Their goal is to turn society into a big mental ward where you must have permission to even breath. If they say it's for the good of the people to begin with, most people will buy into it. Then, once everyone is in some sort of database and marked as defective, their power will be so strong that they can just cage the Earth up and throw away the key while they start a breakaway civilisation.
Their goal is to turn society into a big mental ward where you must have permission to even breath...
lot of italians posting on here lately, ciao fellow guido
now post the rates for women by year
where is the US?
much much lower.
Yurups be sad
>tfw no antidepressants
>tfw wanna kill myself every day
Cause niggers and beaners dont take this shit. i bet in the big citys whites have at least canada level.
>Yurups be sad
im in south italy and its been raining and cold for a month straight. worse weather here than even seattle
i cant imagine what hell the icelandics are dealing with
you fucking so stupid. Sup Forums is the break away society and an enlightened one not built off the backs of slaves like a savage tribe but an actual honest to god enlightened decentralized high society that cares not of anything at all but the merits of the meme posted. Your fears are your fears your confusion is your confusion and you are wasting my time.
now correlate those stats with the countries that have been brainwashed into giving up their guns. and then correlate how many faggot meme flags try to tell us about how we should give up our guns and how its so great. yea ok a bunch of whacked out people are going to convince me to give up a constitutional right. yea fuck off drug addicts.
here on the bottom
Why is Iceland so high?
Dark cold island in the middle of an ocean with very few people.
Sup Forums is a posting board and nothing more. You should seriously kys
Yep it's a bunch of people who are fucked in the head to begin with and need to lobotomise themselves to function that form the "security" class of this new global world. They use political correctness to control the rest of the sane people. That backfired massively.
they already started a breakaway civilization probably, but otherwise i agree
Aren't they wealthy tho
that's fun, i like your ideas. keep at it!
>one month of cold rain
>worse than Seattle
Also I love Seattle weather. Fuck off.
>too much gender equality
>not enough ethnic diversity
I guess kind of. Still, doesn't make the place sunny and warm.
False , France is much more higher
Their weather always stays between -10 and 10c and i thInk they have like months of darkness as well..
It's mostly women because they don't belong in the workplace and they've been completely gaslit by jews into pretending they're men
anti-depressants are only the tip of the ice(((berg)))
Take me deeper down the rabbit hole
How do you think they afford the pills?
i feel bad for aussiebros. i believe every shitpost is a cry for help.
Not anymore. We used to be much higher.