They are making a movie about the famous Utoya massacre, where Breivik shot bunch of kids. It will be out 09.03.2018. Anyone else ready for this treat of a film?
Utoya 22 Juli massacre
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Wasnt that the guy who distracted the police with a bomb then shot all those kids at some elite liberal brainwashing facili-errrr I mean totally average in every way summer camp?
Make it a trash horror film. Dolf Lundgren will play the roll of Anders. The kids should be zombies and Breivik, the tragic hero strugling with his sexuality, is send to cull them before they spread the virus. Lots if fake blood and aluens could also be a nice idea.
Whites really are the best at everything.
Even terrorsim.
I'm not sure how they're going to spin this. You want some kind of bravery and heroism? So you're just gonna have to make it up.
He calmly went around massacring them. What the fuck is there to say?
Unfortunately he couldn't kill more.
Main aim will be to paint Breivik as a complete lunatic/sexual deviant.
Det känns som att det blir väldigt svårt att göra någonting utav det här. Som min landsman säger så var det ju ett ganska välplanerat dåd, inga hjältedåd utfördes under massakern utan jag kan tänka mig att de flesta var väldigt rädda/panikslagna. Hur ska de få ungdomarna att se modiga ut?
how did this go down was he captured on the island or did he try to flee?
Just an act of self defense
Wew... who plays Breivik is it Johnny Depp?
>The Man That Became A Legend
>The Legend That Became Angry At Betrayal
>The Story Of How One Man Overcame All Odds To Rid The World Of Cuck Camp
>Watch 77 Shades Of Red coming to a cinema near you!
He was fast on the draw
But they were fast on the hoof
Who would win in the final showdown?
Varg Vikernes will be starring as Breivik
It's gonna be some attempt to humanize the victims and dehumanize Breivik and show some "heroism" like one guy blocking a door or helping someone shot and how they're swimming away from the island or "helping people hide".
It's just so odd because there really isn't a pro-Breivik angle on this outside of Sup Forums. Nobody needs to be told "DEY WUZ JUST KEEDZ".
I can't even think of a comparison. Has there been a lot of school shooting videos in the US? Do you need a dramatic scene with that tearful piano music americans have to have to know it's an emotional scene? "You see, kids being shot is a bad thing. They didn't want to be shot and were just little kids."
Wow! #powerful
Breivik will keep his title for a while, but the competition is intensifying.
pirating time
Yes I am, hopefully we this movie will get somw good quality torrents
brevik is dumb and a loser
Only a mutt or bong would pay for "entertainment" in 2018
>murder kids
>get immortalized in cinemas
He can't keep getting away with it
Only if they rightfully portray him as the hero he is.
No they will focus on the humanity and shock of the kids, anders will barely be on screen they will not dwell into him or his politics
I’d be glad if they comically overplayed his Nazi shit, and turned the film into a black comedy trying to make it intense. There were a couple of badass moments IRL like him pretending to be a counselor and pulling his gun out, or the whole body armor thing... but for the most part wasn’t he just walking around shooting them one by one with a wooden rifle?
He was using the noscope quickscope auto-aim mod for his rifle
Santa claus at fifth?
dude is living a pretty sweet life now
Ryan Gosling cast as Anders
santa claus?
Breivik will be remembered as a hero in the future.
Here I made a motivational poster.
This shit is sick using murders to fill the pockets of hollywood jews. You know they dont give a shit.
>they wont try to somehow connect this to trump
Actually sorry I fucked that up. Here's the correct one.
Some people have been very naughty.
the Kurdish Freedom Falcons, strikes again
Make a drinking game out of it.
I'm gonna complain about the cast being to white. Start a petition that breivik should be played by a black man.
He planned to get captured, to have his day in court in front of the media.
He shot the place up, then as soon as the cops arrived he immediately surrendered. All part of the plan.
call them anti semitic since the camp had BDS people. they were Hitler youth
I still don’t understand how you can appreciate Breivik. Even if you agree with his views, he literally massacred a bunch of people.
Pol is filled with a bunch of edgy pricks, are you surprised?
This dude removed scores of white people but pol for some reason loves him, ill never understand
Killed lefties, that's a god given right.
It's like an early winter olympics medal list
he's a wet dream for every nazi larper who dreams about shooting up bunch of feminists and cucks
Saved that one. You'll see it recycled and know it's me.
Something something helicopter rides
Do that. Good idea.
Scores of White Traitors.
he did the dirty work that had to be done
Is it true that those kids were protesting Israel at the time? If so, doesn't that mean Brevik was a psyop by (((them))) to distract from the real issues?
Yes. So did my relative in WW2 and the many struggles before then. So did yours. That's the price of freedom, paid by the glorious few.
He killed children too ya know.
Gotta wait til September? That sucks.
>wow who is this hot-oh ghetto tat never mind
>I still don’t understand how you can appreciate Breivik. Even if you agree with his views, he literally massacred a bunch of people.
Do you even know what website you're on? We've had serial killers posting their victims here. School shooters post here regular enough that some are caught before they do anything.
A happening is a happening my man. If you can't appreciate setting the highscore I'm not sure you belong.
No younger than 15, most were around 18
Boo fucking hoo.
Beautiful. Saved. Might even put it up on Jewbook before I switch over to something else.
18 is still young. And children were still in the mix.
You don’t care if children are killed?
If they are commies/social democrat no.
I don't care.
>Breivik shot bunch of kids.
Most of them were over 18 and maby 14yo can still be called "kid"
Werent most of his victims children?
Fucking sick. You’ll kill children if they’re social democrats even though they’re like that because their fucking parents brainwashed them.
looks better than my place
easily the greatest mass shooter of all time, its really not close. the targets, the plan, the execution... flawless
My opinion may not be popular on Sup Forums, but I still think it was wrong murdering those kids and turning them into little socialist martyrs.
You see, lots of school kids lean towards the political left. They learn to share with their brothers and classmates and that's essentially socialism. However once they grow up and have to work hard for all the stuff, most of them become redpilled pretty quickly. They see that some people just slack off and get paid by welfare and that they essetially have to work for those bastards as well. (Taxes.)
So, out of the 77 that were killed, at least 70 would have turned out to be normal.
Breivik should have rounded up niggers instead.
My family is centre-right. I grew up in a liberal environment and found out that the hard social right is the only way.
Reminder that Breivik was a civnat christ-kike zionist
Their deaths set an example to others not to go communist.
18 is still a child, desu your not an adult until your mid 20's
I don't think martyrdom is a thing in Norway, all those kid survivors withdrew from politics and haven't talked to the media since the shooting
always kill a traitor before you kill an enemy.
Those kids were groomed to be lizards since they hatched.
almost half were kids
They learned the hard way.
No, that's that point. They are all little heroes. They died for the cause. After the attack, the entire country of Norway turned left and said: "No we will love and tolerate the shit out of you!"
Had Breivik killed Somalians instead, some people might have thought "Wow, that is a good idea" and done likewise.
>fucking muslims, look at what they are doing to europe, why cant they just be tolerant of our way of life an assimilate?
>lol he killed a bunch of democrats, ya i realize they were mostly children but whatever.
They had better portray Commander Brievik accurately or there will be hell to pay.
Were they or were they not protesting Israel at the time?
so his terror attack was completely successful then? literally prevent an entire generation of leftist poltiicans, and they're to afraid or shook to speak out against him.
This movie is also hated in Norway by the general public and the media calls for boycot of this retarded Americanisation
He killed one 14 year old I think. Most were 16 to 18 with a few in their twenties.
They were supposed to be the next generation of progressive leaders
So what? Would it be less evil act if those were adults? Civilian is a civilian wether it is 2 years old girl or 50 years old man.
Only entity that makes difference between civilians, is media. For readers or for propaganda.
Anyway, I bet Norway is cucked enough that when Breivik sues for a percentage of the movie profits, they are going to allow it.
Norway is the most rightwing it has been since the war and the labour party is literally dead
Just because they’re wrong doesn’t mean there isn’t a peaceful way to change them you dumbass. It’s the same fucking mindset sandniggers have.
Regardless of what they thought of kikes they were the enemy. Enemies of enemies doesn't mean friend.
I guess the lesson here is don't kill your enemy, kill their kids
Who is winning?
Fjotolf let the younger ones slide, i read.
As Norwegian poster said, the opposite is true.
There isn't. Breivik sucseeded, you don't, Keep making YouTube thug life compilations of Ben Shapiro TROLLING LIBTARDS EPIC STYLE and Peterson's mewling some nebulous nonsense about Cain, that for sure is going to prevent Texas from flipping blue in 8 years and then US will never have a president that isn't a chink-latinx nigger Communist.
I think Brevik had the right idea, getting rid of traitors is priority 1, kicking out the apes priority 2
>So what? Would it be less evil act if those were adults?
Yes, children are moldable. Just because these kids were commie fags doesnt mean they couldnt have changed. Some fuck in his 50's will never change his ways, even if they are evil, but kids will.
Bottom line, this dude wanted to attack the leftist government, but the lefties feed off tragedies, and it allows them to paint the other side as evil.
He literally just made them stronger.
As I said in my first post: Over 90% of them would not have turned out to be traitors once they grew up and had to work for their money.
Commies are since now they are able to bring him up to discredit anything right wing.
The commies are dead or hiding lol
>It will be out 09.03.2018.
Out in cinemas or out on VOD? Why isnt this in Sup Forums?
They were part of a leftist youth organization. They were extra brainwashed, extra committed to evil.
Some percentage of them might have become redpilled at some point in their lives, but 90% is not realistic.
Violence is an all or nothing game
If you suceed and wipe out your enemy you win, but if you dont, they rise up again to finally beat you. And not only that, the agressor will be painted as the most evil group in the world and will be used as a strawman for years.