Anime is over, Chapter 43 soon
Maybe Bonedrewd arc OVA soon too
Made in Abyss
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So was Mitty's soul or body in perpetual agony? I didn't get it
Look at all these cute dead kids!
Mitty would never die. No matter how she tried to kill her it wouldn't work
She still feels the pain, and once Nanachi dies she would be all alone for eternity. If you ask me immortality like that is just not worth it especially at the price of becoming a husk of your former self.
Sick fuck
Congrats to Penkin, he did a great job.
HS out?
I got that, Riko's dream confused me, was she suffering on body or soul
Already uploading, but it'll take some time.
Erai. HS is dead and also late again.
Only some of them are dead right?
I'm thirsty too
Nope! All of them!
I think they gave them such distinct eye colors to make the pit scene all the more horrific.
>Chapter 43 soon
Hahah, yeah, totally.
>Just notice it now
Yes they did
I thought budew got the kids from the slums of the abyss town. I don't recall the snow area.
The better question is, only some of the are girls right?
Now I REALLY can't rewatch it.
>didn't use Crucifixion for the elevator excene
>two months
don't hurt me anymore user
Thought it was okay but really didn't care for Mitty at all. Maybe if she was introduced earlier and had more of a reason to be a character other than just to die for cheap shock effect.
>perfect 5 stars
Not bad
She is literally the whole justification for Nanachi wanting to save Reg and Riko.
>3 votes
Not really impressive (yet).
Prushka is my treasure
even in the the abyss, being a NEET is hard
>You stink
>watch Bluray advert
Sorry Tsukuchi
Were they referencing something?
Can someone get a side-by-side of this
Going off the Narahate village stuff we can assume she really, really really wanted to smell nice and warm. Probably from how cold and smelly she was before.
Why do you think they call it a blessing?
Look at how fun being in the abyss is!
shitty hidive encode
Nanachi is a boy
I don't want to go back in right now but fuck it I'll check fast. I see:
>dull yellow
>light purple
So kid in the blue shirt and white cap and kid with the green scarf in the left are probably both fucked.
What did she mean by this?
Yeah and she's just a plot device and nothing more, no reason to feel sorry for it at all.
She doesn't die for cheap shock effect. She gets mutilated for cheap sock effect, but even that has a purpose.
Abyss is fucked
Riko dream was actually Mitty's soul reaching her, she was inside her all the time until incineration
Just watched the episode. Going to go change my shirt right now. It's soaked in tears. Mitty's funeral pyre really got to me. Being surrounded by stuffed animals, not knowing any better. Nanachi stopping Reg the first time. I really felt for them.
Nanachi starting to cry was incredibly hard to listen to.
Real talk: that would make this episode make a lot more sense. There have been several parallels between Nanachi/Mitty and Reg/Riko. Human Nanachi also looked like she was in love with Mitty, not just friends. This comes across much more so here than in the manga. Nanachi being a boy would fit the story better and make more sense.
What thoughts were going thorough her head at his time?
>Nanachi stopping Reg the first time
That got me in the manga and the anime. So perfectly suited to her character. She was trying to keep cool probably so Reg wouldn't hesitate, but then she just couldn't stand it. Especially with all the doubt about whether Mitty was still in there. Nanachi already dismissed that as "just reflexes" but then that scene proves she was at least partially doubtful of that herself.
Probably all of them, since we saw her brains leak out her ears.
Will keep updating but need to do something first.
Some stitches are of the same things but differ in look/filesize.
Exactly how I felt too, despite knowing exactly what was coming. This adaptation was great.
>I know I said I'd live through this
>Sorry for letting you down Nanachi
We don't have to speculate. She was thinking out loud.
>Nanachi spending all that time getting that little area with all of Mitty's toys set up
Jesus Christ
something along the lines of EXTREME PAIN and wishes for death
Yes, that happens often with supporting characters. The backstory bit was not meant to make you feel sorry for Mitty, it was to make you feel sorry for Nanachi. It definitely succeeded in doing that in my eyes. That "funeral" scene was quite emotional.
Why is Prushka's hair curly? I know it's because she fell from the curse but is their a real biological explanation that her hair roots make that patch of hair curly?
It be a shame if she came back or something
my my my my my my my my my my
my anime only friend
my my my my my my my my my my my
That's very tame honestly compared to what awaits further done into the abyss
I really want to belive its just Mitty reincarnated as a baby cat thing or something, or even an illusion to trick Nanachi. The idea that she's still a rug is too cruel.
Continuing with the stitches, crying Nanazi.
fuck off erai shill
This was the roughest part for me. Nanachi at her absolute low point and Mitty just crying out in pain, not understanding what was going on. No thanks.
Whatever maximizes your despair is what will happen. Such is life in the pit
Holy shit, that's a globus. Looks like just NotEarth.
That look on Reg's face.
> do I really have to go all the way to the bottom with her? I just want to hunt boob stones with Natt. My feet hurt. This loli keeps talking. I'm tired. I want to go home!
I now have an abyss sized hole in my heart
Someone tell the author to get off Splatoon and draw more moths
Honestly I was so emotionally drained from 38 I probably need to reread all that shit again. I really felt numb after everything with Prushka.
Who knows, chemotherapy changes you hair as well and nobody knows exactly why.
7chi reflecting on her life.
I've come to two conclusions. Either Bondrewd sliced her up to see if she'd regenerate like a starfish and she did, or Reg's Incinerator teleports things to a lower level and only gives off the impression that things it hits are disintegrated. I'm not sure what to think if people actually reincarnate in the abyss like it's a fucked up soul-stealing samsara.
I think the abyss is a soul-sucker that draws souls lower. Its possible Wakunda or whatever his name is, Lord of Guidance, is involved with this all somehow.
You saw many of them, at the secret garden when the elevator went down there.
what did she mean by this?
Especially her teasing Reg in the bath, that was very boyish.
That's the best "I wish I were dead" face I've seen
The pleasure of ripping parasites out from inside.
Or maybe it's not actually Mitty.
>tfw your harelip makes you look smug at all times
>even when you're on the border of suicide
Nanachi's had a hard life.
>Tfw finally saw Bondrewd posing and saying Subarashii
I can sleep peacefully now
Atleast i hope I could.
If I was a homeless, stinky, unwanted child, I'd stick to the first person that took a genuine interest in me too, regardless of gender. Maybe we're looking too deeply into this though.
Is Riko into bondage?
Reg is just a pervert
This reminded me of things I used to read like The Faraway Tree and The Silver Chair, in away that makes other fantasy anime feel generic. I suppose I'm a pleb for being animeonly but I enjoyed it a lot.
How old was Torka when he impregnated Lyza?
I've remarked a few possibilities in a thread earlier, but it's basically what user says.
and the additional possibility that it's a lie fabricated to trap Nanachi. The guy did mention that lies can have value if the person believes in them. There is absolutely nothing 7chi values more than Mitty, so it'd be fitting to draw her in with that.
Though until the actual chapter comes out, it's literally all baseless theories. There are just too many IF's. But yeah, I agree, if that is de facto Mitty. It devalues the entire liberation of soul, which given the sinister tone of the manga(Prushka), might be the case.
Reminder that Bondrewd was going to make her better, but too late now..
daily reminder to do your part and pre-order the blu rays.
Remember her room at the orphanage?
casuals rejoice
[HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [480p].mkv
>bunch of good OSTs are left unused
What a waste.