Explain to me how the Schwerer Gustav was a practical weapon in any way.
Explain to me how the Schwerer Gustav was a practical weapon in any way
Its really big
for you
It wasn't
Meth is one helluva drug
If i remember correctly the sharpnel alone could WRECK a entire tank division
It's plan is to crash the party and leave no survivors.
It wasn't. It was propaganda.
Imagine the boner you get as a military official looking at this gargantuan phallus of war.
That was reason enough to build it.
Its literally the railway gun from lost planet. Its purpose is to be awesome.
one shoots fortifications that other wise would have needed a few divisions and conventional arty and shit ton of time to take.
It's a cool video game prop.
It's a big guy
>used to play on this one server all the time
>log on one day and the german flamethrower looked like adolf hitler
>the american artillery guy had his skin changed so he threw fried chicken and watermelon and was always carrying a kfc bucket
good times
If i remember, they buided them in case of siege of the maginot Line. they stopped after realizing that an eventual front assault to the line was totally stupid
Still build this awesome machine just for the lulz is a good enough motivation
For jew
If he had something like a nuclear ammunition it would have been devastating.
Yeah, George, that's why the Germans used an armored train to pull it
would look dope on a metal gear
Siege gun.
You're retarded.
checks out
It had long range and unlike at sea you can actually utilize it, since your targets are often stationary emplacements and not moving ships.
>The glow, the beautiful glow!
It's not, Germans and in this case Hitler was obsessed with creating inhumanely large monstrosities
>he's never built up an army on C&C with all the coolest shit just so he could wreck shit an test it out
IIRC they sacked some port city base thing and brought along all their hot shit artillery and absolutely annihilated the shit out of it.
The port had an ammo reserve located underground under the ocean in the bay and the Gustave blew it up.
it wasn't
ITT: retards
the gustav, and the many other guns like it, were siege weapons. they were fired at fixed emplacements and cities. one version could hit london.
read a book.
was this the kraut version of "muh dick mufucka"?
It wasn't. It was one of Hitler's meme weapons. All that steel and manpower would have been better off put into rockets/smaller arty pieces/stg44s or whatever else. I'd say tanks or planes but fuel shortages would have just rendered them useless
it was pretty badasslooking who cares, anyway fuck the nazis they got their asses blown to pieces
It's a good map for sniping in the new call of duty.
it wasn't. there you go, now delete the thread. there is no discussion to be had here. also this thread should have been made on /k/, this has nothing to do with politics
i miss that game
Metal gear?
Bigga is betta.