
also how the fuck do they speak such good italian??

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> kick these piece of shit freeloaders

They are italians.

no they are not mohammed get the fuck out

>he uploaded an old video today just to make this shitpost
oh it's an aussie

What was the end results? Can't find them online and our media is censoring them.

If there's one thing niggers are good at, it's talking shit. They'll learn whole languages just to talk about nigger shit with fellow niggers. Also their history of being colonized and controlled by European powers adds to it.

congrats m8

u can bant me if u want, this is your day

>Look at the flag

of course its a nigger

the problem is, these fuckers come from a country with no democratic process.

Then they invade another country. And if that country has a democratic process, they eventually take advantage of it. Instead of keeping a low profile for a generation. Like how it used to be.

Can someone run me down on the election in italy? What was voted in?

5 star chicken and the spartans

the spartans want to leave the eu and the chicken handlers want to rid the niggers

but they are mortal enemies and the best of rivals

Disgusting seeing niggers in Italia.


It's going to be funny when Italy falls into civil war and the African migrants win.

They are jewish genetic bioweapons

They won't leave the EU. Even with 60% in power they still wont leave. They'll stay and realize democracy has no power, because all european states are directly connected to EU due to all democratic states being indrectly run by big corp oligrachs through market deals.

And if there's one thing big corp likes, it's a european union where they can undermine all nationalities through horrendous trade deals.

>dees parties say immigrants are the problem
>so we out wiv thousands and thousands of immgirants
I know we joke about niggers being brainlets, but even I thought they could ponder a thought for more than a few seconds.

the uk left the eu, hungary will next.

italy will closely follow

The UK won't leave. It's a farce trying to make the english people think they have power. UK will end up back in the EU or with a deal so shitty, that they might as well be members.

nop u stupid dane

no shoes...

Efterbliven danskjävel

What he meant is, they have italian passes and quite a few are born in italy.
Its not that easy to kick them out of they are italians on paper mate.

>Its not that easy to kick them out of they are italians on paper mate.
Do I really need to tell a German how that's bullshit?

What do you mean? If they are legal citizens of Italy you cant just kick them out.
If your talking kick them out ala kristallnacht 2.0 yes that might do the trick.

>"you can't deport me i have no papers"
>"you can't deport me i have papers"
just fucking kick'em out there is nothing they can do, this is our fucking homeland and if they fail to fit in they got to go.

Well said

prepare your "special" camps, we are going to send you a lot's of "things"

>Italy is home of the Mafia

You used to know how to take care of these things

I'm serious though. They make a big deal out of these protest parties winning, but it's just to veil the reality of how cucked our nations are.

Look up Badrillard and the Watergate simulation, they're doing the exact same to us.

DF won big time here last election and we we're promised prosperity and the end of mass immigration. Nothing really changed. They made some symbolic cases by stealing the refugees jewlry and throwing out a few criminal immigrants, but all in all nothing changed. There are still muslims rioting in the streets and shooting innocent people on Norrebro. You call Swedes cucked and Danes based because the Swedes get handgranated, but we get gunned down for walking the streets at night in inner city.

True democracy first begins when the will of the people is carried out.

Haha, we are living in this hell since christianity disease was brought to our lands, get on my level, cuck.

Пoкaзaть мнe лeвeл, бoльшoй цap!


that goes on imperative.
Beликий is better

sad thing is you're right

Great instead of big makes sense.

How do I make my infinitive into an imperative?

>+5% para la liga

keep up the good works nigs

Will they actually get deported ?

>women can't resis tha BBC muh nigga

пoкaзывaи for imperfective and пoкaжи for perfective.

the general rule is to add an и instead of ть, but there are exceptions.

Пoкaжитe if you want to address officially
Пoкaжи if you are talking to your friend


You will get full support from my country on this :^)

>bla bla bla
>bla bla bla
>bla bla bla
>bla bla bla

Get them out of your country spaghettis, if they start to chimp out go to town on them. They will barter, intimidate, plead and lie to get their way, don't let them. Get them out one at a time or in small groups, if they retaliate that gives you full right to go all out.

Why aren't they at work? It's Monday. Oh wait...

Btw what are they saying? Any Italybro got a translation, or a quick rundown? Are they mad over the election results?

How come you speak Russian and live in Italy. I do too. Wanna catch up?


Because you're both hackers placed there to hack the Italian election, of course.

Go back to algeria

This only means new elections

He's probably just a LARP from Moldova or Ukraine lol

Begone shaun king

my best friend for the last year is Italian and hes insanely hard working, makes me embarrassed frankly

Italy is a major gateway for these animals to get into Europe. If we can have Italy we can stop the flow of a large portion of them. I was hearing they're ramping up another mass wave again, anyone have anymore info on that?

>I just hope that they can form a coalition and kick these piece of shit freeloaders into the sea to drown.
All of the Communists-Socialists in the West were colluding to destroy the West, why not all the Nationalists collude to bring peace back to our countries?

Because left vs right politics bullshit is to divide and conquer united white race.

Yea and I'm a martian from space.

Some corrupt anti-European government threw a piece of paper at them or their mothers. Doesn't make them Italian ethnically or culturally. Same way you're not French.

>Yea. This will put people on our side.

If niggers don't like Italian democracy,

Fucking dumbass niggers.



Last year our constitutional court established that no non-citizen has the right to claim welfare. We're still dumb enough to dole it out regardlessly. But Italy has a new government, they could change things.

most of these savages are speaking English or French

>also how the fuck do they speak such good italian??
they don't

They're not italians they're congoids.

stay mad


There's a special kind of idiotic niggertry at which Somalis and Sudanese excel. There are some of both in that picture.

Italians aren't White.

They are complaining because they found out in Italy there is no such thing as gibs.


When I took a trip to rome all I saw were 20 something year olds laying with eachother around parks and drinking wine every day. How do they survive without gibs? Parents?

Been to Liguria on holidays for a couple of years.

Great people and they're also white so yeah fuck you cuck

>streets filled with screaming blacks

So this is Italy.... My family went on vacation there a few years ago. They said the older locals would freely and quickly begin to discuss how they felt Italy was being stolen from them. Judging from the results of this election, they all got out to vote. Good for them.