Stop drinking flouride
Stop drinking flouride
Learn how to spell fluoride
more like dont live in a shithole that has no Clean water.
just fuck off and sahev my balls you low test faggot.
No, go drink from a puddle if you want untreated water.
Is this a teacher ????????????????
Now I have an explanation for all the sex scandals on US schools.
More like don't live in a shit hole overrun by immigrants and who produces cheap but subtly disappointing furniture.
My tap water has none of that shit in it
but its just so damn delicious alex! how!?
enough games shoe bob
>not exclusively drinking fap water
homo erectus the much of you
>fap water
best typo ever
>fap water
epic fail
subscribe for a free iphone 5
stop being a boomer
Considering the amount of money an average community spends on fluoride supplement, without provable gain, and that it would otherwise justify the employment of another productive individual, there is no reason to continue such nonsense; and/or use those resources elsewhere.
>doomsday is upon us
>sign up for auto ship
>rat bus
>Stop drinking flouride
Prove it calcifies my brain
>best typo ever
>epic fail
it's a pun. homo erectus & fap water
>the brain
the pineal gland, specifically
retards say it's your third eye
>not drinking the stuff that turns the frogs gay
kek amateurs
it will be if we keep bein sheeple
Start selling Milk of McAdoo and Milk of Millie!