Say hello to the new italian prime minister!
Say hello to the new italian prime minister!
Are Italians white?
we are KARA BOGA. Shut up.
never heard of him
Salvini is our new prime minister.
fuck di maio
Looks like an Indian. Is he a Patel?
lol it means 'God's punishment' in Polish
anyone cares to tell more about the guy?
Serious question, who won?
Can Di Maio form a coalition with the Centre Left and BTFO Salvini? Or will he form a coalition with Salvini himself? What happens from here?
You mean Salvini, right?
90% a sorosfag
if m5s forms any coalition with the main parties, they'd lose most support i guess
He looks like he should be laying concrete or maybe doing tiling
>il folletto
Depends if he's a manlet or not
Do the math. M5S cannot ally with the Center-Left because they would still have less seats than the Center-right (71 to 73). The only viable solution is M5S + Center-Right.
You can see the Moor blood in this one...Moors still rule Italy
which illustrates well enough that muditerraniggers are nothing White
ahahahahahahah keep dreaming
>the white supremacy meme
lega+m5s. fuck FI and PD
Nope, Spaniards are much whiter.
To me, this guy doesn't look italian..
These guys do.
Having said that let's hope he's not as crooked as his predecesors
And who is supposed to be PM? Salvini or Di Maio?
Hahahaha wtf
cannot break the alliance, that's what it's for
It has to be Salvini because he has the majority. Di Maio will probably be Ministro dell'Interno since he is police.
You've read it here first.
Hey! Thats my job FUCK OFF!!!
looks like one but isn't he the chief of m5s? is he even italian?
>cannot break the alliance
off course they can. Berlusconi got outsmarted in every way possible by Salvini. Now it's time to pick up the trash since the only ally of FI (the PD) is crumbling to dust
Muddied genetics due to muslim rape but souls as white as it gets. Nothing but admiration for the Italian people and how redpilled every Italian I've come across has been.
You Italians may not be white but you are doing a great job.
Official confirmed
They'll keep FI in and give them some seats. Berlusconi won't get one, they are smarter than that, but FI will be in government. It doesn't mean they will matter much, except when votes of confidence are called on, which will be often.
Be prepared for a lot of bickering and little being done, I guess.
>looks at the flag
Oh wait, you are already used to that
FYI, Montefiore it's a very common italo-jewish surname. and I'm white, off course. the proof is that I'm not going mad at your post by replying with some "le 56% amerimutt/creatura".
those are mexicans, buddy
Non hai assolutamente idea di come funzioni la cosa, dudo.
Why is Tuscany so irredeemably cucked?
i Sup Forumsli sono ritardati.
If those are Mexicans, what the hell is the infesting the American southwest?
Giggino Patel
Salvino is the winner and lord
Somebody who's not Jewish explain to me what the fuck is going in Italy. I fucking LOVE Italy and I want to know the truth.
Jews, Moors, and African mixed with the Spaniards and Italian
Another thing to consider is pic-related. Historically who wins in the south and only in the south it's because they have bought the votes from the mafia.
If M5S has done so through their AISI connections then they will have a lot to pay back.
I'd keep an eye on that.
Right, the right wing coalition won and the left got blown the fuck out, ETERNALLY. Renzi is probably going to hand in his dimissions.
Only problem at the moment is M5S, Di Maio's party is the one that got most votes. Hopefully they can work something out with the coalition and Salvini will be our new premier, there is no way that M5S is going to work together with PD.
Libya cuckold the Italian into opening up the gateway...EU has given the Moors cash to close the gateway
>Go out to vote
>Want to vote a small Humanist party which has some nice ideologies
>Stand in voting booth
>My party is nowhere to be seen
>Go in panic
>They either changed name or some bullshit happened
>End up voting M5S in panic
II feel raped.
>mfw gf voted for Sinistra Classe Rivoluzione
>left got blown the fuck out, ETERNALLY.
>Di Maio's party is the one that got most votes
Why is this a problem, is he a EU cuck?
WTF are you on, mayan?
Perhaps he achieved....MIGATTE NO GOKUI?!
Fuck off kike
Jewish divide and conquer tactics. kys faggot.
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
>Di Maio negro di merda
Di Maio negro di merda
Kike shill!
your mom gay
he said he loves brexit im gonna cum aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ignorant faggot here. What happens now? Will Salvini be premier? What happens if m5s does an inciucio with pd?
wtf , why isn't your gf voting for the same party as you?
Whites, Europeans and Caucasians of non-Arab and non-Jewish decent will unite and expell all shills.
>gf votes far left
He's a cuck probably
Fuck knows really, M5S have been changing their agenda constantly over the last few years.
Berlusconi will do some magic tricks, we got this.
Berlusconi is not the leader of its own coalition anymore lmao,we will have to rely on the head of state to make a decision and its probably going to be an horrible mashup of M5S+LN+FI+FDL with a leader that is deemed acceptable by all of them.
It's become a strange world, the only one I trust to do the right thing is Berlusconi.
Won't the EUJew try to undermine this just as they're doing with Brexit? What's the realistic chance that Italy will uncuck itself?
I want to go back to Roma, Firenze, Napoli and not see wall to wall niggers.
Why can't they have different beliefs? Shit that's what leftest women do in terms of "If you don't vote for hilldawg fuck you I'm done with our relationship!"
Women tend to vote left,especially if they don't have a good partner.
Plenty of women vote right and who are single. Or at least that I know of.
>the only one I trust to do the right thing is Berlusconi.
The most insane thing I read all week
you sound like a feminist
women should vote the same as their men or not at all and stay in the fucking kitchen
They are probably old,shit if it was for women (no matter what race) in America the Democrats would have won every single state,
Is Italy going to go out from the EU?
Kek, same thing In Russian too.
women are easy to manipulate and rareky have their own opinions on politics, they probably vote for trump because he's an attractive man. if they vote differently from their men it means the tv has bigger influence on them then him and it means he's a cuck
And you sound like a Muslim.
Most are in their 20's. And no, more white women per counties won voted for Trump.
>the mutt is afraid
well actually my grandma was a leftie and grandpa is normal and he's a great guy so maybe i'm too harsh. but if it turned out i prefer different party than my men i would change my views because i trust his more than mine.
kek, fucking kike
Of what? I'm really proud Italy got a right-wing populist incharge.
Would you change your views if it turned out the man was a secret libtard?
>biodegradato il PD
Oke, that was actually funny.
So 97% white, you won't find any better anywhere
It doesn't matter who got more its president Mattarella who decides
Well done Italian bros! Welcome to the right wing club! You proved you are not huge cucks like France Netherlands and Germany
Nothing is sure yet
If he has good arguments, shlomo. But it's a highly unlikely situation.
Hypothetical situation then, Moisha
>a woman redpilled on all kinds of niggers, kikes and goatfuckers due to living in their immediate vicinity for years
>always hated the Clintons, would vote for Satan himself instead
>hates globalists
>voted for Trump
>man: no comment
>all is well for a while
>one day all of a sudden out of nowhere goes on "muh Trump is an idiot racist the whole world is laughing at us niggers are better than some of the white trash" rant
what do? changing views is out of the question
He voted M5s his gf is probably a bf
I dont know, you tell me..
>I believe that the wage gap isnt about sexism
>Gf believes in the wage gap and wants to vote for the candidate that wants to lower mens wages to ‘solve’ the gap
say that he can't possibly be racist because he loves kikes ;)
That could work. Or that hypothetical woman could point him towards this board and just let it work its magic.
Jesus Christ lads, what happens now? Terroni ruined everything as usual.
t. nonwhite
On top of fucking up the elections they even managed to murder a Slovak journalist causing the collapse of their government. Why haven't we finished the job during Brigantaggio?