Should whites move to Europe before shit hits the fan?
Should whites move to Europe before shit hits the fan?
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Europe is being invaded by Muslims, the USA is being invaded by Mexicans. As bad as that is, Mexicans are nowhere near as noxious as Muslims. Both situations are shit, but Europe is worse off.
Of course, as a Canadian, you are importing mostly Muslims, so you're up a shit creek like Europe is. Was voting dudeweedman worth it?
Nah, non-niggers should just stay out of niggerville.
Wouldn't it be more efficient to ship them to Haiti?
Conceal carry exists in the states for a reason
>abandoning the most bountiful/geo-strategic continent on the planet in order to move back to Europe which is already being overrun and will continue to do so because they share a landborder with over 5 billion nonwhites on the Afro-Eurasian supercontinent
Europe as we know it is already gone.
The African population is expected to quadruple by 2100.
The entire continent is going to get swallowed by niggers in the future.
There's no place for whites to go anymore. This is a systematic genocide, and the Jews have left no bases uncovered. From the US/Canada all the way to Australia, we're all being replaced at a similar rate. We have no choice but to stay and fight. We have to use what precious little time we have left to awaken our people so that we can be united and prepared for when the time comes.
>Niggers don't vote
>Get mad at people that vote
Wow, what niggers.
>Not filling Panama canal with crocs
>should whites willingly cuck themselves before shit hits the fan
I rake my leaves and throw them in a fire
Ain't that too late ?
no buy guns lots of guns
>America is becoming Africa
>Europe is becoming the Middle East
I say we all just rush Japan and repopulate it into a white majority country in a couple of generations.
>Should whites move to the muslim capital of the world before shit hits the fan
do you reminisce about the good ol days
Nope. Stockpile supplies and train for war. Nogs will lose HARD.
Mexicans enter the US illegally. Some cause crime, some cause economic problems, especially after Democrats give them certain rights to services.
Muslims are let into Europe legally, sometimes without vetting. The fuck everything up and the lefty governments let them get away with it.
Fuck this shit I'm moving to the states.
I fucking hate mexicans
Thise generational rape babies are still considered "latinos", because you are not allowed to call them low iq savages
>Europe is worse off
>4% Muslim
>50% non white America
I will never understand this delusion. Yes it's stupid to fight over who is worse but we can't pretend you're not further down the line.
once you fuckers win you can help liberate europe from the brown hoard
No I was born here and ill die here,this land belongs to me and my people and we will never let it be taken by subhumans.