Are Mediterraneans white?
Is it race mixing if a med has kids with a nordid/slav??
Where do their curly hair genes come from? More science and less shitposting
About Mediterraneans
you tell me, am i white?
>Are Mediterraneans white?
No and we don't care
I'm keeping that one.
>Are Mediterraneans white?
Sure why not?
>Is it race mixing if a med has kids with a nordid/slav??
Sure, why not?
>Where do their curly hair genes come from?
The sun.....No really, every sunny country has curly people.
>More science and less shitposting
I didn't come here for that, stop ruining everything
Meds are a transitional phase between North Africans and Northern Europeans. In other words, No, they are not fully white. More white than nigger beasts, though.
Also, sage shill threads
Fuck off with Are Mediterraneans white, you dumb faggot nazi cumguzzling scum.
You're white
He's white
I'm white
Everyone's white!
I think we can all agree about Brazilians though.
I'm 1.7% ashkenazi jewish can I join the tribe Shlomo?
Jews are Jews, and you don't belong anywhere other than with yourselves.
Sorry to tell you this, but you are somewhere between Latinos and Arabs. Not white. Never were, never will be.
A Kike is not white.
what did you mean by this
You are a member of La Raza.
Shut the fuck up chink
I might be a Chink but you are Latino.
Mine looks very similar.
>3rd generation Amerimutt
whiter than you, muhammed.
White is purely american thing.
If you ever want to know if person is white ask yoursel if he will be considered white in USA.
In Europe people have nations.
>Not knowing every European is already racemixed
It's my dream to be american
I am 100% Andalusian
>We wuz vikangz and arabz and shieeeet
La Raza is supposed to go back to Mexico. You just have to go back!
Brazilians are special La Raza since 50% of them are shemales.
im fucking from fucking galicia, leon and alicante genetically. I suspect my moor genes come from my father's side (galicia/leon) cus he's a bit darker and my mom looks guiri. For me I just look white as a paper
>be me
>whites call me a spic
>think I'm Italian
>Mexicans call me a white boi
You're welcome to come hang out Juanito
You'll see that white folks will think you're like them until you speak, and the Mexicans will think you're larping as chicano.
My english sounds native and I look just white
My family is from Galicia too.
Vigo to be exact.
you're retarded. They're more white than you'll ever be.
watcha doin over there in the (((US)))
you don't have an olive complexion?
I do. It's the main reason people think I'm an Italian. Brown hair, green eyes, olive skin.
Genetically Iberian though.
Being fucking retarded.
Was born here. Eventually want to go there and stay. Still have family there.
Are there any jobs though?
I'm a half med half slav and i've got dark brown hair (not silky like good hair though) and dark brown eyes (not black).
Pale skin but hairy as fuck. Dark brown hair my beard though is a bit ginger and I have dark green eyes
neither are you ching ling
kill yourself
>no matter who you are or where you come from you are atleast 1% jewish
ov vey
Both of my parents have brown eyes but my brother and I have blue eyes. Go figure.
The "moor" genes are probably just ancestors in common with moroccans that just happen to be more common in north africa.
Living DNA gives me straight up 100% iberian even in cautious mode.
Yeah it’s not as bad. Just study something after highschool
>ginger beard
that's some Gallego right there.
My great great grandfather had a full red beard and red hair. Born and raised in Vigo area of Galicia
>cod mouse pad
Consider suicide
It's pretty simple, you only have to look at a person to know how white they are. There are more people of nonwhite admixture in Greece, Italy, Spain, etc than there are in Norway, Sweden Germany, Poland (discounting migrants who don't claim to be the people of the respective countries)
It's not as simple as skin tone + eye color, there are other factors that stand out. OP's pic as an example, she has olive skin tone and a long nose, she's less white than a Scandinavian person. And she looks significantly MORE white than a lot of Italian people do.
it comes from my irish
>celtiberian feels
fingerprints analyzed, expect a call from Interpol for taking part in a nazi cartoon board.
bought in 2012 and I have no need to change it
Please stop posting these many 56% faces, I am very triggered. So many 56% memes, I wonder who could be funding all of this creative artwork? I am triggered and ashamed now.
I am tall blone/blue and have kids with a tall brown/brown med woman. Our kids have bright blonde hair with brown eyes. I'm scandinavia/german, she's from Padul italy
I have the long nose too.
Not sure what that indicates though.
Eyes are larger than most as well.
-Thing is with those ancestry dna tests, you might have a different combination of genetics than your actual brother or sister. Each person takes a different amount of genes from each parent.
-yours might say predominately Scandinavian, while your siblings might say med
Remember that Rome is the center of civilisation, not Germania.
Race is definitely a science, whiteness is made up tho,
Iberians, for example, are irredeemable mutts. They're a combination of celts, latins, visigoths moors and arabs. I'm even more of a mutt, adding mesoamerican and maybe even some subsaharan in there. But being a mutt is ok, most mutts like us and americans have a nation to belong to.
Also is having jews inside you an iberian thing? So far 100% of spainards here have jewish jeans.
Here you can browse how often each ethnicity is found in each country.
Well we created civilization while you barbarian monkeys were throwing shit at each other.
eh who cares man.
Most of them are just messing around. Any of these Euros actually come to the US they will see that there are plenty of WHITE people around. especially outside of inner cities.
my "amerimutt" friend recently came back from Holland. He has a lot of polish blood.
All the tourists in Amsterdam (the poles) thought he was one of them and were walking up to him speaking polish.
Keep in mind that these companies have admitted to adding a little bit of african genes for political reasons.
You mistake whiteness for nordicness
Every European is a mix of Hunter/Gatherers which is common in the north, farmers which is common in the south and yamnayan which is common in the east.
yes, I don't believe the nigerian for example, but the north african and middle eastern is probably true given the iberian peninsula's history
תסיח את דעתם
(((Le forbidden language of pol)))
>Are Mediterraneans white?
Yes. Their skin is white. If you mean are they white by Sup Forums standard, then no. No country is white by Sup Forums standard.
>Is it race mixing if a med has kids with a nordid/slav??
Yes. Nord are thei own race, same as slav.
>Where do their curly hair genes come from?
>More science and less shitposting
Read a simple book then, nigger.
Those fucking hips m8 I swear
when you have nothern african ancestry that doesn't mean that your ancestors came from that but that your ancestors have common ancestry with people currently living in north africa
it's not just le arab invasion but rather the centuries in wich the northern part of africa was conected with iberia by trade with the phoenicians and also the romans who controled that region for 4 centuries
>That vacant, cross-eyed stare
this guy gets it. nordicism is just stormfag shitposting
>100% Iberian
Damn, you're the chosen one.
for two millenias jews have been pimping their daughters to goyim and then claim that the descendants where jewish
the fact that someone has jewish ancestry doesn't really mean that his ancestors were jewish but rather that some of his ancestors have common ancestry with ancestors mostly find now in jews
Am I explaining myself correctly?
So French, Croatians, Italians, Spanish,Slovaks, Montenegrins, not european then ?
>You are a member of La Raza
Moar like la ruseia
Spaniards and Italians have a nontrivial portion of the population who have physically nigger traits because they are admixtured with niggers and Middle-Easterners. It's just a matter of fact. Not all Meds have a large proportion of non-European ancestry but the geographic positioning of the Mediterranean states makes admixture with Eastern and African beasts a matter of fact. The above statements are trivially obvious at first glance of an individual
...I've been swindled!
I bow to thee, sorcerer
If you put it that way everybody is white lol
It really depends on which one you are using.
You also need to know how to interpret the results.
>American flag
Now I understand why people troll you instead of discussing with you.
so these tests are essentially bullshit?
why would the triplets have these differences ?
Many of them have African admixture.
Its okay to breed them; use discretion though.
Didn't watch the vids, but people pull different genes from their ancestors. Doesn't matter if they are twins, brothers, or sisters. They could still have different DNA test results.
Dont mistake Romans for modern day Italians.
You are 50% of your father and 50% of your mother. You obviously don't inherit the same part as your brothers and sisters even if you are a triplet. Of course you get different percentages. Also, it's not like one is getting 50% african 30% oceanian, other one is getting 90% amerindian and other is getting 25% african.
If they have majority european DNA as in at least 93.14% then yes they're white.
Why? The fact is that the Mediterranean has historically, for thousands of years, been a maritime nexus of travel between north Africa, the middle East, and southern Europe. Saying that Meds have less of an admixture from outside Europe than northern or central Europeans is immediately false. There are Meds who are not swarthy, hairy monobrow shitskins but there is a nontrivial subset who certainly are. I'm not accusing you of being African and I haven't said anything about my own race either
Forgot to add that they need pink nipples too.
Remember if your nipples ain't pink then your genes stink.
brown nips mean you have med blood?
>mfw el goblino american but blonde hair/blue eyes/pink nipples
You americans don't count as people.
how so?
most of us are only 2nd or 3rd generation American.
ever heard of Ellis Island guy?
They are not really white.
African admixtures
I wonder what is the face of a 100 %French, Italian, ect. on those tests.
I haven't found anything about that.