


>BD still not subbed
Forgotten show.


But it is?


bad drawing. that pseudo-3D perspective looks bad.


Bad dog.

I won't teply with >papicunt, your filename is not the same as the true >cockona guy.

There is not one true tongueposter. I took over around the end of last year, but there are others who do it if I don't get to a thread fast enough, and at least one of them uses the same filename.


Which had the best design?

I love blue hair Papika and how that pretty dress looks too feminin


First her food, then her girl.

Please don't post that low resolution crap and please don't use emoticons.

Kill yourself.

please don't tell this person how to post.

Make me.

An anime that couldn't generate any amount of porn is just a sad sight to behold.

The oversized eyes killed it, that was one of the major complaints over in japan.

Japan still has terminally shit taste, I see.

I didn't mind that at all.
As long as they don't look like those Clannad downers.