Be the best girl

>be the best girl
>lose to the worst girl
how did she do it?

Araragi is a beta male who would have taken anyone, and Hitagi confessed first. In fact Araragi was so beta, that he wanted to fuck Hanekawa but didn't do anything because "she was too good for him."

The fate of all betas is to be constantly one-upped by more opportunistic people.

rrrg has patrician taste

By becoming a dirty commie.

The Monogatari series is one of the only anime where every girl is worst girl

hanekawa is incredibly shit

but user, best girls always lose to worst girls in anime

That's not Kaiki, OP.

The whole point of her character was to be Araragi's ideal women.

The point of her development with Araragi is that as Araragi comes to know her he is disillusioned with the 'ideal; he has of her. They say at the end of nekomonogatari specifically that he almost comes to despise her. She deals with stress poorly, she looks down on others, etc. She isn't perfect, even if her portrayal (especially in kizumonogatari) is meant to be.

Because God is a shit. A SHIT.

captcha: farmacia penis

>be a piece of shit manipulative asshole who keeps waiting for a prince charming to solve all her issues without even caring to do it yourself
>a more proactive and stable woman winning is somehow surprising

>She deals with stress poorly
Of course she does, she lives in a hallway nigger

I only watched the original series
and her episodes were like a fifth wheel.

Yes, but living under a staircase isn't really an excuse to go around beating up random people.

By being total stuck up beta fag, I don't even know how would I call her.
If she only told Araragi how she felt at the start of the series or after the events at kizu, he would have jumped on to her head first. Just thinking about how much opportunity Hanekawa lost made me want to pity her.
Honestly though I am conflicted. I had liked Crab at the start but after thinking about it, the more and more I thought that Hanekawa might have been more better for Araragi, just saying.

She only goes around sucking energy out after her dad beats her. She was able to endure living in the hallway.

Actually going back to read the LN, surprised the anime made the 'beating' so understated. In the LN it really comes off more like she was actually beaten.

Did the LN also blame her for it for being "too smart" like the anime did?

Araragi is a bantsman. In the Bakemonogatari LNs, he constantly goes on about how much he loves to bant with Senjogahara, Kanbaru and Hachikuji but that he can't get that with Hanekawa.

The point about Hanekawa is that her personality compliments Araragi's positively and that's too simple and easy for him. He thrives in relationships that challenge him. She's too much of a 'Yes'-woman for him.

>be best girl
>also be main girl

>goes around sucking energy out
IRL, it would be sucking cocks dry
daddy issues

All of them are pretty good characters.

Kizu was written after Bake. It's honestly that simple.

Why does Ararararagi cheat on Senjougahara?

Cat's the worst girl. Literally good only as a sexfriend. Crab's the best waifu.

Everything about Kizu was already set in stone and referred in Bake.

Didn't that one get trucked?

How can she be worst when snake exists

That's not why. It's as if you didn't even watch Kizu. The scene where Kissshot accuses Araragi of not caring about her personally and would've saved anyone in need of help for his own personal satisfaction, the cut to Hanekawa during that scene is not for no reason.

>daddy issues
Sneiku a cute, thirsty yandere

Are the translations up to par even? I just picked up the series and burned through all thats animated but if it can be helped Id much rather go with source material.

But she isn't Bat and she hasn't lost to Snake.

If becoming the love interest of his meant fading into irrelevance and barely being written about along with said relationship being barely written about then no thanks. I'll take their relationship as it is, especially since it's already better than his relationship with Crab.

I read Kizu, did not watch it. It was pretty explicitly laid out in one of the arcs (forget which one) that he considered her too good for him, like an angel. The author later retconned it so that he was only sexually but not emotionally attached to her, but that was just a lame excuse.

Also, to expand on what I was saying. Araragi has a huge inferiority complex. This was made clear in Kizu when he thinks helping Kiss Shot will kill him, but he does it anyway because he sees her as a vastly superior existence. Araragi has this inferiority complex because at the beginning of the series he had no friends and no real skills to speak of, he was just some quiet loser. Anyway, this inferiority complex leads to most of Araragi's actions throughout the series. The reason why he's constantly sacrificing himself to help all the girls is following the same logic - they are explicitly better than him. Their existence is more important. Hanekawa with huge tits, great intelligence, and a very kind personality, who helped him many times activated his complex more than anyone else. He saw her as so much better than himself, that a relationship with her would be unthinkable. It would be like a random janitor trying to fuck a Queen. Then along comes Hitagi, a somewhat cute but not all that impressive girl who treats him like the bug he is. She confesses to him and so he just goes along with it even though he didn't really care that much about her at the time.

She became some combination of a snake and snail

Tell me about it.

Weirdest picture of Kuroneko I think I've ever seen.

Well yeah, like the problem isn't being too smart, but even in the anime, the issue is that she thinks she knows everything, even if she says she doesn't. She is arrogant, it's pretty integral to her character.

Is it not laid out in one of the nekomonogatari's that 'being too good for him' as you put it is really that she's so perfect it's off putting and fake? Isn't that the whole shit with her shining whiter than white, flawlessly, perfectly white?

but nadeko didn't win

>Worst girl

But she didn't lose to Nadeko...

I never bought this whole shit about Hanekawa not being perfect. Well, not shit she isn't perfect, no one is.
>Oh look, she deals with stress poorly
She has a garbage-tier family and life, but does her hardest to not annoy others with her problems. The biggest flaw the show could find to her is that ''she should speak up more about her problems to not build up stress''? Really? If that's her biggest flaw, she's still a fucking saint.

Wait. I read Neko White recently, and it was said she did talk to other friends about her problems, but they just shunned her. Kinda makes sense why she didn't wholeheartedly confide in Araragi.

Plus that other guy saying he depicted her isn't quite right if you watch and read Neko Black. If there was any real low for Araragi, it was there, he literally tells Hanekawa to never change and to be his guiding light forever. It's half the reason she honestly asks him "is it okay" before she absorbed Kako in Neko White, because a few months prior he literally tells her not to change and keep the facade.

Can't really say she is arrogant. Even looking at her facade, she only seems to meddle a lot with people, she can be overbearing, but she is too self-loathing to be really arrogant. Didn't they say that in Koyomi Reverse, that the difference between Hanekawa and Gaen is that Hanekawa doesn't look down on others?

she's a big girl

Crab would unironically and wholeheartedly both disagree with you and be disgusted by your statement of her waifu.