I have been on SSRIs and antipsychotics for years now and I'm twice as loopy as before I started taking them...

I have been on SSRIs and antipsychotics for years now and I'm twice as loopy as before I started taking them. Don't do drugs, kids.

Other urls found in this thread:


>a fuckign spud

Stupid paddy

>Falling for the pharma jew

>drugs make me loopy


Pharmajew cannot help the Irish and their crazyness. Cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana, amen.

>t. le 56% Irish disporia

>I have been on mentally and physically abusing myself for years now and I'm twice as loopy as before I started. Don't do abuse yourself, kids

>dont do drugs
>because i was a retard and took anti-psychotics and SSRIs

Why would you ever trust big pharma?

I can't believe how many junkies are on /pol

It really shouldn't be all that surprising.

As if drugs aren't as bad or worse than ECT or lobotomy

Yeah SSRI's are fucked up

I was only on Effexor for 6 weeks and 5 months later i'm still going through withdrawal hell.

>ssris:the numbing jew. Makes you feel nothing instead of good
>antipschotics: dumbing jew. fuck ton of fucked up receptors get hit. Shrinks the brain and makes you stupid.

If you gotta take something take modafinil or wellbutrin

I didn't want to be but when in the psych ward I was on forced antipsychotic medication.

Why were you there?

>psych ward in holland

hahahahaha this is what you get for admitting you get music stuck in your head sometimes. fuck the dutch medical system

True facts. I was put on antipsychotics for depression and they made me psychotic.

Yeah, as you can see in your nice graph there is a problem with SSRIs ... they increase serotonin in the synapse by blocking its reuptake into the nerve. However, upon increasing serotonin the receptors in the postsynapse (those thingies that recognize serotonin as a signal) will get downregulated too. They are taken up by the postsynaptic nerve, decreasing the ability to 'sense' serotonin. This is originally a way to prevent overstimulation bit in case of SSRIs it reacts to the artificially increased concentration of the signal, blunting the response of the nerve. You end up at the same point that you have started ... not enough signal coming through.

Attacking someone, but because of my autism this was labeled as something that was an action coming from a mental illness.
You don't have to admit that, they do it for you. You can't rely on their North Korea style mental healthcare system, you will be worse off than when you came in.

Well, I've never sperged out and sent to the psych ward when on my antipsychotics, so eh

yeah they suck ass but they have a use

>I love Pharmajews!

Holy shit. The Jews know what they do to the brain and are pushing them onto western countries. I finally understand the JQ. No wonder the Flynn effect is reversing. They need it to to beat us.


??? Explain attack

>a tenth of australia is on antidepressants

I remember when they committed me for saying I had drunk 30 standard drinks that week. I told them vitamin B12 mega-doses cause seizures and not to fucking jab me because there was a huge risk, and that correct diet has been maintained.

they didn't fucking care, stabbed me with it. I spend the next five minutes talking over them about the mistake they had made, and how they were trying to force a seizure so they could have a reason to commit me.

that was "niet netjes" and "too paranoid". stuck in the ward for fucking hours with a canula in my arm, could have murdered a cunt (but if you say words like that you are in big trouble! freedom of speech is super euro-verboten. apparently people only talk when they are 100% going to do the action)

how did I get to that point? the police took me to the psych ward after a fight with my brother after he stole money from me. he put me in a chokehold until I was unconcious, and called the cops saying he found me trying to hang myself.

Kek, stop taking them and make a jewtube channel.

I am on fevarin ssri too
Anyone have any redpills on antidepressants?

damn , i was on effexor for like two months, the withdrawals i got a week after quitting were like the flu on crack

Why is Iceland so fucked?

Jesus christ are all strayans like that

It changes you forever, probably even alters gene expression. I was on paxil and then anafranil for about a year and a half in total. After quitting due to unbearable side effects, the withdrawal gave me ED and PE. Took another year and a half for my dick to start working ok again. Even then it's still not 100% as it was before.
My memory and concentration also never fully recovered.
Shrinks should be hung first in the day of the rope. Most of them are kikes anyways.

Because it's the last bastion of white Christian identity. They want it gone.

People use them so they can feel better about this fuckd up society(or not just think about it).

well, when I was on zoloft it accelerated my natural delusional tendencies. Idk if you're naturally down as fuck sure but I can't fucking take them

>Want sex with girl I know.
>She refuses.
>Beat her up.
Would love to have had a prison sentence instead of being bullied and put on fake trials in the psych ward. I still had to do the community service I got from the real court though.

Never trusted a Dutch person again after my stay there.

the fuck. I keep hearing about this. I was on effexor for a bit - the cunts didn't even tell me there were withdrawals. I stopped that shit but don't remember any

Just friendly reminder that nearly every mass shooter has been on some form of ssri.

>stuck in the ward for fucking hours
Well, you at least got out quickly before they could escalate the situation further and label you with all kinds of false diagnoses.

it combines the nihilism of 1st world country with a blasted wasteland with fucked up sun patterns?

>dont do drugs
They are all legal so it is ok!

>get sent to psych ward for smoking pot
>doctor recommends anti-psych and mood stabilizer injections
>refuse and contest
>spend whole time listening to staff's advice on social interaction
>1 Thessalonians 5:17
>learn how to take deep breaths to stay calm
>make sure I keep all the women and nurses happy
>win contestant hearing
>get out without taking a single med
All you gotta do is take the Jesus path

you didn't know this? I mean it's even worse when you take into consideration the number of potheads

(((investment))) in the "we're just a mentally ill cuture goy it's the darkness that does it" super-meme

uhh I have no idea what you are talking about :) pic related

yes which is why in aus people call me a conspiracy theorist when I say olanzapine causes loss of brain mass

Wtf. Is is the real? U beat up a girl bc she refuse sex

Im on Sertralin for almost a year now. How fucked am I in the long run?
Emotional blunting really got me to the point where nothing makes sense to me. I feel like im living in a bubble most of the time.

>learn how to take deep breaths to stay calm
>make sure I keep all the women and nurses happy
This. You must play nicely, tell them exactly what they want to hear or else they label you as violent for your defiance.
>U beat up a girl bc she refuse sex
Yes. A man has to defend his interests especially if it's an essential part of being a man. It's sad that it had to go this way.

>be me
>taken half of the psychotropic medication there is
>can't tell whats me being psycho, me being med fucked up, me being a NEET, me being a pothead, etc

I've been on that shit a couple times but its impossible to say shit other than it gave me a huge (unhealthy) boost to self-esteem initially. Can't talk about long term, on too much other shit. I'm pretty fucked as it is, thinking about going trans, thinking I'm Lucifer and shit.

Idk, meds are 10% useful 90% meme

What an eternal nigger faggot.

wtf you have to win a hearing to not take drugs?

Yes, their goal is to turn society into a big mental ward where you must have permission to even breath. If they say it's for the good of the people to begin with, most people will buy into it. Then, once everyone is in some sort of database and marked as defective, their power will be so strong that they can just cage the Earth up and throw away the key while they start a breakaway civilisation.

Playing fair doesn't convince Dutch girls. They expect you to be manipulative when asking them out so that is why being direct and honest doesn't work for them, it's in their culture to be like that. Not like I want anything to do with those trashy people anymore.

I thought Iceland was fighting off the kikes

I got news for you bud, every single country is mainly populated by trashy people

keep it wavy, yeah

Take Lions Mane, you can find them at the health food store or on amazon, really helps with concentration and memory, also keeps me awake


OR link to firm evidence of some proven-beneficial substance(s) of it

Are both your parents muslim?

What county are you from?

Don’t do drugs you might get slightly horny!
Don’t do drugs you’ll disappoint your mommy!


What does Sup Forums think of nootropics?

>cured my ADHD, anxiety and depression


I can see why you needed the anti-psychotics


Are you from Dublin yourself? It's mad. Literally just mentally ill people and migrants.

Limerick county. The city, much like Dublin city is filled with the mentally ill and migrants.


you should go shoot up your nearest synagogue user you will feel much better

ther're grrreeeeat

I've had 5 different psych meds over the years and have never had any issues with ED, PE, or other such things. Lexapro made my Asperger's symptoms worse so I went off it but that's it.

You have pretty much put your emotional responses into sleep-mode. Do LSD (big dose), maybe a few times and your natural emotional responses will be back. It's the cure or depression. SSRI and antipsychotics just make you "manageable", there is no cure in it.

The only drugs that I take are life and large african penises.

Nope, both are Dutch. However, because of the bad experience I have with Dutch people and their unprovoked hostility I no longer associate with those people.

because you have schizophrenia