SAO movie thread?

Also post your ideal asian cast for the forthcoming netflicks LIVE ACTION movie.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kirito: Donnie Yen (guy who acted as Bruce Lee's Mentor.)
Agil: Chow Yuen Fatt (You know who)
Keith: Shindong (Super Junior)
Heathcliff: Sammo Hung (Martial Law tv series)

Asuna : Fan Bing Bing (X-Men)
Suguha: Jessica (GG)
Silica: Krystal (fx)
Lizbeth: Amber (fx)
Sinon:Karen Mok (Shaolin Kungfu)

Seven: Yifei Liu (The Forbidden Kingdom)
Rain: Tian Jing (The Great Wall)
Premiere : Charlene Choi (Naked Ambition 2)
Strea: Shu Qi (The Transporter)
Phillia: Zhao Wei (Shaolin Soccer)

I think the last thread devolved into game continuity discussion. Let's do that again.

>Sup Forums
Nope . That would get deleted.

Or make Kirito black and everyone else asian.

Also relevent.

If the OCs got integrated into Progressive, at what point would like to see them? Continuity of Hollow Fragment or before floor 75?

Hollow or whatever was suppose to be level 75 and above.

>no slant
>no horizontal square
>no vorpal strike
Why did I ever think this would be ok.
No I meant if they get integrated into Progressive's story since it's already kind of gone off from the original, what point would you like to see them?

Progressive is s'pose to be a more fleshed out SAO, so... whenever/wherever the authorchan want to, hopefully before he dies of cancer or aidschan.

It depends I guess. I wouldn't mind seeing Lux introduced into the main story line for one. Her ties with Laughing Coffin would be interesting to see if Progressive ever does branch off completely from the main story canon. As for Strea and the rest, it might be fun seeing them when Kirito finally does go solo in the story.