Digimon Thread

Digimon Adventure tri. part 5 of 6, "Symbiosis", is due to be released in a few hours.

It's still going to be shit.

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The seventh season of the franchise, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters, concludes tonight at 9:30 JST.

That'll be shit too.

Still better than tri.

They're fun.

Appmon has problems, but it still blows Tri out of the water.

Will Hikari confess to Taichi this movie?

i just realized this will be the second last tri chapter
f u c k


Appmon is good shit.

>Digimon Adventure tri 18 just launched!

I honestly forgot that Tri was still a thing. The increased focus on teenage drama over adventure and the slow pacing really hurts the series. I feel that Mimi's energy is the only thing keeping it going, but it's not enough to carry the whole thing.

The movies aren't bad, but that oc is getting too much focus than she deserves.

The movies wrote themselves into a corner when it shelved the 02 cast in favor of a character completely made for Tri. It doesn't help that none of the cast tries to bond with her except for Mimi.

So I watched X-Evolution a few months ago and it was pretty bad.
It felt like they cut the first third of the movie because it took me awhile to figure out what was going on, was there something I missed?

>It doesn't help that none of the cast tries to bond with her except for Mimi.
She just wants a fourth nerd for her collection.

Nah, I think nerds want Mimi because she cares about their emotional needs.

I couldn't careless about 02 cast because if anything, I'm glad that they aren't in so the movies wouldn't be overcrowded. I still don't like how much foucs that oc is getting when they could use it to develop their relationship instead.

We're getting Mastemon aren't we

Remarkable considering she's a spoilt rich girl with an ego the size of the Earth.

Mimi is spoiled and egocentric by Japanese standards, not by Amercian standards.

Is the 02 cast still non-existent?

It had it's problems, but you can't just write them off in the first 2 minutes

No wonder her family moved then.

Appmon is better than anything in Tri and is a good return to form after Young Hunters.

There's torrents for tri. part 5 on nyaa.si.

>It had it's problems, but you can't just write them off in the first 2 minutes

02 had Tri suddenly in the digital world without explaination within the first 15 minutes and never bothered to explain how he got there.

>02 had Tri suddenly in the digital world without explaination
>one series was in the digital world of another series
that's some deep shit

So what comments will Writer TK make in the Final Movie?

I cum and dump Kari because she is a whore, up yours Taichi.

Tai dies. When he's brought back to life he's going to bring the 02 kids back with him.

"It's okay TK. I love Meiko more"

whats the 5 movie even about

nothing. just like the first 4.



Tai dying

That's not a joke either.

People still follow this shit movie?

how? Tri looks better and story is better. plus those digimon designs look awful. didigmon hasnt been good since season 4 at least tri is doing something.

nah, tri was a fucking mistake


For all the Digidestined in the World.

>Tri looks better
Factually wrong

>and story is better.
I can't even.

what is bad about tri? we got to see the supers of all 8 digidestined., story is decent. new character is pretty okay. they got rid of the season 2 shit.

I prefer how they look in this image to how they look in the actual movies.

i only watched like 1 episode of the digimon universe and turned it off after that. itwas terrible its as bad as xros wars.
S1>S3>S4>Tri>>>>>>S2>>>>>S5>>>>>shit>>>>>xros wars/universe
whats good about universe anyway the digimon design look like shit.

>they got rid of the season 2 shit.

The only thing they did right. Too bad there is nothing interesting about the story. 4 movies later and the story still remains boring as fuck.

>plus those digimon designs look awful. didigmon hasnt been good since season 4
Mate, Digimon has been shit since Zero Two ended.
If anything, Tri is undoing the mistake that Tamers made.

Tri does everything it can to ignore its own continuity so it can create more drama.


tamers is way better than 02 and almost on par with 01

Movie 5 Quick Review
Wow everything become ruins. Yamato is the true protagonist.

Good Thing
>Side character developement
>Dark Ocean plot appear again

Bad Thing
>Hikari become PTSD
>All royal rumble very mess
>Lack Ophanimon screen time

Digimon tri? More like digimon shit lmao

if Tri ends without getting back onto the track for the shitty ending 02 made, I'll consider it a win.

If not then total wash.

I'm hoping we'll get at least SOME explanations for SOME things before we add more mysteries to the pile.
I know we won't though.

So 90% of this movie was just trying to cheer up Meiko for the whole thing. Just repeating that same beat over and over. Then when we do get Jesmon, Alphamon, and Omegamon in a fight the animation and choreography are mediocre. These movies can't even give me simple gratification.

>implying tamers is good
>implying tamers is even remotely watchable
go jerk off to renamon or something, you filthy degenerate monkey

all the build up end with "Despair"
Danganronpa anyone?

>if Tri ends without getting back onto the track for the shitty ending 02 made
Pretty sure the creators confirmed that the 02 epilogue is still canon.
We can still hope that they retcon some things (i.e. Takeru and Hikari not getting together)

>digimon reappearing
>general population doesn't give a fuck
This movie turned out to be a metaphor for itself

The world treating Digimon as if it's a new thing. Nobody even mentioning that this shit happened before or that there should be tons of kids who were chosen as well. I don't like 02 either, but pretending they don't exist is still bad writing.

terrible taste
adventure>tamers>savers>frontier>xros wars S2>appmon>xros wars S1>adventure 02>young hunters>tri

People don't give a fuck about Tri because it couldn't live up to the quality of the original let alone fan favourite Tamers.

It's too late to save Tri now. All they can do is re-make and re-edit it if they decide to turn it into a 50ep anime.

ok reddit please can't even off this board

yeah no punching digimon was dumb. frontier is better because at least they merged and was plausible.

adventure>tri>zero two>frontier>appmon>savers>entirety of xros wars>pokemon>duel masters>boku no pico>2 girls 1 cup>>>>>>>>>>>tamers

>I don't like 02 either, but pretending they don't exist is still bad writing.

They're not pretending they don't exist, they just don't care about them.

They didn't seem surprised at the idea Ken was still around when he was supposidely running around as the Emperor again.

> fan favourite Tamers
if by "fan favorite" you mean "furry-pandering bullshit with horrendous main characters, edgy crawling-in-my-crawl tier story without any lighter moments, chemistry between characters or making us care about anyone except icedevimon"


>Takeru and Hikari not getting together
But that doesn’t need retconning tho. They are not together.

Wait, why is Hikari's uniform different from the 02 middle school green uniform?

okay nvm you guys might be right about tri. saw the last episode and i am confused as shit. I understood everything up until taht last episode. someone explain what happened with hikari? meico had apocolymon shard and was going crazy due to it. so how did hikari turn evil for a second?

>They're not pretending they don't exist, they just don't care about them.
That doesn't make it better. The mention what happened like twice after that and then don't ask why that happened. Yamato asks where Ken is and Himekawa gives him a bullshit answer and that was it.

>edgy crawling-in-my-crawl tier story without any lighter moments
You didn't watch the show, did you?

bigger backtrackings have happened before

Did Tai die? At work so can't download the raw.

No one gonna discuss movie 5?
Cmon this is movie 5 thread.
All Tamer fag and App fag can get out and make new thread.

He isn't die, he just fall from the cliff with his sensei

So what is it?

JRPG final boss

Falling off cliffs kills people

>Yamato is the true protagonist.

and then Sora fell in love with him, again.

>so how did hikari turn evil for a second
her oniichan fell off a cliff

not by the power of protagonist. He didn't fall by himself

>S1>S3>S4>Tri>>>>>>S2>>>>>S5>>>>>shit>>>>>xros wars/universe
I approve.

>Digimon with no evolution insert songs
Who thought this was a good idea?

Season 5 is worse than 2?

Can you elaborate on that? Doesn't feel possible.

Opinion invalidated

So Taichi gets cucked again? Great. I can't wait.

>Digimon with no evolution insert songs

It isn't they're just retarded. Anyone who puts 02 above anything except Tri and Young Hunters should not be taken seriously.

He didn't watch it as a kid.

troll confirmed

A) This doesn't happen

B) That's not what cucked means.

>the movie ship him with Meiko
so Yamato X Sora still sailed

Surprised I didn't see anyone noticing how hard they're pushing Tachi/Mei now.

This is so fucking boring

The only thing that could be worse than this shit is if we got a digimon LN where a kid gets transported to the digital world, gets op powers and a harem of digimon.

I may not be a fan of tamers but everything is better than the shitpile that was Adventure 02.

>02, Appmon, Savers on the top half

Confirmed for shit taste.

>Tai with Meiko

if it's anything like the "shipping" stuff from the last movies then things are being blown out of proportion.

>digimon are doing things off screen
>show government and shit reacting to it
>main characters start talking
>OC girl starts feeling bad
>they all console her
>repeat for 4 episodes
Tri was a fucking huge mistake

What's the point of Meiko anyway?

She doesn't have one.