Ladies and gentlemen, meet Miss Russia 2017/2018. Diversity is our strength as well!
Soros, withdraw sanctions, pls.
fuck off zionist shill we love russia
Wtf I love Russia now
You don't speak for me pal, why the fuck would I support a country that does nothing for my own. Like seriously are you retarded or something?
No, just stop this meme.
To be fair a lot of russians are literal asians as far as I know and she is hot
This niggah knows some shit
SJWs don't like Asians, user. Soros does not consider them to be conductive to destabilizing nations.
Russia is quite zionist though.
Don't you have lots of "mongols-chinky" russians though?
to be fair, Russia extended its borders from Moscow to Japan
hot. want fug.
fake news, here is Miss Russia 2017
That's because in the west world you have one word for two different things: a Russian as a person of Russian ethnics (which is a type of East Slavs) and a Russian as ethnicity. The second thing is that Russians assimilated some nations so deep they believe they are Russians. It's like most of the Turks are not Turkish, or south Slavs are not Slavs (they are both Anatolians).
The thing is that people could be easily assimilated culturally, but not genetically. Here is a great article about it:
Can't really compete with Miss Helsinki.
She is from Buriatia, which is near Mongolia (east side of the lake Baykal)
Btw today I heard/saw two qt asians in a shop. Usually it's Chinese whom you can meet quite often in Siberia, but that time they weren't chinks, they were some decent Asians. Could be one of "ours", but doubt. They frequently used something similar to English "th".
Why is she a dog eater?
I doubt they eat dogs there.
t. schlomo
I didn't know ... but I loved the article and headline.
As far as I know Russia is located mostly in Asia isn't it?
Butthurt whiteoid tears are delicious kek.
She looks like a doll weird not my kind of thing
>inb4 we wuz Kievan Rus and shit
Embarrassing. She's a Russian citizen, she's born and lived her life there, in a territory that belonged to the Russian Empire since centuries.
Fuck of with this right wing SJW shit
Because she's from Buryatia, around Lake Baikal. That's Genghis Khan's old stomping ground. Ethnic Russians are white, but 'Russian citizens' are many different ethnicities.
They eat horses btw, not dogs.
It's pretty amazing that a Russian subhuman living in Russia talks about us.
We're not Anatolian. Neither are South Slavs. But you're subhuman.
there is no russian people.
only eurasians.
bug off, kara boga
read this and cry yt boy.
If we russians are subhuman then I don't know what u are since russians are superior to every other race
Slavs were never white except in illustration kind of like those "white" egyptian pharaohs lmfao
What's the problem?
Those mongoloids are NATIVE to Buryatia, which happens to belong to Russia. Stop trying to provoke cheap controversy you degenerate faggot.
None of them look Finnish or Fenno-Swedish. The left one looks very MENA, middle is a nog and the left one looks MENA-ish too if you look at the facial structure and her brown eyes (and bleached hair btw).
u guys couldnt russle up a single actual finlander?
>something similar to English "th"
If not Central Asians then probably Vietnamese. Also conventional English spelling is Buryatia
She is from Siberia. A Native to Russia.
You can't blame Russians for picking her over ugly Russian devushka.
That's my wahmen!
>this is what T*rks are proud of
>Not a Black Woman
Are you even trying Russia?
Lake Baykal is fucked up, why the fuck do you have a lake deeper than the ocean
Putin seems black doesn't he?
I would let her suck my dick dry from Nordic-germanic seed all day
>Usually it's Chinese whom you can meet quite often in Siberia, but that time they weren't chinks
You live in Serbia? Is there real difference between Chinese and Mongolians?
putin is a crypto commie faggot authoritarian kleptocrat. him & his little clan are aiming nukes at washington. he wants americans gone. he'll get re-elected with a 70
% majority in a few days. wakeup idiots. russians are decent people but the kremlin in is NOT YOUR FRIEND. his little buttbuddy is that camel fucker assad in syria too.
>mfw american conservatives think putin is based
>mfw a beijing moscow alliance is game over for the west
Isn't russia both part of west europe and eastern europe and asia? There are chink looking russians in the eastern side of russia
God she’s ugly
Tfw when i read that as shlomova
ya ya he's Putin, deciever of the dumb goyim
What exactly is the problem here?
I dated a stuck up Kazakh girl once
that's not true, you guys are 1/2 gook, you're basically chinks
> Serbia
> Is there real difference between Chinese and Mongolians?
Never met a Mongolian desu.
But they are actually a very developed nation, ignoring all the memes.
But chinks are the contrary. One could smell their odor from the distance. It's not always unpleasant odor, but still you can't meet a Chinese who doesn't smell. Many South-East Asians have something with their genes that blocks producing of the substance that makes sweat smells bad, so it's common for them to not smell of sweat. And that causes them to skip bathing I guess.
*Siberia. Don't know what went wrong there, my mistake
Thanks for the info
The Russian federation is the successor of the Soviet Union, which itself was the successor of the Russian empire, a large and inherently multi-ethnic territory. You can seriously pretend like the Russian empire never had a sizable non ethnically Slavic population. It always did, and these weren’t invaders, your territory has always occupied the territories of non Slavic natives. That area of the world has always been strongly Eurasian, it has never been explicitly European only except in the extreme western part of your country that borders Western Europe. Eastern Europe is not and has not ever been Western Europe, and Russia is far more than just Eastern Europe too. I really don’t get how you can complain about your country having non Slavs. It was never a Slavic ethno-state of any kind.
Also a person from an ex-USSR country would see something very familiar in the interior of Chinese apartments. The interior "designed" for own flat by a person who recently left countryside.
I know, I know, my dude. They should be thankful they didn't end up like these guys:
is she kazah?
But they were Muslims, weren’t they? That explains it. You can never really deal with Muslims, wherever they are they cause trouble. Can’t blame any non Muslim nation for wanting to expel them.
>they should be thankful
They are not pussies like those adygays
They are Turkic people, who enslaved you for centuries
His mother is not a jew, even stormfront confirmed this.
Are you retarded, Russian? Aren't you aware she is Russian? I mean, not ethnically, but her nation has been included in the Russian Empire for a long time. There's literally nothing wrong with her winning it, her people did not force themselves into Russia, it was Russia that forced itself onto her people. Now, if you want them out, just give them independence. But you greedy fucks are so retarded you'd rather racemix into oblivion and destroy Russian heritage then live peacefully with other ethnicities.
Adygeis are not Turkic. They're Northern Caucasians. They're mixed with Turkics though.
It's Lidl-tier competition. Only trashy shit take part in it.
post more pics or you are a faggot
Google search, faggot gyspy
desu, i don't understand why ya'll lusting over Slavic Russian women. I'll let you in on a secret. 95% of them are already used up by the time they hit 22. It's normal for a Russian Slavic girl to be married and divorced even before she hit her mid-20's. Most of them are also caked in make up. The only thing going for them is that they are not obese like majority of American girls. But that's true only until age 35. After that, everything goes downhill.
Asian-Russians are a completely different story. I'll probably won't marry one, but they are generally very modest and age amazing. At the end of the day, go with what makes you PERSONALLY happy - white or not.
I didn't mean anything bad, my Zaporozhian Sich brother.
I've already posted two more, you could find her Instagram easily.
Stop inviting niggers into jewkraine. You're a poor af state importing niggers while your own people are escaping into Poland
White fever degenerate spotted. You'd have a reason to complain if they picked up a Muslim girl.
Though it's weird Buryats and Tuvans have the highest murder rates in the country, Asians are generally peaceful.
She is siberian right? So what is problem
that's a miss of Buyratia