What does Sup Forums think about veganism?
What does Sup Forums think about veganism?
vegans are contrived fuck lords.
being an actual vegetarian is the real bogpill.
So just don't eat meat?
Vegan for almost 8 years. So obviously I support it as a practice. Don't think there ought to be any law mandating it. Don't think the majority of people are bad for not being vegans, although I obviously think veganism is some kind of good or I wouldn't do it. Don't really like PETA. Don't really like how animal welfare gets mixed up with other social justice causes. Don't think soy is what's making all the cucks. Don't think a rational discussion of it is, for the most part, even possible.
whoever buys things that are not vegan or free-range (where animals don't have to suffer before they become a product on your table) is a nigger with no empathy
yea, and dont be a faggot about it
>dude soy bacon lol
eat some spinach you queer.
I met a vegan dietitian who said eating meat is actually not that bad.
He said adults drinking milk is a greater health risk (cancer from natural growth hormones in milk).
Yeah rational discussion isn't possible with Sup Forumstards about veganism. Which is dissappointing really considering they are such 'truth seekers'. But mostly what they are is nihilistic hedonists looking at other people's problems instead of their own. Ironically I even got the impression that many users were 18-25, boy was I wrong. Middle-aged loveless men everywhere.
Vegetarianism and veganism are the ultimate redpills. Escape the meat Jew.
>rational discussion isn't possible because people who disagree with me are tards
Some vegan shit is great, like the completecookie. If vegans weren't so arrogant and self absorbed more people might try it out.
Absolute faggotry, but if you at least keep it to yourself I can contain my autism about it.
>The vegan "argument":
>muh feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels
>humans are not actually made to do what we self evidently do because bullshit
soy extremists enablers
spotted the nigger
Please outline exactly why that would be the case.
>causing animals life-lasting pain till the very minute they are blessed with the sweet release of death is ok
keep us posted
your opinion is of great value to us
no empathy towards animals = nigger
vegan for health = fine
vegan for morality = kill the human
The alternative is scratching a living at the total mercy of nature until they are brutally torn limb from limb, rot from the inside out from some horrific parasite, etc.
Honestly, I don't really care. Just don't push it on me or make it a point to let me know that you're vegan or vegetarian. As long as you're not some fanatic, you're fine. I wouldn't date you though, because I'm a cook by trade and I love all kinds of food. I'd like to cook meals for my significant other, but a vegan partner would put a huge limit on the things I could cook for him/her.
That's actually the problem I have right now. Although, he isn't vegan or anything, he's just extremely picky. He grew up only eating kid stuff like corn dogs, kid cuisines, lunchables, pizza, etc. His mom didn't know how to cook and his dad passed away when he was 4. So he grew up not really having a diverse diet. Love him to death, but cooking for him is a nightmare.
I think we should allowed to eat Vegans. I mean they are basically human cows
Life consumes life to live. This is an objective truth of reality. Deal with it, or end yourself.
It's Lent, you heathens. Which means traditionally you're supposed to eat no meat, animal products or oil until Easter. Also, one meal a day only.
So if you aren't eating vegan at this time, you're a degenerate.
its GREAT!!
More meat for me while these cucks eat weeds LOLOLOLOLOL
This. I won't oppose the Nautral Law unlike ((())).
It's not just because of people who disagree with me. Plenty of the people who agree with me on this in practice are the blue-haired lunatic types. They're not exactly the easiest to talk to, either.
>go to the store before Erma
>all the aisles are empty
>go to the pharamacy
>nobody touched the protein bars
>tfw can still get my reps in during the end of the world
Veganism is a first world privilege
Unlike degenerate west, we muslims celebrate annual animal sacrifice and we teach our children to slit goat's throat as our right
killing an animal is not the same as causing prolonged pain to an animal
meat != free range meat
tortured chickens != free range chickens
Plz tell your friends to stop soft-invading yurop thx
Moral Faggot
You probably treat your fellow human beans like shit and that’s why you have no real friends
Eating meat /= veganism.
If you would like to have a discussion about specific faming practices we can do that, but it is a completely different discussion.
plz tell Rothschild, Soros and their henchmen to stop meddling in middle east thx
Simple: If you're a vegan, good for you.
As long as you don't walk over to my table and conduct a mock funeral for my chicken soup, I'm not going to pay you any notice.
I think it’s hilarious that they get pretty upset when I suggest there would be more polar bears if people ate them
Tell him to stop being a faggot and try new foods
Bomb them instead of a fucking concert, then, Achmed. Just don't expect more gibsmedats after Soros and his ilk are out of the game.
The entire reason your jaw, and your teeth are the way they are, is because we ate meat. The entire reason we are not running around like savages and dying of a twig in the foot is because of meat. FUCK pol. RETARDS
Whoever cries a lot about animals yet buys vegetables without taking into account the suffering of the workers who've sown and reaped is a nigger with no class consciousness
I like being able to afford bread, you commie fuck.
EATING RAW is the true redpill
Raw fruits and veggies OR raw meat, dairy and egg
eating cooked is kikery
I do. I literally force him to. He doesn't like anything I cook for him. I throw at him my best dishes. I pour so much effort into making the perfect meals for him, and he turns his nose up nearly every time. I literally had to make a list. A fucking LIST. Of all the things that he doesn't like. The .txt file is 100kb large. Honestly, it would probably have been easier to make a list of the things he DOES like. baka
I think vegetarianism is fine but veganism produces weakness
You can be strong and vegetarian at the same time. I did 3 months of vegetarian diet and I made gains, just as much if not more than usual.
There are arguments for both though, especially the mistreatment of animals. Empathy is generally a white mans trait, and it's an objective truth that meat does come from torture. To put anything through needless pain is cruel and abhorrent behaviour of a chink or a nog.
Vegans have a form of mental illness where they decide what and what doesn't have a precious life.
They will not "exploit" cows or goats for milk, yet don't understand that these animals and humans have a bond of reciprocity.
They think honey is "exploiting" bees yet don't understand that humans help their population thrive in a safe environment and great care is needed to help their colony expand
They think meat is murder yet don't understand the sacred practice of hunting or raising an animals for meat.
It is only exploitation when you are a delicate little flower that has never set food anywhere but a super market.
Veganism is a mental illness: never give the sheep a cut, let its fur get matted and when an animal dies, don't use the skin to make leather because it is best to waste
I don't mind if they keep to themselves. If they say I'm a murderer because I ate a steak then they can fuck off.
Apparently "S M H" changes to baka on this board.
they never keep it to themselves, that is the problem.
They accept dinner invitations knowing that people are not vegans for the most part.
Then they arrive at your home> BTW, you do know that I a am VEGAN, right?
Sure, here is a beet, enjoy,
baka desu senpai
>a bond of reciprocity
>it's an objective truth that meat does come from torture
It isn't. Farms are basically cow heaven. All the food you can eat, looked after when you're sick, a warm shed to sleep in when it's cold outside, and when you die you go quick and clean rather than what nature usually has in store for your death.
>you do know that I a am VEGAN, right
nobody does this
within the sheep industry, they often cut their tails with no anesthesia or anything
Let me cut part of your ass and let you sit on that for a few weeks so you can enjoy the pain. Maybe you'll develop some empathy and realize laws protecting animals from abuse are a joke and practically non existent
unless you are ok with someone chopping part of your ass without painkillers shut the fuck up
>raising an animals for meat
just because some assholes have no soul does not mean that every farmer is a fucking asshole.
My dad always taught me and my brothers to treat the animals with care and dignity
Political anti-health diet
Tails are docked for a reason (and even then it's a very contentious practice and far from ubiquitous).
For example, it keeps their hind quarters clean. Would you prefer a docked tail or a rotten, shit caked ass?
Literally the gayest thing ever.
The problem is that factory farmers produce most meat. I don't care about buying meat from farmers I know, but I'm never going to buy meat from the supermarket or other sources.
again, if you think all farmers treat their animals like shit, you have never been on a farm and get all your pics from PETA...an organization that happens to euthanize a shit ton of dogs and cats cause they can't be bothered to find homes for them.
Spend all your money on good food and live a simple healthy life eating grass fed and free range meats and dairy
They would prefer a rotten tail because it is cruel to take proper care of your animals. They think all farmers are big corporate monsters.
I don't know how it is in Latvia, but here even supermarket meat is treated reasonably, and if it's not (and you're found out, which you will be) you are doing jail time. Animal welfare, food hygene and disease control are a huge deal in our farming sector.
I agree, knowing that your meat comes from a respectable farmer is the most important thing.
I support only local farmers, not giant asshole companies that treat their animals as pure profit.
Mental illness.
Not safe in regards to nutrition. Vegans are weak.
And no, those bodybuilders are PAID to be vegan.
My girlfriend is vegetarian, so obviously I'm headed down the same path.
Reduced meat intake to almost none the last year. Gained muscle mass, lost fat percentage, and performance in workouts is higher.
It's possible without soy as well.
>For 2002-2003, FAO estimates of industrial production as a percentage of global production were 7 percent for beef and veal, 0.8 percent for sheep and goat meat, 42 percent for pork, and 67 percent for poultry meat. Industrial production was estimated to account for 39 percent of the sum of global production of these meats and 50 percent of total egg production.[19] In the U.S., according to its National Pork Producers Council, 80 million of its 95 million pigs slaughtered each year are reared in industrial settings.
pretty shitty tbqh
>In 1990 factory farming accounted for 30% of world meat production and by 2005 this had risen to 40%
I don't have a problem with it. The vegans themselves that I meet are either the nicest people you will ever meet or twisted fucking psychopaths.
You can run a factory farm well you know. It's true that many are not (particularly in shithole countries), but it's not the case that intensive farming = the devil 100% of the time.
One of the upsides of living in a shithole country is that we don't stab the fuck out of our animals with hormones so they grow faster. So yeah, I eat well cooked, quality meat.
Vegans are cool so long as they're not the edgy, fuck all humans, type.
And every time you smell BBQ, your brain will scream FEED MEEEEEEEEE
That goes both ways really. Shit like antibiotics and other marvels of modern medicine mean not sick animals. You can argue that the meat suffers for it, but that's the tradeoff.
My family raises various animals, we don't rely on pharmaceutical garbage and our meat passes inspections without a problem. We are even able export it to the EU.
>We are even able export it to the EU.
The EU has a dirty little secret there. You know how you sometimes hear about shit like mad cow or whatever coming from the UK? That's because we actually check. Guess where the disease originates?
Put some mayo on that sonbitch
Idiot pussies.
From unhealthy practices, using ground up spines and brain material from cows to boost protein in the feed.
And if I want to eat BBQ I can.
Just like I can drink alcohol if I want. The thing is that I would rather see it as a luxury feed, than everyday junk food.
It's fine as long as you get what you need, which isn't that hard.
There was an element of that, scrapie infected sheep being used in animal feed pellets and an unscrupulous factory owner not cooking it hot enough. But no, where the disease actually gets into the country is via diseased animals imported from the EU, who go on as normal while we go full zombie outbreak animal holocaust for disease control purposes. We have to - we're a small island.
sure, wanting to have a healthier life is a good thing. I don't eat meat every day....and I am a 3rd generaation farmer.
My grandparents eat meat and cheese every meal, 3x a day and my grandmother just died at 103, my grandfather is 101...On my mom's side, my grandmother is 98 and my grandfather 100.
Good healthy choice, it helps the environment as long as you're not eating that Greek yogurt
He's literally an autism-spectrum manchild, and you're doing both of you a disservice by catering to his selfish irrationality.
Basically boycott anything "Greek" related, just to be sure.
that is fucking crazy!
For my family to export, we have strict guideline, we get surprise inspections every 2-3 weeks, we need to get our meat and animals tested by labs and vets...all meat we produce is tested, we even do our own tests with an independent lab. we use only grass and plant material to feed out animals and STILL have to have the feed tested for bacteria and what not.
So somebody is dirty in the EU system...do you guys know where in the EU the diseased meat comes from?
Redpilled to a degree, bluepilled to others but I fundamentally support environmentalism and respect for nature as a key component in my ideology.
>s t f
>m b a
>h h m
I think it's pretty tasty and easy to digest
I can't remember exactly. BSE was our own issue (scrapie has been in the country for hundreds of years. It's monitored, now more than ever, but it's local). Foot and mouth though was not. I learned it from a vet who lectured to us back in uni. I think it was either France or the Netherlands.
Sounds like some biological warfare to me. Perhaps some unscrupulous slime bag attempted to contaminate England to drive down its industry.
Shit like that happens. You guys are so close to each other that contamination is easily accomplished.
Eradicating such diseases is extremely expensive - you have to slaughter entire farms full of animals, and their neighbours and then burn the corpses. This bankrupted countless farmers here, an economic disaster. Given that, it's easy to imagine why some hard up farmer, and indeed government departments might look the other way.
>You guys are so close to each other that contamination is easily accomplished.
We're well aware. Like I said, small island. We can't afford to fuck about with disease, or we would run into much larger, human problems.
we're all gonna make it satan