>be me
>muslim family but not muslim myself
>hate islam because it's fucking retarded
>fucked a cute muslim girl
>lied to her and said I am muslim
>says she take contraceptive pill
>turns out she lied too
>she is pregnant
>"wtf abort it"
>she refused
>I accept to marry her
>"user we will circumcise our son and he will be a good muslim"
What can I do? I can't tell her I'm not muslim but I can't accept to have a muslim son either. I don't him to be muslim and believe all that crap. I was even planning to change my name to a french name.
Be me
OO cool.. Mr Premature Ejeculation .. that sounds french!
Since you are already pretending to be Muslim you might go all the way and honor kill her.
>impregnating the wrong whore
You deserve everything coming to you.
Suicide toi. Ils vont venir pour toi.
She lied to me. I didn't know.
waving the white flag
just frenchie things
As an ex Muslim myself, I refuse to have sex with anyone until I marry and you should have done the same.
Now let's talk about your wife, she is very much a roastie and not a Muslim at all herself since she had sex with you despite knowing she needed to stay a virgin. So good luck with that, she will probably cuck you at some point.
You shouldn't have married her, you should have left her so she could have faced the consequences of being a stupid roastie but I commend you anyway for manning up.
Now what you can do about being an atheist father, is to raise the child under the guise of being Muslim but be very lenient about the upbringing. Encourage your child to date girls and read Dawkins. Make him/her a productive member of society instead of another middle eastern mistake.
Eat shit normalfag
>Accepting to marry instead of just telling everyone that you fucked up and you don't want a kid.
>Not using a condom
>Not just telling everyone or at least her that you're a munafiq of the highest degree, maybe then she'll reconsider giving birth to a munafiq bastard
No seriously, sometimes being frank with everyone and your sins may just be the way to go here. You might suffer social alienation but would you rather raise a kid you didn't intend to spawn?
Wow, I sure do think that watching ancient cultures tear themselves apart as a result of diversity - both that of the natives and the migrants - sure is worth being able to buy authentic kebabs.
No religious person will ever get converted to atheism by reading Dawkins.
alternatively do this
I know but you catch my drift right? As much western culture and the belief of true love and infinite freedom must be emphasized for any child to question their beliefs
Thanks, I thought I went a little far but it's appreciated to be backed up
You should off yourself. That'll show her to play head games.
I mean, I think I'm actually the munafic here and OP is just a kaffir in secret and it's just that (I'm no good with names or definitions) due to me being one of those librul Muslims or whatever. But if he's completely unable to make an abortion and has no other choice but to raise a kid then he better stick around and raise said kid properly (Not sure about the Dawkins thing except if it's a lesson in challenging his own beliefs then it better be with most other authors as well and nearly in all political and socio-philosophical and economic directions) But there you go.
Everyone is responsible over their own soul and actions IMO.
my sides hanz
lold this
you don' goofed niqqa
Take charge in the family and move away as far from her parents as possible.
Then when she becomes obedient BEGOME ORTHODOX :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>believing a muslim
Well, at least you could do everyone a favour and leave the EU. With her family and yours. I'm pretty sure USA needs some cannon fodder for their practice training.
Just run away silly
Tu dois repartir.
Be a man and put your foot down. If you give in on this your future will be agony, of course if you do not her family will be out for blood ... so yeah.
Have fun with that.
Just remember, jews did this.
Tu as merder Ahmed, bonne chance
Applique les préceptes de l'islam et frappe ta femme
Lmao,you pussy-whipped retards love putting "as an ex-Muslim" at the beginning of each sentence you say as if it makes the things you're about to say infallible. The truth is you're just a pussy Cracker-worshipping faggot who views that their word instead of the Abrahamic God is the one we should follow.
PS. just bring it as a compromise, he can chose to get circumcised at 18.
PPS. only burgers surrounded by an entire population branded by the jews chose to get circumcised in adulthood.
Be the man you idiot
fuck you
You'll never be French faggot. As for Islam, well I completely agree with you that it is absurdly retarded. Almost as retarded as racial equality. If the latter is correct and you're a nigger. Suicide must be a necessity.
Make like a Tyrone and run.
or even further alternatively become muslim, raise the kid. Just don't leave another fatherless cunt to wander the world.
You made your bed at least try to mod it into a deluxe model bed and lie in it.
T'as merdé Momo
Be a good husband and father OP
Good life can grows from harsh soil too
Did your daddy beat when you were a kid?
Beta low t commies seem to love getting abused physically and or anally.
Must be nice being able to shove an entire coke bottle up your ass. Communism at its finest it would seem.
I can't, she's my third degree cousin
>say it's not yours
>she gets stoned