I'll just leave this here for you.
Weapons are bad m'kay
>listening to ozzy osbourne
Damn, guess we should just send guns to war.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
We should listen to Jennifer Lawrence. She graduated from 7th grade.
I love Ozzy, but you know his logic is going to be retarded. His brains are literally fried from life-long, daily drug usage.
>its another slide episode.
op is a faggot
Surprise, surprise, those who live off gibsmedats and those who have never done a real day's work in their lives support the one who wants to enable them.
>listening to ozzy osbourne
Sorry Ozzy, disqualified.
Anyone that gets caught cheating on wife, risk losing fortune , with "less attractive" females is to STUPID to be allowed public comments.
Music is still good though
Says a leafy fucktard.
As funny as this is, it's true. Warfare's advancing yet again, starting with drone strike.
What a novel idea! We can just all beat our swords into plowshares...
lol nigger both of those are staged
>beat our swords
Fuck you bro I'm on nofap
>Cars dont drive themselves, people are the ones that drive
>So why do we give cars to drivers? Huh? HUH? Gotcha!
>His brains are literally fried from life-long, daily drug usage.
That like highest authority for degenerates.