QANDA Livewatch

Get in here Ausfags! It's time for bingo!

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>also on FB for the desperate @ ABCQanda

Monday, 5 March 2018
• Angus Taylor-Minister for Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity
• Tanya Plibersek-Deputy Opposition Leader
• Richard Di Natale-Leader of The Australian Greens
• Kamila Shamsie-Author
• Sharri Markson-National Political Editor, The Daily Telegraph

If you want to tweet along use the hashtag #qanda like always for comments and your chance to be picked for the small screen. You can also add #factcheck for anything suss the panel members say.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good evening BingoQT. How have you been doing?


oh god fucking di natale, i hate that greeny faggot

huh none of those people?

that youtube link is old

Oh I'm so ready to enjoy my anger.
Fucking Plibersek!
Fucking Di Natale!!
Fucking Oi Oi Oi!!!

Looks like a dull one tonight but I've been wrong before.

I am prepared for the idiocy

>macho toxic culture
I expected nothing less from you Di Natale. I just didn't expect it so quickly


I'm out the back listening on the radio at the moment, missed the start. I've heard dick de nat and Tanya so far, who else have we got?


just switched on ...

what have I missed out on, user?


see OP It's all there
• Angus Taylor-Minister for Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity
• Tanya Plibersek-Deputy Opposition Leader
• Richard Di Natale-Leader of The Australian Greens
• Kamila Shamsie-Author
• Sharri Markson-National Political Editor, The Daily Telegraph

Not much aside from di natale dropping 'macho masculinity' in his first sentence

Thanks for making the thread. Sorry for missing the past couple weeks, been looking after my gran since she got out of surgery and her net is shit. Should be back by next week.

>Daily Telegraph
>muh law enforcement

and theyre bitching about muh women, after the travesty that was Gillard

Fucking qanda lads

Fuck sorry bruv, busy night and wasn't thinking haha. Cheers

What's the best beer and why is it Great Northern?

Aware me on fedora beast

I will update my copypasta.

>Richard Di Natale
Someone call 000, I'm about to have a fucking stroke.


no prob...
nothing much to look forward to though.

Fixed that pic for you.

Checking my favourite digits, and agreeing from Tas that it's not a bad brew.

Has Upskirt Plebrersek flashed her legs yet.

She constantly does that on camera in the parliament and the party room to get the gahgah-male-party members agreeing to everything she says (even thought its all shit).


Stroke... mate he gives me a BONER FOR MURDER


And checked.

xxxx ya faggot

10/10 would skullfuck

You ASIO cunts sure are violent.

absolute uncultured piss, my dog's urine tastes better than that shit

ah ... the show is right on schedule then.

>implying more women = better

Lmao sounds riveting..I expect updates with ironic and funny comments itt.



They're just whining about wimmin for now



What's for late dinner tonight boys?
Very much so...

G'd Di Natale is such a fucking faggot

>is that because you think women don't bully?
Fifth panel member bring the bantz.


hideous levels of intoxication

Man Di Natale is such a shitcunt

>The way to fix bullying in politics is to elect more women
Has Di Natale ever met a woman?

why doesn't this faggot quit so a brown women can lead his party. What a bigot

Drink the koolaid, user. We aren't allowed to question their logic because "muh vagina".

It's about time toxic masculinity was addressed


except your mutts piss isnt alcoholic ya poofta

Rakija (Vokda) as usual is the only way to deal with aus/pol/ Q&A night...

mate don't kid yourself Sup Forums is of very little interest to any intelligence officer

The only reason I watched this is to see Di Natalie be a fucking idiot. He’s still a ducking idiot so I’m off.


How is this any different to every other episode of QandA?

This Liberal corruption should no longer go unchallenged!

made with plums? that shit is delicious

well its not as bad as the Thursday #MeToo 'special'

Sometimes they whine about aboriginals or gays instead

Not on live in Perth?
Typical. I can’t do the livestream cause my internet is fucking shit.
I’ll just save myself the stress of watching and play some games instead.

>Tony: I'll stop you there
>Pantytwisted green multiculti idiot: OK but how about this
>Tony: all good enjoy your ABC free pass and ramble on

Fuck this shit


good idea user

>Muh poor people
Tbh mate with how gillard fucked the economy poor people have been forced out of the workforce and into basically slave labor on the dole, the poor are voting right wing right now not left

went to america a few months back for a holiday with online gf, get married on a whim, and hey presto after 5 years unemployed with no hope I'm making shitloads of money and in talks to buy my first house

most of the poorfags right now are like that, other than the boat cunts, because stupid socialist policies have priced us out, we arent trying to survive willingly on 200 bucks a week, especially not when we still have to work 30 hour weeks for it

> Panelists are now sucking Corbyn's dick.

wtf is that thing

its never
>this [redacted person] has saved the tax payer 500million dollars in 2017

its always

we should not be able to see the faces of people we elect, they should just have a bunch of online debates between people identified by barcodes and then vote based entirely on policy

Fair point.

We need to hunt down Barnaby and his corruption should be him jailed !

Where do these freaks come from?


nah... usually yes but I don't know honestly.
It was made by my dearly departed grandfather who stored it away by the bucket load.
I found it recently and its 25+ years old and easily 180+ proof and probably made from chilies and/or grapes and/or peaches.
a 'woman' and I use the term very loosely.

Churned out of the public education system and further solidified in universities.

> Plibersek just goes on and on and on.
> Plibersek making an appeal to emotion in reply to all questions, with utterly no logical basis to her reply


wise words from Di as expected

nah... usually yes but I don't know honestly.
It was made by my dearly departed grandfather who stored it away by the bucket load.
I found it recently and its 25+ years old and easily 180+ proof and probably made from chilies and/or grapes and/or peaches.
a 'woman' and I use the term very loosely.
Melbourne, the only electoral region fucked enough to put a green into the House of Reps.

god it feels good to have escaped to the states

slimy conservacuck

>1100 jobs a day.

Hello and Hail Victory friends

I went to LA and NY recently and they're shitholes. Where are you



Just waiting for a mate

Just do as the (((polls))) say goy!


St louis, sure its all a shithole but seethe states has an actual economy, im buying a house for 85000 bucks and it has river views and shit, its gorgeous, meanwhile back in brisshit you're lucky to even have a job, and you pay 420,000 for a one bed flat

wtf i love ISIS now

fuck i should of stayed at the gym

get a grip on your islamaphobia shitlords

True true

stop making muslims feel out cast you silly conservacucks

Do you think she swallows.. she looks like she swallow.

These twatter comments are particularly retarded tonight.

wtf is this shit, can we PLEASE just split this country up and let them do it their way and we can do it our way. Seriously they are so deluded.

>my brother just JOINED ISIS