Why does no one talk about Black Clover? It has over 120 chapters and no one here talks about it, ever...

Why does no one talk about Black Clover? It has over 120 chapters and no one here talks about it, ever. Even Kimetsu has more discussion around it.

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It's a very formulaic and fast-paced, so I feel like it would turn people off from it.

I know absolutely nothing about it, sell it to me in in less than 50 words.

Generic shounen.

These character designs don't really enthrall me in any way, and that's the first thing I look at when I want to get into a new series.

Don’t. It’s the most generic terrible shonen in recent memory.

Lacks the endearing factors from Naruto and One Piece

There is no discussion because no one likes it, there is a contingent of people that like it because its a guilty pleasure, but they only show up in the WSJ threads.

A shounen manga can't be generic, because shounen is inherently generic.

This is true. There isn't a single character that I've seen in this manga that stands out and makes me want to read this.

The story moves quick and the fights are pretty cool.

They introduce so many fucking side characters.

Because it's trash, simple as that

Kimetsu threads have at least 4 people dedicated to discussion while Nigga clover threads are just the same old "why does no one read this :("

The art is nice

It's and I kid you not this gif in the most literal sense possible, but with better artand some really well drawn tiddies.

It's average in every regard, char design, art, plot, setting, powers, etc.

It would be better if it was a "so bad that it's good" but it's fated to be forgotten.

It's ridiculously bland in every way, not terrible or great, just super bland.

If it had great or terrible parts people would remember it.

It's like the bastard child of Naruto and Fairy Tail. No one cares.

I have been reading shonen manga for a long time.

I like Black Clover. I think it is well made and that Noelle is a very likable female lead. As far as WSJ female leads go, she is one of my favorite ones.
I also like KnY, but I'm not a very big fan of KnY's last arc.
I didn't like BnHA. And their fans are the vegans of shonen battle manga.

Can't argue with that.

Actually this. Fucking this.

Read Black Clover. It is the epitome of generic shounen. Nothing comes close

That's actually pretty accurate.

This was genuinely funny

>suddenly a large number of replies at the same time

kill yourself, niggerclover samefag

Wonder if black torch will become as shitty as this.

>Even Kimetsu has more discussion around it.
That's because Kimetsu is actually good.

who are you quoting?

The pace is brisk, the world feels deceptively small currently. Most things shouldn't be compared to Naruto, but if there was a current shounen to be it's spiritual successor, Black Clover would be it. Would recommend it if you got some time to try something new.

How could everytime a Clovercuck defends Nigga Clover they always bring up MHA?

kill yourself, the only way you can keep threads alive about this garbage manga is by replying to your own posts using multiple ip's to try and mask it, it's so obvious it's painful

Yes but what superpowers do these children have?


In a world were everyone has magic the MC is a shit tier cripple orphan that was born a muggle, it is than revealed he can use anti magic swords, that nullifies all magic it comes in contact with.
Other than that everyone has their own unique magic, but families like nobels have similiar magic.

It's called metabait you dumb fag, i achieved the same reaction with a welcome to the ballroom thread yesterday.

It's the most formulaic shounen in recent memory, it has no soul, it is a product through and through, the author simply got all themes that made certain manga succeed in the past and crammed into Black Clover, and it works because some chilren in Japan might be growing with it thinking it's the best thing ever, they known no better.

There's nothing to discuss because Black Clover is a remake of all successful cliches in the demographic.

BC brings generic to a whole new level, it is abnormally normal.
It is the median of battle shonens.

Naruto and Sasuke son manga? nah.

>ITT people who have no idea what they're talking about and just parrot what they've heard from others

Typical BCfag response, no one that has read more than 3 manga in their lives care for it, that's a fact.

cuz is going to be trash


WARNING: Pure and concentrated cancer ahead. Watch under your own risk.


It's basically the most generic aspects of Naruto and Fairy Tail mixed together. Some small details of Bleach and Nanatsu no Taizai as well.

It's actually kinda funny because the ripoffs are really fucking easy to spot on first sight unlike in other shounen series. The only appeal for reading this manga is basically playing the game "spot the ripoff" at this point.

Broken Arm-Teleporting-String fight against Angry Curse Guy was fucking great.

> I like BC because of generic shonen elements
> I dislike BnHA because of the same generic shonen elements but just slightly changed.

lets get it straight BnHA is mediocre but BC is takes mediocrity to a new level.

Anti Magic (Tailed Beast Voodoo)
Water Titty Lady
Fire Baseball Yankee
Electricty Battle Genius Autist
Sleepy Food Obsessed Lady Midget
Portal Controlling Beta-Boy
Hyper Lucky Lady JoJo slut
Cute shapeshifter Waifu
??? for one guy
DARKNESS for their leader.

And the rival has godlike wind abilities.

used to think that until i have read Black clover

This is accurate. At least to where I read before I dropped it.

>we want the Fairy Tale audience
>but it somehow make it even more boring and poorly written, with zero memorable characters
It is breathtakingly dull. You couldn't be this mediocre if you got a team of the best writers together and tried to do it satirically.

If this show was a person, it would be an overweight 50 year old man with no wife and no children, slowly dieing in a faceless corporate cubicle job he has held for the past 25 years. He has never traveled, has no hobbies or passions, and uses his spare income to stock up on SPAM meats and unsalted wheat crackers.

It's basically Naruto without the pretension of being ninjas

You forgot about >muh imoto. Forget what his ability is though.


JoJo was shounen, HxH is shounen

and both were generic.

JoJo literally created all manga

>lets get it straight BnHA is mediocre
Says you

Low status orphan magicians in a class segregated society join the army to become the leader of the army to destroy the class system from within. Terrorists and other countries attack while the series rips concepts from EVERY modern shonen made in the last 20 years.

That said, it's dumb, the fights are nonstop and fun but I like it because the characterization is really good. 7/10

>the fights are nonstop and fun but I like it because the characterization is really good


Get over it. Hinomaru Zumou has over 150 chapters and unlike BC doesn't suck ass, Sup Forums still doesn't talk about it.

>Portal Controlling Beta-Boy
Fandral is actually alpha as fuck.

Why did you leave Mirror Creating Siscon out?

I enjoy the characters and watching them interact. This latest tournament arc is candy to me, seeing them all on jumbled teams.

I agree that the pacing is breakneck speed but I feel like the writer was afraid that it was going to get cancelled so he kept overlapping hype on hype. Now, it seems like he's going to slow it down a bit. so maybe we'll get more low stakes character moments in this tourney.
'Except the latest chapter seems like I'm not going to get that.

I started Fairy Tail like 8 years ago and enjoyed it a lot, even though people later said it was trash.

People say this is generic shounen trash as well, so how does it compare to Fairy Tail?

Are the girls alright? Are the stories at least heartwarming, if generic?

>I enjoy the characters and watching them interact
You enjoy non-entities and watching them carry out their roles or lack of thereof?

Since your tastes is already fucking shit, knock yourself out.

>Everyone deepthroat Asta to a ridiculous degree, everyone is his rival, everyone is inspired by him
>His power actually counters his entire universe
>Unremarkable, forgettable, one note villains. Literally, one note
>Over 100 chapters and the plot has barely reared its ugly head
>The first time Asta had to deal with an actual setback that actually seemed like he would grow him, it gets resolved in the most bland solution possible
>Tabata: "You remember these characters, right? Of course you fucking don't. I literally just took them from the light novel and inserted them into the plot. Enjoy! -Laughs-"
>There's a character in Asta's squad with actual deus ex machina
>Gets a generic dark side powerup with no actual downsides. None. Zip. For free. After getting his arms healed with zero development. He can use it whenever he feels like by the way.
>No significant development from Yuno, Asta's main rival and buttbuddy who's supposed to be so important
>Noelle has nice tits and that's about it. Has a bland character arc about being looked down on by smug royals like everyone else in the story
I think I'll stop here but yeah. This series has always felt like Tabata just took the worst parts of Naruto and Fairy Tail and tried to put them together with staples and paperclips. After a certain point, it just FEELS like he's rewriting Naruto. Last chapter even has siblings facing off with a sibling attempting to kill the other one and having a bunch of people coming in to stop him. During a tournament arc no less. Sound familiar?

Watching Noelle deal with her abusive family and overcome her confidence issues, watching Rakk become obsessed with grimoire compatibility combos, the whole AKIRAMENAI attitude of Asta leading his friends to man up and fight for themselves. It's fun.

>>Gets a generic dark side powerup with no actual downsides. None. Zip. For free. After getting his arms healed with zero development. He can use it whenever he feels like by the way.
Having a downside would be generic and formulaic. At least give it that.

>it has magic so it's just Fairy Tale
Every fucking time, as if Fairy Tale is any good let alone original

I feel like if you read shounen expecting anything but the usual tropes / generic, rehashed stories, you deserve to be let down. This shit has been going on for decades. Get with the program. It's not the most original but it's still fun.

>At least give it that.
No. It's going to take way more than that to deserve any amount of brownie points.

>No significant development from Yuno
"I didn't read past the first volume" the post

The entire first volume is spent having Asta jerk off Yuno then immediately fucking off to his first mission. His only significant plot development is in the actual first chapter.

>Watching Noelle deal with her abusive family and overcome her confidence issues,
Wow its fucking nothing
>watching Rakk become obsessed with grimoire compatibility combos,
You mean the shit that's barely explored?
> the whole AKIRAMENAI attitude of Asta leading his friends to man up and fight for themselves
Asta's the worst character in this manga
No he's right. For being the main rival in the manga he's barely has a presence

No, it's like Fairy Tail because it's about a wacky group of magicians who are talented but looked down upon, taking random assignments and going on adventures. Specific enough?

Except Fairy Tale was dogshit. The only good thing Mashima put out was Rave Master.

This week, they had the Not Neji! and Not Hinata! fight. I mean, it just feels like the author has one big checklist of things other shounen did and just going through each one of them. It's not even that it's derivative (which it is),it just lacks that spark which makes it interesting even if you read the same trope for the hundredth time. It's just soulless

>Except Fairy Tale was dogshit.
Yes, just like Black Clover.

Does it have a Jellal yet?

Not as much as Faggot Tale though

> teleporting your enemies in front of your boss who is taking a shit and will beat them up for you

A fairly novel but effective strategy apparently

I checked this one out once and the art was nice enough to my eyes. I could have kept reading just for that alone but MC reminds me too much of Hinata from HQ on looks so I decided not to. Dumb reason but then, it's not like the plot or characters captured me either so no big loss.
>black torch
Wow, thanks for reminding to check back on that one. It had completely slipped my mind.

It's shit.

At some point you know Tabata's gonna start ripping off Berserk

>Asta becomes the anti-magic black swordsman
>Yuno becomes Femto to the faggy Golden Dawn leader's God Hand

Nah, Yuno isn't a giant faggot. The MC's rival actually being a bro and them being friends with a good relationship is about the only thing that isn't 100% bog standard about this. Normally the MC/rival relationship would be more adversarial.

Not yet. Expect it within the next 10 chapters, after the Not Neji! And Not Naruto! Fight starting next week.

>The MC's rival actually being a bro and them being friends with a good relationship is about the only thing that isn't 100% bog standard about this.
That's not unique at all. It certainly doesn't help that Yuno is a non-entity despite his status as a rival.

I'd be pleasantly surprised if Yuno doesn't become a villain but I have no trust in the writer to not ruin a good thing.

>The first time Asta had to deal with an actual setback that actually seemed like he would grow him, it gets resolved in the most bland solution possible
I dropped that shit right there and then.
It became clear to me at that point that the characters aren't gowing to grow but just rely on power of friendship to just fix everything.
It was almost negative character growth in a sense.

Is Ranganls a white eyes demon or whatever?
I didn't realize he was half brother.
Solid and Noel are hardly like Nehi and Hinata.
Do you also compare Yuno to Sasuke?


>"I will be Wizard King"
>"No, I will be Wizard King"

this can't be real

Griffith was a bro and good friends with Guts and the band of the hawk, didn't stop him from fucking casca so hard she became a potato

Shitposter confirmed

Welcome to hell.

>And their fans are the vegans of shonen battle manga.
This is so true

>"Never giving up is my magic!"
Really now.

Oh yeah, those two also exists. But no, I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about Finral and Langris.