Do we all here bow down to easily the smartest person who existed in the twentieth century? Anyone who doesn't recognize is a fucking joke.
Wit Gen Stein
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90%+ of Sup Forums would have no interest in wittgenstein or recognize his intelligence
not trying to be elitist here, that's just the way it is, it's very niche material. people here might be able to get into kierkegaard though. are they both /lit/ memes? i could see that happening
Oh yeah, nevermind.
You sound like a smart guy (and a fellow (((Christian))))). I don't get the meme though.
>that feeling when the world is all that is the case
Wittgenstein is good, but after a while you understand he is sort of shallow. He was friends will Himmler btw.
He failed his engineering degree and then went to do lots of BS philosophy.
Sort of shallow? Could you give a brief summary of his ideas?
the sum total of tractatus is “pure logic can’t be used to solve every problem” which is something continental philosophers have know since the medieval era
>Ludwig: language assumes axioms, logic is a language therefore logic makes assumptions!
>analytics: shut up!!!
>continentals: we know ludwig now get back in your hole
Probably not true, but if it is it's the most significant meeting of the 20th century.
>tfw you must gas them in silence
Pic is 100% true, Hitler even let the Wittgenstein family escape after the Anschluss 1938.
The most intellectually honest thinker in history was a self-hating jew.
Counter-semitism boosted.
It's the Realschule in Linz btw.
One of the stupidest things I've ever heard, I thought you were smart Hegel-san.
Not convinced, but might be cool.
>the sum total of tractatus is “pure logic can’t be used to solve every problem” which is something continental philosophers have know since the medieval era
>90%+ of Sup Forums would have no interest in wittgenstein or recognize his intelligence
i warned you aussie bro
ohh yeah, cause engineering is sooo tough compared to philosophy, Ahmed
lmao just realized it was the new zealand flag, my bad. not my fault though desu
Damn.. Now I'll dig into his tractatus for sure. I've been procrastinating reading his work
It's true. They went to the same school.
Stop acting like a child. Engineering is the only worthwhile and I've read philosophy at uni so I should know.
He did not fail Engineering morons.
You'll need to know a bit about formal logic and philosophy in general first.
You have a lot of growing up to do.
if you really think that engineering is the only "worthwhile" you did not learn anything by reading philosophy at uni
>I've read philosophy at uni so I should know.
you got me, successfully trolled. here's a (you)
Not trolling. I've read theoretical and practical philosophy and even aesthetic. The conclusion I've come to is that much is BS and not worthwhile.
I'm studying Engineering Physics now and it's great.
I did grow out of being a pseudo intellectual. Some of it is ok, but most of it is a waste of time. The stoics are fine for the most part. But Wittgenstein is the biggest bullshitter I've ever read. He appeals to the 115 IQ people, which is most philosophy students.
Wittgenstein was a hack. Sigmund Freud was the greatest mind of the 20th century, followed by Carl Jung.
He is. He covers a small range of topics and others have done them better.
my friend if wittgenstein is the biggest bullshitter you came across in philosophy you are truly blessed. this is a world where someone like derrida not only exists but thrives. if you don't have the patience for classical philosophy the more recent material would make your eyes roll out of your head.
good luck with your engineering career
>others have done them better.
Name them so I know you're legit
That's not Albert Einstein.
>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the book Zoe Quinn used to carry around in her purse?
>Sigmund Freud was the greatest mind of the 20th century
what's sad is i did not meet a single student in college that had anything good to say about freud, despite never having read him, and i went to a 'good' university. he's discredited by every entry level psychology professor and then the students, especially the women, just repeat what they have heard. no one reads the works. i had only one professor that taught freud and he was indian so i guess he didn't know the campus culture. we never got through the material because every lecture turned into the students explaining to their teacher that freud was a sexist and a pervert. i'm sure my professor was reported by multiple students and probably even reprimanded for trying to do a lecture about one of the most important men in the last century. the memes 'penis envy' and 'oedipus complex' are just too pervasive, pop culture has made freud into a fucking cartoon
yes it is your fault brainlet
I've read all his works. He's a good writer but a quack scientist even if he started out on the right path (physiology).
He's a proven fraud with Anna O. and the wolfman and his 'theory' amounts to little more than a gas-lighting frame for pedos.
In 20th century Husserl and WVO Quine are better than Wittgenstein.
Quine was some 20 years younger and Husserl is a different thinker altogether.
Should have said Schopenhauer and Frege.
>I've read all his works.
good god man, that's a lot of material. did you do a dissertation on freud or something?
That's like saying that Einstein said fast stuff is fast. In very literal terms the world would be a better place if you killed yourselves.
That guy is not John von Neumann
Wittgenstein was a completely useless brainlet,none of his ideas apply practically to any philosophical issue. Stop worshiping a retard.
Speaking as a CS-fag, you raise a reasonable point. Wittgenstein is easily comparable though.
19th century, but my personal favourite thinker of all time (after Plato-san). If you dismiss him as being edgy, you don't know a fucking thing about what you're talking about.
>philosophical issues exist and aren't just a result of confusion
The height of this complete retard's thinking
He was a faggot.
>t. brainlette
Technically true. He was an Austrian, tbf.
Bjorn and Sven are both right - philosophy's one of those things where the people who actually contribute a revolutionary insight in a century can be counted on one hand. They're incredibly important insights whose effects aren't felt sometimes for generations - however anyone else who isn't a genius in their time doing it is just a bullshitting psuedo intellectual.
Engineering meanwhile is crunchy and always high IQ and useful.
>durr if people weren't so confused there'd be no philosophical problems durr
Profound stuff
>derrida not only exists but thrive
only among fags
come on, what a fucking joke
>incredibly important insights whose effects aren't felt sometimes for generations
>t. wittgenstein
you are not worth talking to
No, only people who bow to the King of All Pseuds should be talked to. Anybody else will dismiss Shitgenstein's garbage for the waste of paper it is.