A woman should be able to choose who she want to be with.
What is wrong with race-mixing ?
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Nothing. I like where France is going.
el amerikkkana
Race mixing isn't very popular in France. People stay with people that look like them.
Think about the children.
incompatible genes mixed into one child lead to many health complications. it is simply cruel to reproduce knowing there's a high chance your child will suffer heart disease and other problems throughout their life
Is he white ?
Women should be able to choose but once they realized they fucked up, don't expect anyone to care or help you from that awful decision.
>oh no the beautiful mutt
not an argument
Brazil. That's what.
or london ?
women are mental children, unable to make intelligent decisions
with time they become wise but by that time they are usually through the menopause
Is that what you got from that?
Is that Amy MacDonald?
or Paris ?
true just ask our Silvio, had jungle fever
He is a le 75% amerimutt. The king of Indore.
thank god
Ever thought that maybe perhaps a good proportion of women (if not all) aren't very good at deciding?
Everytime I used to work a job that paid alot I noticed women seem to find me more "interesting" now, don't get me wrong it's a complimentary advantage but I'm not looking for someone who ever screwed with a negro at some point.
My advice to anyone at Sup Forums if a women says she has dated a black guy, do not talk to them and ignore them and get the fuck away from them.
>A woman should be able to choose who she want to be with.
And not a penny of my tax dollars go towards paying for her mutant offspring... deal?
That kid looks exactly like me, what the fuck
>not looking for someone who ever screwed with a negro at some point
Because of the bbc meme? You know dick size isn't everything.
No, would you sleep with a woman that had sex with a dog or horse?
Ok so it's just racism.
I knew the answer was easy.
I wasn't going to think that anyone from France would have anything important to say but I had my hopes up for 30 seconds.
Kindly do the needful and kys you lu pooer
Kid looks better than either of her parents
>poo royalty
There's nothing wrong with racism. If you knew this you wouldn't have Bataclan.
"The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace and plenty, Pax Judaica, and our Race will Rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain Mastery over a world of Dark peoples."
-Rabbi Rabinovich
The real question is: Why do you think it's a good thing? If you like to racemix because you just like to fuck holes then you are most likely too stupid to understand why that is a bad thing for the human species in the first place.
If black men were half-way decent people, very few people would have a problem with racemixing with blacks. But they are not fathers and most of them don't even have a job. All they know is to fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...and it hurts the overall intelligence of the human species.
Why do people keep posting this?
If they're fucked up enough to fuck niggers, let them.
When Women are allowed to Choose History has shown that they always Choose WRONG!
How many of the worlds problems would not exist today if we just kept women in the damn Kitchen?
Because it shows how disgusting and easy some white women are. If you have some kind of celebrity, even if you are a dumb and ugly negro, women will want to fuck you.
I've seen some shit on Sup Forums but this is by far the most disturbing pic I've ever seen.... and i watched a webm of a kid getting his head cut off slowly with a butter knife.
Every white man should be given a nonwhite woman. Breed or domesticate her, it's his choice.
Come on now Italy. :(
Notice how they always use a white woman for example when they bring up race mixing
You should have seen the video that accompanied it.
There's more?? Everyday, we stray further from God's light....
And children should be able to vote.
Inb4 italians are niggers memes
I'm a mixed italian
I saw it when someone posted the guys Twitter. He had a video of some white girl giving him head in the back seat of a car as well. It may have even been the same girl.
Oh no I'm not entirely white well who gives a shit
Right it's never a Jewish chick and chimpanzee wtf
True. He doesn't resemble his ancestors. They're originally from a lower caste - sheep rearers.
>Pic related - his ancestor
t. in denial
>head tilted back
>teeth exposed
When there's a camera they think they're getting a mugshot.
This is true, white with white, arabs with arabs and blacks with blacks.
Honestly, it's a terrible thing to do to a child. Every mixed race person I've ever known is screwed up as a result. Some have their shit together, but they constantly run into issues caused by their lack of a clear identity.
Now, as for why I can't stand to see a white woman mate with a black man, the answer is obvious if you take an honest, objective look at what blacks are really like. They're dumb. They're violent. They're irresponsible. They're pretty much animals, which is fine. I love animals! But don't fuck them, okay?
>A woman should be able to choose who she want to be with.
That man has a stronger Jawline than me
Remember the answer is always easy when conversing with the tarded yankees.
Oh I don't really care.
Except it's being promoted by Jews for a reason.
And that I do care about.
The promotion of it and the reasons for it are highly offensive and dire.
The act of it itself for personal reasons that has nothing to do with propaganda is none of my business and doesn't bother me.
>its another blacked thread
>teh white women guys
Whats Sup Forums obsession with whites and blacks fucking?
There are other races that crave BBC too you know!
That's the anglo way, doesn't work like this in France, you're free to look up the statistics of inter-ethnic marriage, they're way up through the roof
This video, while unusual in its brutal truthfulness, perfectly encapsulates the biological reality of race. While the white males in this video are hardly “alpha” by western standard, they effortlessly reign supreme over beta asian men. In evolutionary biological terms, females reproduce through male competition and female choice, and in either category, beta asian men have utterly failed. Notice in the video how the beta asian man merely stands there awkwardly and does not even fight back. It is sad but not untypical to observe the same mannerism among asian men as the shibboleth of their beta status. In terms of female choice, it is all apparent that females of every race regard white men as the most appealing mates for breeding, and in this video especially, asian women’s preference for alpha white men is crystal clear.
Do you have a link ?
It should be apparent to all that in this video asian women choose alpha white men over beta asian men out of their own free will. The white men are not even doing anything to seduce those two women, and the white men are merely sitting there waiting to be chosen by those liberated asian women, because deep down inside savage asian men still want to treat asian women as property and slaves; they still believe that just because they are asian men, they are therefore entitled to rape and ravish asian women. They want to take female choice out of the evolutionary equation; those asian men still want to enslave asian women, lock them in cages, and coerce them into their sex slaves, all the while they accuse white men of objectifying asian women.
They turn the truth on its head and call the white liberators of asian women their enslavers, and they call freedom slavery. When asian women choose white men over asian men, they call them sexist and racist, but when those savage asian men verbally assault and humiliate those asian women by public shaming, they call themselves righteous. The profoundly disturbing acts of those savage asian men know no bound as they hunted down those innocent asian women, exposed their real names, addresses, work places, all other private information and released them on the internet, all in an effort to shame them into choosing the inferior beta asian men as mating partners. Is it any wonder then that more and more asian women are rejecting those disgusting asian men as the evolutionary waste product that they are and jumping into the ship of alpha white men!
Except that it's a prostitute and the other guy gave her more money.
You guys are so retarded with this racemixing bullshit.
If your daughter brought home a nigger you would not think the same way.
>"Women should choose who to be with"
>Posts black male and mud woman
>"But french women don't race mix"
Youre a faggot, when your women have nothing to choose from except niggers they will fuck niggers. France is fucked. Dont try to save face once youve already posted a toilette thread.
Sure but stop promoting it as if anything more than a degenerate subset of white women would ever sleep with a nigger.
White women are usually repulsed by niggers.
>when your women have nothing to choose from except niggers they will fuck niggers
Except they always have the choice ?
I don't think your country is invaded by black people.
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The Nogs are all smiles as long as they're winning the meme game but they have to be hymie's bitch in order to do so! The Negro is the Jew's rat.
haven't white people been mixing for thousands of years?
who knows what is more detrimental, mixing with other "races"(most(all?) people are some kind of mutt anyway) or mixing with shitty genes from any ethnicity. I believe the latter.
obviously anyone having kids with a nigger will have nigger children but people arguing for white supremacy are just jerking off imo. high IQ aryan type over anything, don't care where they're from.
complaining about other peoples degenerate behavior is detrimental to our cause. you may express disappointment or even better indifference, just don't show weakness and jealousy. they obviously know its wrong, that's why it's fun.
to make any significant change at all we need based genetic research and multiple selective breeding programs.
go make some babies and shut up about other people ruining stuff for you, its not productive.
if men stopped behaving like feminine clowns women would submit automatically. some view it as shameful to be submissive and that's just sad.
is it so hard to believe that some people just wanna be nasty and any excuse will do. she's obviously getting off on being a disgrace, and by reacting you feed her.
this. Sup Forums have been acting so childish about this whole thing. their jealousy and loneliness showing through. you cant call her spoiled while glorifying her, it will only reinforce her fantasy.
Because race mixing is communism
Seriously is there anything more pathetic and sad than asian "men"?
>Tiny dicks
>No creativity or spirit
>arr rook the same
When you mix the red whine with the white wine.
You inevitably corrupt the white wine permanently.
Mullato mutants and other mongrels wouldn't understand this because they're part of the problem
>White women are usually repulsed by niggers.
If they do why it seems to be such a problem on that board ?
Because most of the people on here are insecure virgins and actually believe that black men are "stealing white women"
IRL, no good looking educated >7/10 woman would ever sleep with, or even kiss, a black man.
I am not threatened by this whatsoever, I don't understand the constant promotion. Even my yet to be red pilled wife has observed that (((media))) is pushing race mixing
Not sure what is your point with all those posts. You hate asians ? Ok good for you but that's not the subject. Cease the spam.
racemixing with negro is bestiality tier
That doesn't make any sense.
black people are much closer to monkey than whites or asians due to, among other things, having low iq
You're probably a nigger lover then.
Protecting others from bad DNA is not wrong
also the problem is racemixing is that you kid is going to be isolated no matter what you dont want to do this to your kid
Actually the USA for the most part doesnt have a nigger 3rd world invasion problem but we do have a spic invasion problem. Funny thing is niggers preach for the death of the white majority more than anything but they are not maintaining their demographics and in terms of births and population share are being INSANELY BTFO by hispanics. Hispanics also are far more ambitious on avg than niggers insuring that once whites are out of the way will be tge new rulers (care takers) of the nigger population.
Hispanics actually run for office and then do everything they can to puah the hispanic agenda which is to wipe out white demographics, undermine our culture and create laws that benifit them and continue the invasion from Mexico.
This was to the wrong person btw. But the point still stands.
Of course that race mixing isnt a thing in france.
frenchie are already blacks
Rest in peace blue eyes forever. SUch a waste.