Sick of Working With Niggers

working for 35 years of my life and I have never worked with a black person that was exceptional at anything. I have been in IT the last 15 years and even then, as a system architect, the blacks I encounter have to be artificially propped up to competency by holding their hand or lowering expectations.
jesus, I'm sick of these monkeys

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Replace 'Black Goyim' with just 'Goyim'
And you have the anthem of Judaism

fuck off, schlomo

this is a "worthless nigger employee" thread

Why is israel so low iq?

We have Goyim

Do the maths, the number of arabs doesn't amend the disparity with the quoted 115 points. Comes out as a more european average of 100 for ashkenazi's.

Notice how I didn't say that we have dumb people 'donating less' to the average (because we have those too), but instead I implied we have GOYIM 'donating nothing'

Pathological inability to create, can only cheat, have since Beled-Nagara

oh yeah the people who went to the moon are insufferable stupid, get in the fucking oven Anne

The worst

funny, as a black coder i was just complaining about all the shitty white coders that sit on old code and cant be competent to learn anything new. they pretty much just sit and drink coffee looking at memes for six figures

hardly believable post
try again, Hiram

>those sausage fingers with harpy fangs
why the fuck does anyone think this is "pretty"?

shush you're only a bit more than a glorified sandnigger due to high european admixture, sociopath lizard

h1B street shitters are about as bad. Mediocre and get promoted for diversity reasons and to keep their visas valid.

How good it is then that Croatia has come to set me straight.
Please, share with me the wisdom inherent to Italy's less known cousin

Work in the dental tech field, we can not afford to hold people's hands or whatever to make up for incompetence, shit needs to be done right.
Never seen a black person in dental lab, never known anyone who has, never even seen a black person in any dental tech trade publication ever.

>> cant be competent to learn anything new.

I'll give you credit for trying to speak human, but my nig, wtf are you trying to say?

by niggers you mean kikes?

I've worked with all kinds of races to this day and I can say arabs are by far the worst
>Slavs are alright. Hard workers, love to show off when they can, a little bit insufferable in the 2nd turn since they often drink during lunch. Better not leave expensive equipement unattended.
>Chinese. Really hard workers. Carry out any instructions with precission. No use of logic or adaptation though. If you give vague instructions or forgot to mention something they'll just stand there until you pass by again to ask for specifics.
>Latinos. Mediocre workers, their fame is a myth. They're very well mannered and respectful when around, they change completely on your back. Very similar to spaniards but we're more stubborn and dedicated when there's something that needs to be done.
>African blacks (the ones that accept legal jobs). Hard workers, very strong, they rarely say no to anything. Self-segregated when they have the numbers, they try to get alone when they're the only ones there. Some of them are very violent at work, specially with the equipment.
>Arabs. Lazy, bad mannered, arrogant, demanding, whinning about anything. No redeeming qualities, it's just painful to work with them. They make a mob and always pressure to change working conditions to favour them, the rest have to suffer the consequences.

Also sephardics and mizrahi

>Work as a programmer / electrical engineer for large production lines.
>Good people in this business are rare and expensive
>Boss comes along
>Hey user we got a (((Fachkraft))) who used to work as an engineer.
>oh no this is not good
>nigger smells like shit
>park him infront of a scara robot
>nigger is confused.
>manages to crash robot
>boss tells me to give him an easier task
>let him do a timeline in excel
>4 hours later. Go over to look what he is doing
>see him type every single date in there by hand (consecutive days)
>tell boss he should decide him or me
>boss says ok but we should at least try for a month with him. But he will put him with another poor bastard.
>3 days later nigger is fired for trying to steal some equipment.

Fat and protein make for big brains / reject (((veganism))) and steal the Jewish gains.

>>African blacks (the ones that accept legal jobs). Hard workers, very strong, they rarely say no to anything.
They're all about what they "appear" (form) not what they do (content).
They don't work, they pretend to work and do as little as they can to get by.

Do you work in construction, since you mentioned "strong, hard workers, etc" ?
It's a hassle to even coordinate negroids on a construction site.

negroes are all about appearence

You clearly don't work in software development.

thank you

>We have Goyim

No, it's because jews are imbeciles. Everything jews have, they've gotten by theft. Jews aren't intelligent, jews are psychopaths. They get by because they do things that no mentally healthy human being would do (like rape children as a part of their religious practices) We've got packs of niggers and mexicans in the US and we still have an average IQ higher than Israel.