Where did it all go so wrong for females?
Where did it all go so wrong for females?
Other urls found in this thread:
>girl starts cheating
>caught by someone
>cries rape
>guy goes to jail
>girl wants to fuck again
>the guy is stupid enough to agree to it
>its the female version of "if you kill your enemies, they win"
when eve started talking up that fucking snake.
It's our fault you faggot. Stop blaming them when they're like children and have only done this because we allowed this to happen.
It went wrong by thinking the suffragettes were anything other than terrorists and by thinking that the woman could equal a man in terms of brain capacity but their emotional hardwiring makes this a fantasy.
We allowed it to continue because scared of triggering, basically.
Feminism was heavily co opted by the masters of propaganda, anything female-like was deemed of high value, they inflated the prices for female products and used a brutal marketing campaign.
rapist got to fuck her twice sweet i hope other female follow her we must post this everywhere there are young girls
Isn't it different in Latin America? Hispanic women being more traditional and family oriented?
Spic bitches are the best. Married one myself, she hates feminists, thinks women are too stupid and need to be led by men. Bonus that they look the best, too.
I will no longer feel sorry for women who are raped
>Bonus that they look the best, too.
Not sure about that. But they are White enough for your kids to be White.
It was always like that. Even the (((Bible))) says so.
It's just that now they make the news shamelessly
>feeling sorry for women in 2018
lmfao at you buddy
>It's our fault you faggot.
This is why whites will go extinct.
Can't hold your women responsible for shit.
allowing sex outside marriage and equality
You retard, this site is for over 18's.
What is the obsession with women wanting control?
You're retarded, and you're the reason why your race will be dead in 200 years.
Not men in general, just men like you.
No, I really mean it. If you had to ask me that question you're literally incapable of mental extrapolation and you just going "no you" just proves it. Stop replying to me and fuck off
Our women (traditional ones) still give me hope
hmmm... every time i think things can't get anyworse, they do. wierd.
>It's our fault you faggot.
>the eternal anglo-cuck strikes again
You have to blame women for this, it doesn't even matter if you think they are responsible or not. If they are not severely punished they will never learn/respect men.
This all in theory, because right now there's very little we can do unless you like jail
I can tell you don't have children, right? Women are almost exactly the same thing and we've let them run amock and we've shown them that there are no repercussions for disrespecting us or even themselves for that matter.
Weak men who masturbate to porn and play videogames all day. If you want good women you have to have good men, women are weak and must be guided. Shit thread, bait, don't respond.
Females were always broken. Men went wrong by letting them speak and giving them a platform.
Which is exactly my point?
women get off on rape
You're accepting a lot more responsibility than you should. It's the rapist's fault, with a share of it being applied to the victim and her caretakers.
No, it isn't.
You just met a traditionally-minded Spic chick. There are some that are just as deceived with feminine-empowerment memes, you just haven't explored that much.
>claiming to know about childrearing
>decries holding them to any standard of responsibility
I hope you don't have any kids because they're going to be fucking garbage by the time you've finished with them
>Implying you know fucking anything at all you fucking retard Amerishart.
Find me where I said that children have no responsibility over their own actions, you Kathy Newman-like cunt.
He's just LARPing, ignore him.
You have to punish women, it doesn't even matter that you think the blame is somehow on men. You claimed the lack of repercussions caused this.
It's basically the same. I can't explain it more clearly than this.
Wow aren't you fucking clever? How smug must you feel in your basement after having typed that beauty out?
I'm fucking chuffed for you mate, you're so perceptive and intelligent. Good fucking job
Brainwashed by Feminism
Muslim men are being imported to specific areas to balance it out.
>They are White enough for your kids to be White.
Some of them are whiter than others, but most Spics are a mix of Ameri-Indian with European and some Moor/Arab/Aryan/Asian and even African.
Ultimately, your kids will be light-skinned, however, they will NOT be pale-skinned as the traditional Northern Europeans are.
Hispanics have a darker tint of white and will most likely resemble something in-between a pale tone and a yellow tone - somewhat similar to light-skinned Asians.
I fucking hate Americans.
It went wrong because western belief system is that women should be venerated as pure, kind, must be well treated. This mentality persisted even when women wanted to be treated more equally. But you can’t be treated like a porcelain doll and still get down and dirty in the reality of life where men are scrapping by for a living. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
It would be like men expecting to be admired, respected, listened to by women but also expecting women to everything that the man should be doing.
Equality only happens when everyone is equally miserable.
>if you cum for your rapist, you win
meme this and meme it hard
That's not the right approach, either, user. Men also exhibit stockholm syndrome. Are they innocent? Likely not completely. She could have prevented a lot of things. Shit, no one is perfect. However, you should stay away from a woman has been traumatized to this extent. It is VERY difficult to come out of this healthily.
The Graduate was the beginning of the end. A Jew destroys a Gentile nuclear family by fucking the daughter and the mother.
Definitely, but there is still hope out there for good anons. Not all women are a poisoined mess. Although I think it's over for white Western women.
They have been abused at the hands of incompetent and tyrannical men and genuinely believe they will exhibit a more admirable behavior. Problem is, there is no evidence to indicate that. In fact, the evidence exists to the contrary. Whenever women have lead incompetence/abuse/corruption and tyranny is rampant, just the same as with men or worse.
She cheated with her "rapist" AKA she got wasted and slept with some guy so she was "raped"
Desu, most women, as most men, and most people, are not necessarily quality people. You only truly know as you get to know the person, and even then there is no 100% sure-fire method to distinguish between good and bad person. In addition to this already complex idea, the person is always evolving.
The best bet is to lead a life worthy of example, strive for greatness, because anything less than that is an opportunity for failure, and evaluate those around you, including the closest people you know.
Anything that does not bring you value, discard it, immediately.
Do this, or suffer immeasurably.
>a white woman
>getting """""""""raped"""""""""""
i'd bet this whore got caught cheating,then cried rapist,then fucked the guy again,and in the end this whore is commended for her whoredom
I wasn't alive back then myself.
My mother did this. She was raped and drugged by her psychiatrist. Afterwards, she fell in "love" with him and he ultimately rejected her as he was a married man.
Plus, who wants to marry their rape-victim?
My mother has a poor concept of masculinity and struggles with trust and handing control to others. She is very suffocating and has not been able to attract a man to her after my Dad left her 23 years ago for her inability to submit to him. Although he didn't love her either, but I don't blame him.
Wommyns always rationalize everything to fit their emotions, and word soup results. My farts smell better than the female thought process.
based pajeet
this poo gets it
she didn't get raped, she had drunk sex
Women are not creatures of honor and will only truly love their children.
Well the boyfriend HAS to forgive her, the guy was a rapist! She's clearly traumatized and needs her bf to give her lots of money to feel better.
Women love being raped by goodlooking men.
This whore got raped with an Aussie chad and couldn't help but forgive him and stay with him
in the Garden of Eden
Imagine being the BF
>Date girl for years
>One day she's distant and you don't see her
>She claims she was raped
>Although you are disgusted at the fact another man fucked her forcefully and filled with rage you continue the fucked up relationship because you love her, take her side
>She continues fucking the guy
>Basically, some random guy fucked your girl and stole her from you forcefully and there's nothing you can do about it
If someone rapes you, it can't be that hard to "seduce" them.
ah someone beat me to it
based leaf
gets it too
You are a fucking idiot please shut the fuck up already and go suck mohhameds dick you faggot brit.
I love when the boyfriend doesn't play the "you had drunk sex and called it rape" game
all of us?
not true. my parents have been married for 44 years. my mom truly loves my dad.
long gone , its only a memory . Like rest of the world traditional cultures.
They tried to change reality with the imaginary social constructs they controlled.
Reality crushed all their hopes and dreams, without even realizing it was under attack.
>eat the fucking apple Adam, are you a pussy? CMON eat it! No I wont do it first, you’re the man right? Eat it little dick!
>kicked out of eden
>seducing my assaulter
i thought he already likes to fuck her ???
You’re quite fortunate to have turned out mentally coherent growing up in that.
I bet these clusterfuck titles are software generated clickbait.
Don't be fooled lads, its all part of (((their))) plan.
we? you got a mouse in your pocket?
Women have always been abhorrent destroyers of civilisation, the only issue is we let them of the leash.
If I was a woman, then the only time I would consider it acceptable to fuck my rapist is if I am raping him with a strapon. Revenge takes priority over sexual gratification once you put rape in the equation.
tbqh this looks comfy, though I would see them standing near a stove
This is why.
It did not go wrong.
She wanted to be fucked and make it seem somewhat interesting or about empowering.
She got it.
The problem is the culture that allows women to do that. She should be publicly spanked and humiliated and her father's / husband's home burned.
She/they should be paraded and shamed on National TV. And I am the moderate one.
The Inquisition was right and all that.
I don't hate you, I pity you.
Most light skinned mestizos from Argentina Chile and Uruguay and a few from Mexico are indistinguishible in colour to darkish southern Euros.
I'd say some 20% of mixed Brazilians I saw fall into this category as well.
God:If you eat from the Tree of Knowledge you will die.
Satan:He's lying, he keeping to be as dumb as animals. He's basically a Jew!
Adam and Eve: *eat apple* *pic related to God*
If a woman close to me I care about talks to me like this she'll hear me saying "Do you want to be slapped in the face?" in a serious tone and looking at her eyes by the word pussy.
If she doesn't shut up she's getting her hair pulled and her hands tightly compressed against her back by the word first.
Am I the only one to discipline women?
If you don't discipline them they will never respect you.
When the Jew started putting sick degenerate shit into their soft malleable heads.
My girl is like this but Arab. It's weird after a lifetime of lugenpresse hearing a girl who thinks right. Sex is amazing too.