Help a little.
>15 months later still fucked.
What do anons?
>surrendering to ideology because you are too stupid to think by yourself
quantum physics and astronomy
not even joking, start out with some easy to read shit, go as deep as you want
Go to church, become Catholic.
What helped a lot was listening to Jordan Peterson’s perspective and slowly applying some of those principals to my life. Maybe you could find a philosophical mentor of some sort and emulate a bit of their success to bring you out of the pit and back to a based neutral level.
is there a recommended watch order? I seem to remember a pasta going around last year
Watch this please
t. Sargonnite Liberalist™
For the panic/anxiety u need to cut out things l Ike caffeine smoking, alcohol, and drugs... even just a bit of alcohol can trigger panic the next day..
hungry angry lonely tired, if you're any of these things it will make it worse
hey rabbi
>Jordan Peterson
You should be well-beyond him if you're posting on Sup Forums, he is the personification of babby's first redpill and nufaggotry incarnate.
Try to enjoy life
Get laid
Don't let Sup Forums brainwash you into being angry and miserable all the time. It almost happened to me but I eventually realized there's a lot more nuance to these issues than "the Jews are evil creatures who brainwashed us all into being degenerates." A lot of this is just a result of modernity itself. Find an ideology that suits you and don't let anyone peer pressure you into believing something that feels unnatural.
Sure rabbi
The answer to modernism, which is in it of itself leading TOWARDSTGE DESTRUCTION of civilization, families, honor, and purpose, is national socialism.
Don’t give up. There’s thousands like you OP. Harden yourself for what is to come.
>cries about degeneracy
>posts an anime pic
>ignores the fact that Japanese anime is loaded with "degeneracy"
Yeah nah. You can find ways to preserve family values/tradition and develop a purpose for yourself without worshiping an esoteric German supremacist ideology from 1930s Europe. You probably partake in a lot more "degeneracy" than you realize; it's not something that can be avoided.
get off the internet , do things you enjoy, fucking simple shit
I honestly have no idea, I've tried for so long but nothing works.
Occasionally I'll fall into a deep panic like latent built up waves of societal expectation and anxiety of growing older crash in my mind, and it leads to some good normie-being times, but for the most part I'm tapped out of life. I really just don't care about anything anymore and I'm only alive so I don't ruin my parents lives.
Sorry for the blog.
Degeneracy only occurs in race and iq. Nazis were known for liking their kinks and there is nothing wrong with that if you take care of the structure from which you came from. That’s it
A white, smart man will never go against his nature, unless he is a degenerate.
Well you’re a bong. Have fun being a part of the Jewish experiment
>hot gf
Dude, get the fuck out of here. You have someone who gives a shit about you. Go enjoy life
once you've accepted the truth of life it's time to find your purpose to live.
Start with something you find amusing. Find something that makes you want to be in this world and enjoy it. Grab hold of it, don't let it go.
>move on
You don't have to. Things can only get better, either with or without bloodshed.
Incorrect. The final redpill is when you realise that nihilism is good, thus allowing you to create your own meaning in life and move from apathy.
How is nihilism good when you have no motivation to move on from it though? It's an endless cycle
Or how about
>Use Peterson to escape apathy and NEET-dom
>Ignore what he says about the JQ.
Hahaha nigga like, just stop thinking about it haha
Nwf seems to be having a resurgence
I'm too tired.
Not touching your weenie, makes you a meanie. Meaning you get stronk and have power to take your life back
You can go full accelerationism, which I do not recommend as it will change nothing. Or you could try and go full crypto and push your views indirectly.
You become an idealist, live by some values you go all out into the darkness with no plan of defeat, if the world don't abide by it our stalwardbbelief will pace its way into oblivion
Become an übermensch and die fighting rather than like a dog
You know that nod two dying soldiers give each other while slowly dying, is there any meaning there like honor? In my opinion yes these moments have meaning
Go to bed harold
>potato nigger movement.
watch someone you love die.
After they have died and are cold make sure you touch them anywhere but near the stomach.
Then fall into depression.
Then struggle through it.
Then break on through to the other side.
Believe in your cause.
Become a white nationalist.
Work hard.
Work out.
Read books.
Learn a combat sport.
Make as much money as possible.
Be alpha.
For years I've thought of myself as pragmatic, realist, just feet to the ground kind of guy. Now I realize I'm and idealist. It's not a cool thing. It's bad. You suffer as you imagine your perfect world. Not talking about some fantastic utopia. I'm talking about a clean, prosperous, just and healthy society. Where people don't bite on eachother.
For some reason, this has become an ideal society. What used to be normal. Whatever civilization once was, it is no more. It makes me sad, but I know that I can make some change, even if nobody else wants it. I can make change and so can you.
In life, you either give it all and take it all, or do nothing. Shying around won't move a thing.
What a bunch of faggot pussies. You get up realize EVERYONE will suffer the same fate so you might as well do what you want before you die.
Or you could post online crying to a bunch of pussy Canadians. Want to know what Alberta is a shit hole? Just look at this baked.
Have children
>It's an endless cycle
It's Eternal Recurrence. Read Nietzsche.
Spotted the JEW.
This is the ultimiate BLUE PILL. Right where the JEW wants you. Feeling like your life is a waste and there is nothing you can do about it, and dont even care to do anything about it.
The JEW wants Every Goy in this headspace
“There is among men as in every other animal species an excess of failures, of the sick, degenerating, infirm, who suffer necessarily; the successful cases are, among men, too, always the exception”
Stop watching porn
Stop eating like shit
Stop playing Videogames and stop wasting time in the internet generally (Sup Forums too)
Stop abusing alcohol and other depressants (dont even smoke weed)
Go outside
Get a job
Go to Gym and do cardio and lift
>How the fuck do you move on from nihilism and apathy?
The purpose of all life is to be born, to survive, hopefully reproduce, and then die. The universe is a closed system where all your actions either help you fulfill your purpose, or they don't. Only in hindsight do you know which actions helped you and which didn't.
Evolution, in a way, is a kind judge. If you feel nihilism and apathy, the chances of you reproducing are low. Thus, the chances of your children suffering as much as you are low. Evolution only picks those who fit the environment to continue the game of life.
So when you ask "How the fuck do you move on from nihilism and apathy?" I say, let nature take its course. If you're ready to play the game of life again, you will get out of nihilism and apathy, if you're not, then you will be stuck in it and your line ceases - which is also fine since your progeny don't suffer.
As long as I am not Aryan, there is no point in life, let alone any point in living. No point in existing and continuing, no point in saving Western nations from turning brown, no point in anything.
Self-improvement. Your goal shouldn't be complain about the world, it should be to become the best you that you possibly can be, and then forcibly remake the world in your image.
Finish reading Nietzche you idiots.
You don't the apathy just gets deeper until it folds in on itself and you hit a mostly neutral state, your highs come from whatever idealism survived the trip and they tend to become more a highly rational faith than anything else; mine is the Republic. don't try and climb out though, death is almost assured if you try a normative recovery- this is the fire that tests you like gold, you come out rarified or you come out slag
This we can mold this world
this desu senpai lmao
Move onto psychopathy
by not being a selfish kike, find purpose outside yourself and blackpill will vanish
this is the best advice.
The whole world shuns you already, so this way you can even take enjoyment from being an asshat.
Your depressed world wiev will take a 180 turn. Others won't like it, but they didn't really gave two shits or even hated you on the first place, so whatever.
Nihilism turns into hedonism, which then turns into stoicism.
Extreme nihilism and extreme apathy, that then postulates extreme happiness and extreme empathy. Just take the chemical jew now
Find a girl to talk to regularly about things you find intellectually stimulating.
Bring her food.
Ask her for sex if you are brave enough
Hate to say it but start adopting JBP 12 rules.
Not everyone can be happy with seeing and accepting the pointlessness of existence.
Also, look into Christianity as a philosophical allegory. good luck.