Can guys and girls every truly be friends?
Can guys and girls every truly be friends?
dumb frogposter
Would be weired to have her give you a BJ
Maybe if one of them were gay
yea, with her being a woman and all
based dumb frogposter poster
If there are no unrequited feelings between the two people, then yes.
Nope, women don't have the same concept of friendship as men's, if they have any.
Not really we live in a strange world, we aren't even sure if our friends are our friends.
Fatties make prettty good friends desu
Yes unless your'e a beta virgin male who would want to bone anything with a hole.
1000% marriage material
Not until later in life, perhaps 45 onwards. Work collegue of mine (19) insists he is 'friends' with the girl in HR (22) Friends here is code for he wants to fuck her, and she doesn't want him any where near her.
Ever drop LSD with a female? Yeah it probably wouldn't be very healthy to be friends with women.
every girl who was my friend was also interested in me, only sometimes I noticed it much later
it's possible from male side, but women don't work like that
Do you know how many germs are in a girls mouth? It’s scientifically the most dangerous place to put your wiener.
Not between heterosexuals. No straight man in a sound state of mind would pursue a relationship with an ugly woman on his own volition.
Feels good tho
Women are pretty much retarded, so if there is no chemistry between you, there is no reason to hang out with them, if there is, you cannot be true friends.
>Can X and girls every truly be friends?
no, women do not have friends
They're mentally children. The great majority of females hold no solid opinions of the world outside their bubble. There are exceptions, but most are subservient to their closest male figure and will adopt whatever opinions he has.
So yes you can be "friends" but you'll only get so far.
Every female friend I had tried to have sex with me at some point.
No. A friend is someone who has your best interest at heart.
Any friendship between the sexes, is ultimately selfish.
First, men will always pursue woman. Even if a man isnt cognizant of it, everything he does within the platonic relationship will be in an attempt to angle for the pussy.
As such, they can not be a friend to a woman, because any action within the relationship will be for their interest(pussy) and not hers(companionship.).
Need proof, tell him youll suck his dick and watch how fast his pants fall to the floor.
At the same time, women only have males as friends, because they are useful. Whether its the useful things they do, or the attention they give, women are only interested in what men can give them.
Need proof, tell the bitch to open her own pickle jar and watch haw fast she calls her next in line.
even more dangerous than the butthole?
It's good to have girls around to practice flirting and demonstrate your social standing but it's not really a true friendship(unless maybe you grew up together or something).
Honestly ask yourself if you're still going to hang out with her when she has a husband and/or child. 99.9% of the time "platonic friends" are trying to use each other - the guy wants a promotion to boyfriend, the girl wants an orbiter she can call at 2 AM to cry about how Chad ditched her again.
For this reason I'd recommend never siding with one against a guy friend. Even if he's in the wrong he's going to be with you a lot longer.
bros b4 hoes
>For this reason I'd recommend never siding with one against a guy friend. Even if he's in the wrong he's going to be with you a lot longer.
>tfw guy friends sided against me
feels bad man
Good. I've seen too many guys eager to backstab their bros.