Are we finally breaking free?
broke free Dec 2012 m8. We’re just reaching a point in time where the universe bends to the reality settings people are programming into their own brains.
No one wants to watch retards accept shitty trophies and shitty speeches for shitty acting.
white scrubs guy and janitor guy were there I heard, I like these
They're having a lot of trouble spinning the whole Harvey Jewstein thing....
>you all knew
>you did nothing
>now you're preaching the moral high ground
It's getting harder and harder for them to keep people brainwashed.
hah, haven't heard about 2012 in a while
pretty sure you are joking though
>Gary Oldman wins an Oscar
>Instantly attacked and asked to hand it back because he was 'accused' of domestic abuse in a divorce years ago
>Jimmy Kimmel hosts it
>Nobody brings up the videos of him creeping on girls on the street as part of a shitty show he did years ago
Made me think
Possibly. I peeked in on this broadcast last night, and their Youtube channel had around 800 people watching at one point. They said they were streaming through periscope and Facebook, too. (Notice that Youtube demonetized their video.)
unironically OH NO NO NO NO NO NO
>It's getting harder and harder for them to keep people brainwashed.
This gives me hope for the future. Maybe sometimes things do get better.
We are breaking the conditioning lads.
Where are the movies about the incoming surge of invaders into white countries? The modern inability to even talk about race? I'd see that movie in a flash, but all we get are movies about niggers and pedophilia. They're completely out of touch with what's going on in the world and it shows.
Nobody I know gives a shit about this award show
Uhm sweatie actually the Oscars don't need white males.
I was first.
>please enjoy watching our libshit propaganda cleverly disguised as an awards show with impartially respects all artistic contributions.
you were
> we all just having fun this aint jewtube were first is best
look at this dooood
Well don't get too excited because there are still WAY too many people parroting the "muh Russia" narrative.... hopefully they'll run out of steam sooner or later.
Is that fucking Jimmy Kimmel?
Why is he the host of every fucking award show?
Now if we can do something about the capeshit virus
If you even care it's probably too late for you.
I never watched any award shows. I don't think I've ever seen anyone in my family watch them either. I don't understand why someone wants to watch rich people circle jerk each other for a few hours, and get an award for it.
Capeshit exists for foreign markets at this point
because he is an icon beloved by the vast majority of americans
Less people what to watch out-of-touch celebrities suck each other off? So fucking what? The fact that you care is perhaps the most pathetic part of the whole post.
>Uhm sweatie actually the Oscars don't need white males.
The ratings say... that's a lie.
maybe nominate movies that people actually care about, Academy. Instead you give best picture to shape of water, a horribly overrated embarrassing movie about a deaf chick banging the creature from the black lagoon
That's sad
Mark Dice breaks it down into 5 minutes so you dont have to.
these people act like slavery just got abolished
That's the secret they don't want us to know. You literally can meme reality the way you want and collapse the quantum wave form from any possible universe to the comfy one you like
This explains so much.
This is a shitty post and you should feel bad and embarrassed.
Remember when Gary Oldman said the Jews ran Hollywood? I'm sure they're keeping that goy on a very tight leash.
Hollywood sluts on offer- hire 2 for the price of 1
Murder the democrats, divide the party and force the monsters to stand alone.
Kill the two party system.
>Kojima Del Toro wins an award for best beastiality movie
>says we need more mexicans or something
>same guy who won't film in Mexico anymore after he had to pay out millions to mexican cartel to resolve a kidnapping situation
Can you explain this picture to me?
Amazing, truly /ourguy/.
No. If you cannot translate it you do not belong.
Do you mean sweetie? or can you just not spell? or are you a nigger?
14 fish
all the celebrities were friends with weinstein & knew his dark side until a handful of people people risked everything to expose him.
it was a corrupt culture of concealment.
they can all rot in hell. russian & ukrainian entertainers are no different....the lowest scumbags in society full of money & morally bankrupt.
arent the only Ukrainian "entertainers" just pornstars?
I didn't even know this was on last night, until a few minutes before it started. Didn't watch.
no. we're 40 million people,cmon.
Who wants to watch Jews celebrating other Jews and their pet goyim?
It's literally a bunch of media niggers trying to convince the public that hollywood stars are important.
Podesta was working for a marine firm who don't fuck up the environment or something. Officially it was to advertise that.
Watching a Cultural Marxist mad bubble about a room full of egotistical, wealthy, sycophantic, virtue-signalling, gushing luvvies patting each other on the back whilst bleating about how they had to do disgusting things like sucking a cock or taking it in their ass to further their careers (but were happy to do it at the time)....nah.
Let it burn.
I'm mostly only amazed this is still a thing, and that Hollywood still draws breath. It's all just a mass of unwatchable propaganda.
I actually believe it gets funded merely to produce propaganda and that there's no actual profit involved or even an intent to make profit. It's sponsored in full to shill.
Well we are done with these freaks, the only thing remaining is seizeing sum of that sweet sweet money from the %1
Hope so, but it's not going to be a clean break, they are getting desperate. We're in for some rough times.
No one but faggots watch that shit
What is going to happen?
I think jews fled that sinking boat long time ago and only left gays and women there
Point, Hans. 30-love.
>virtue signaling became so obvious even normies get annoyed by it
Always overplaying (((their))) hand.
Hollywood needs to die
Jimmy Kimmel died after the man show in a tragic suicide. You didn't think that whole dating (((silverman))) thing was real, do you? He's the first human acting real android, that's why "he" cried over a lion, but not our nation being destroyed.
>Beloved icon
>Lowest Oscar ratings in history
Pick one (pro tip the second one is an actual demonstrable fact)
t. kimmy
they were shilling it hard on TV, although nobody really gives a shit. They got ripped a new one by some street artist as well
What's an oscar?
>Bash people for voting opposite of political bent on an event that is only about awards to the best actors, etc.
>Surprised when nobody watches the year after you pull that stunt.
Conditioning isn't breaking, people are just fed up because these idiots decuple downed.
>What's an oscar?
A grouching green preachy faggot that belongs in the trash
>Watching tv
Found the boomer.
the comments on the article are pretty redpilled too.
We're breaking the conditioning
>Mark Dice
Reminder that just a few years ago, this nigga was talking about how the illuminati was using mind control to use a cloned milly cyrus to trick kids into becoming satanist with subliminal messages
nah I'm 24 but I like watching the olympics and stuff like that with my family.
I don't even watch films or shows anymore desu.
sounds believable desu
>basketball niggers can win awards now
>muh fear of inclusion reeee backlash
the absolute state of hollyjew
I really, really like that .gif.
I wasn't even aware the oscars were on
Every time this happens (((they))) double down. I thought companies were supposed to respond to demand.
That's pretty much what I think.
They have disposable income now but sooner or later the dollarydoos run out.
but did he dedicate a good 30 minutes to a gag where he tries to text Donald Trump live during the evening?