ITT Sup Forums pretends they like israel
ITT Sup Forums pretends they like israel
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Israeli made weaponry is aesthetically pleasing.
But in all seriousness I'd rather date a nigress and live through her rancid cocconut butter smell that emanates from her hair than breed with a Jewess.
What, you can't even pretend?
oy vey.
Jews rock! Thanks Jews!
Sup Forums does not need to pretend
so many trump faggots here
all jew lovers
I mean Jews are such nice people, amiright?
Israel has a beautiful national anthem.
Hitler would admire Israel.
Guys, I have a really bad conscience. Might have overreacted about the whole thing and....well...I just wanted to be accepted at the Vienna art school and become a great artist, nothing more.
No hard feelings, right?
I like countries that boss Murimutts
I unironically like israel.
God promised it the jews. The jews can have it. It is the only bit of dirt jews are allowed to die for per the bible. Now if only we can get the rest of the jews to return to the promised land that would be great. Also stop being cucks kick the mussies out tear down the mosque on the temple mount. If you jews won't go up there and do it pay your Christians to.
he should, its his lifes work creating it.
You guys have big noses.
I love Israel...
Did you know that the Jews are gods chosen people? Crazy right!?
We evangelicals really need to show them some more respect! In fact, I just signed my son up for the military!!! Goood BOY SAVE ISRAEL!
Yahooooo! Praise kek fellow kekistani clansmen!
>Israel has never lost a war
>Germany has never won a war
>Israel is literally the ideal alt-right ethno state
>they hate it anyway through a blind hatred of jews so they can LARP as Nazis
lol what a fucking farce
to be fair, when the alt right started hating it it was still run by racially enriched liberals.
>Israel has never lost a war
and yet Israel still withdrew and the Lebanese army secured south Lebanon
yeah, that was ofc due to hazoballah valiant stand and not at all because civilian bombings look bad in the media.
we came, we killed, we left. if that what you call 'victory', well, im looking forward to your next 'victory'.
well, ill be honest with you, as a libturd isreali i think both sides won and both sides lost.
both sides lost because war is inherently a bad thing, the destruction , pointless loss of human life, the futility of solving problems trough violance and all that leftist 'crap'
both sides won because both sides got what they wanted from the war. israel managed to convince ezoballah to stay in their corner and leave israel alone, and hazoballah managed to convince lebanon that they are its protectors.
>Israel has never lost a war
You weren't invading hezbollah you were invading Lebanon.
Fuck kikes and fuck Israel for this untrue lying shit.
I can't fucking do it man.
well to get to hezbollah we had to enter lebanon. its not like their main power is anywhere else.
I like Israeli women as young philippino boy i deeply grew up watching jewess like Nathalie Portman and Gal Gadot i deeply adore jewish women they're simply the best. Is Tel Aviv a good place to meet jewish women??
Please my only goal in life is to marry a jewish woman so i can be on the winning side
>we had to invade lebanon to get hezbollah
>first act of the war is bombing a civilian airport
is it possible for a kike to ever tell the truth?
jesus christ that sign is used everywhere these people are insane!
Fuck Israel
1. first act of the war was ezoballah ambushing a patrol of tanks on the border.
2. first israeli act of war was bombing roads where we thougt the prepartors of 1 gonna use for retreating.
get your facts right.
at any rate if lebanon had dealt with its local mafia it wouldn't have become a problem for neighboring countries.
3. cutting enemy supply lines is war basics.
I believe you, I hope you can accept me as your fellow citizen when i got to immigrate to Israel because i love jewish people and their culture.
i genuinely like their immigration politics and treatment of muslims
tel aviv is the last liberal place on israel. i don't think you will have hard time getting here, considering your nationality buut, beware con artists and scumbags. never sign anything you can't read. never give away your passport. consort other from your country who been to israel about how to manage here.
Thanks for the Heads-up will do. Honestly i don't think every Israeli is zionists.
I really like kazhar tits
Sadly zionism is the only solution to the JQ.
The kikes know it, so they push muslims into Europe to make life unpleasant for eurokikes while creating muzzie hate to prepare for the Cleansing of Eretz Israel.
I'm fine with that btw, as long as ALL jews leave. No exceptions.
I'll marry something like this one. then i can get old and live a happy life in israel fortified by walls no muzzies can get me like in marawi
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