Redpill me on the Devil. The following I already know:
>Satan means adversary; In the early books his job was to punish people & test their faith
>Paradise Lost, a 17th century novel made up stuff about the Devil like his title being Lucifer
>Lucifer is actually a title of Jesus
>The Serpent of Genesis was originally not the Devil
The Old Serpent
Other urls found in this thread:
Satanism is actually a sect of Christianity. Just like the kabbalah for judaism.
In every aspect the ideals of satam show a person why good is needed in the world. If a person can be absolutely evil with bo intentions of changing then their presence becomes a lesson for everyone around them.
As truly understand what good is you need a necessary evil. Otherwise the idea of good becomes convoluted.
Forgot to mention that
Jews subverted their own religion, probably starting 300 bc
> made up entity to detract and make an excuse for the human beings who actively decided to do fucked up shit to enrich (((themselves)))
I see that, but how much of the modern Satan is false? Like, his original job was to punish people in this world and test their faith, which he did with Jesus when he was fasting.
Also very interesting: carbon, the element of life, has 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons
This is bull shit, how do bulls see color i promise you the creator can see all the spectrums of the rainbow even the ones we cant. Animal worship, Jesus is not the devil just stick to his parables, anything but his parbles is added. Mulock is most likely a network system. Holy spirit /ghost might be mother pray to father be like the golden sun where does the black sun fit in.
Lucifer is not Satan. Both are not even names. They’re titles. Lucifer is not the devil. Lucifer is a title for Christ hijacked by atheists and devil worshippers. It did not mean devil in ancient times.
You actually sound insane but ok
The greatest trick of the devil is to make you think he doesn't exist.
The greatest trick mankind ever pulled was religion
Just stick to the big 10 and do unto all others as you would have them do unto you. I've climbed that mountain it leads to a lot of confusion.
You also share you wife with 10 men I presume
Agreed lot of confusion in the books, but my moral compass leads my love.
The reason that's retarded is because evil is an axiom of the potential from chaotic randomness of the universe.
It's always there. Acting as a surrogate delivery system for an ever present aspect of reality would be like attempting to embody the traits of an atom lest it forget its purpose
You just repeated what he said
Im a woman, been with old man going on 21 years through thick in thin. He is the king I'm the Queens in our little castle
Are you seriously role playing as a new age boomer? Sad!
You want a virgin are you one? Can't have a bouble standard.
Go away JBP
You mean I don’t want a woman that’s been defiled by extramarital coitus? Correct
Jordan b Peterson? What does he say about the devil?
Im not a boomer generation X Ugh i turn 40 soon. It's about treating each other good i boost him up so he boost me up. Behind every great man is a woman who lifited him up. I let him rule but i also have the control to do it with love. Im totally old school i guess. Respect is a double bladed sword.
You goddamn kike I know you’re not a dumb libtard woo love housewife
I smell a bait from 200km
Try lowering your expectations, looks come and go its all about the soul of the woman that matters
No after time my house wife live has became very dull and repatriation of everyday life gets boring i was way happier before I started watching tv and using the Internet. I use to never have the time to do so i guess. I should have kept having children to keep me busy and on track it was never boring chasing little ones and i didn't have time to sit now i do and it sucks.
You’re good. One of the better ones, I admit. You even get the sentence formation right, the beginning words. Almost got me.
>I should have kept having children
Dead giveaway, you almost had me
Satan means the accuser
And checked
Awll thanks you lifted me up.
the Devil is how Christians quantified the Lizard people over the centuries, who now find themselves in GCHQ and MI5
The devil, Samael, is the creator of this world, his sons pollute the earth and roleplay being normal humans, this is easily seen by the behaviour of people.
More than rebellion, what the devil wants to do is have his little demonic kingdom, even tough he knows he's fucked.
If you follow any of the religions of earth, including christianity, you will indirectly worship him for being the creator.
The serpent of the garden of eden was an envoy of the true God.
Vid related
Jonesian Gestaltic knowledge
I have 3 im not lieing if i could have afforded more i would have. I told my boys if you dont eant to marry her dont get in that bed with her i also taught them to stay virgins but like that would ever happen, my daughter on the other hand i tell her to keep her self clean for her prince she is young im keeping her a little simple and teaching her to cook and be a good person.
I’m not much concerned with political devil worship as much as with religion, what does the video talk about? Pizzagate? I know about that one.
Sounds morally true
Next drop the paganism and you win
Okay, what does Satan have to do with the creator? Links and such things please
My understanding is the apple is the anchor to this world. We are all serpents in here. Life is a game of good merrit for all. Study the elephanthawkmoth see how it looks as a catapilier. Jesus was the perfect avatar we should all be good to everyone. Studies lead me to much confusion. Just be good he is a test of men Matthew 25 : 35
>what does Satan have to do with the creator?
The creator is Samael/Yaldabaoth/Satan
Shut the fuck up you eastern woo spouting joke
Yes but how do you come to the conclusion, eg symbols and numbers, do they show this?
What paganism, I just try to be good like the man on the cross, trust me I've been tested i knrw him by the wait of his stare. He is out there so be a good summaritans. The words are sown in your heart moral compass tell you what is right.
You can either deduce it with the bible or read about the gnostics and their texts
sounds like a good compass to keep.
It's been a winding spiritual road for me and I've given up on the RC indoctrination after both parents passed away. After learning about the origins of religions I've adopted a simpler ideology to life:
The universe is alive and we are expressions of it so that it may experience itself though our consciousness until we can't experience life anymore.
Snakes fear begin very old thing
Im from the south love.
Do you believe Satan is the creator, or do you not believe in Satan? What’s your view the devil?
>evolutionary theories
I believe that the creator is the devil, yes. And the spiritual would come from the true God.
I'm sorry for your loss i have lost my sister i know that pain it's unbearable. But if I had died i wouldn't want her to have given up on life. When you do something good for someone does it not feed your soul, i just do that it helps, and understand that you are not alone everyone experience that pain eventually. I feel we have to experience many sorrows to become better people.
Bridegroom wedding does mother and father not fight? Does father punish and mother who punishes harder. Wife and husband use to not share the same hut/bed ect but at times would. I chose the golden sun.
But devil and creator are enemies in abrahamic faiths
The creator is the devil, he's a lesser deity
Is that grugposting
Then why do abrahamic faiths contain stories about an enemy of mankind, called devil
Scapegoating while the actual devil is being worshipped
It's all just an idea
Do whatever you want with it
What came first the chicken or the egg. Chicken can lay egg with out fertilization. No one will ever know to we get there just let your heart lead you with love for all we have to agree to disagree with out fighting do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That sums it all up. Dont wish nothing bad on anyone you wouldn't wish for yourself. That could be you homeless on the street with no help. Lazarus and Dive.
I understand you designate the title devil to the creator but the devil traditionally speaking, is he real? Why or why not?
What is grugpost?
The devil IS the creator, a demonic god.
Jesus was aginst the church it was full of greed. He preached outside the church and to all about helping everyone a greater understanding for respect to all to just do unto others as you would want them to do unto you for that sum it all up all the laws, he said.
Is life all about how you make it to be? You look for a fight you will find one, so look for the deepest beauty in all, are we magnetic let your light shine bright.
You are doing better than 99% of Christians op
I think he is more the desires that lead to greed, control and wickedness he is no love or compassion. Principalities
Then what are deities? Archons?
Thanks I appreciate that man
And what's his relation with the true god?
I suppose so.
Are all of them archons? Even those worshipped by mystery religions contemporary to early Christianity? Not that I support those just so you know
I dunno man, I don't have powers
The two wolf the bad and good which one you feed grows stronger. Choose to feed the good. The vulture flies between the two worlds and can smell what is dead how much living in life do we do. The smell of death is ugliness dont sit to long you will turn to stone how did the genie trick people into his bottle by making it look so good in the mirrored reflection of the fake life in it. Genie was bad in the earliest stories.
The beast is different than satan.
Also, most any stat about the earth is tied to 666 because our science is controlled by masons.
Earth travels around the sun at 18.5 miles per second, which is 66,600 miles per hour.
This stuff isn’t a coincidence, it is a lie.
A lie? I don’t believe the earth is spinning or moving at all for that matter, but how did masons infiltrate science, why would they tie everything to 666?
>how did masons infiltrate science
What do masons believe anyway?
W is the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet so www is 666 the spiders web and we are flies. Is the beast a genie bottle system can it steal our flames after seeing so much ugliness do start to lose compassion your flame the soul?
they're just titles and people for-fill them.
there are no gods, just people.
it's a huge joke.
live the life of a hero and kill the bad guys or be lead like a fool.
So this world is supossed to be evil in order to have kindness as an emerging counterbalance, and this balance represents the true god?
Or the true god is pure good? In that case there would be enmity indeed
Exactly. Claims that they worship the devil are dubious, they embrace monotheism but do the believe in the devil? I don’t think neither yes or no so you can’t say they worship Satan.
I’m not arguing that it isn’t moving, just that they lie about all the facts because they can and the universe is largely ambiguous.
For example the sun and the moon have the same apparent size in the sky, but obviously different size and distances as they cross paths. So something 90-whatever million miles away has the necessary size to appear the same as the moon, but you can plot an infinite line of size/distance combinations that satisfy observation, and the location of the sun and the moon in modern science are just two points on that infinite line.
The serpent in the garden of Eden is symbolic of the idea that utopia is impossible. The black spot in the white section of Ying and yang. The serpent is the irremoveable spark of chaos. The apple is also red, the red pill, from the tree of knowledge. Waking you up from the matrix. Following on from the idea that the Apple is the red pill, that makes Pepe the serpent.
Many Masons are "Christians" but Masonry itself is not. It is one and the same to Zionism. Zionism and Masonry are the end-game of Christianity, Islam, Judaism. It all leads down one rabbithole that leads you only to Solomon.
Love for all is all we need to get by is how i see it. Live laugh love, are books not grave images full of misinterpreted outdated languages. Some people just stick with word of mouth teaching of do what is right for all, we are all the greater powers children.
The temple of Solomon is the body.
I am aware of Frankism and the likes. Zionism is largely secular, so no relation to the devil.
Sorcery. I don’t know whether it is satanic, or not.
Depends how you use it. If it is used to inflict will onto others it is evil. If it if to improve yourself then it is good.
If it is used for wickedness or control over others it is evil. You reap what you sow, plant good seeds and in the book it says all the manifestations will come about in the end.
>improve yourself
Sounds like satanist shit
Agreed the temple is your body, is this the 3rd temple that effects your mind and soul.
It doesn’t require worship. Also satanism is materialistic.
Are we bowing our heads right now to the wrong system?
That’s beyond my comprehension. However I dont know that our leaders take the occult VERY seriously through actions they have taken, yet ridicule it in public. They don’t want people to challenge them.
Do know*
These are the days of our own lives we should all be spending time wisely. Im still stumped on this doomsday clock and when it started, i thought we surrender the nukes a long time ago to be in the UN. What is the humanitys star purpose they put in the heavens, is the time drawing near? Is it all out of any of our hands is just more misinformation from this illusion network of lies
See i cant believe everything i read or see on the black mirror illusion, i just watch the animal in nature to see if they are acting right to depict the natural order they seem to be doing fine here. I choose to fear not but I question everything on the system