This happened yesterday. This is so Sweden.
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fucking swedish males. THEY HAVE TO MANY RIGHTS!!! eh goyim???
lol at Wojak on the left
You guys suck.
lol who cares about that shithole
She was a bitch not giving the man a seat. She didn't pay for 2 seats. He was right to put some discipline into the old hag.
I as a white man would do the same.
He's a rocket engineer and came back from a job interview. He didn't get the job because those racist swedes took a fucking white guy instead. Then that racist old hag denied him a seat and probably spat at him because he black. Of course he got angry. Have some sympathy.
The struggle is real, mang.
it's spelled nigger by the way
>Not wearing hijab
She is asking for it
lol does anyone actually honestly care about what happens in sweden these days? i have already mentally written them off -their men are so pathetic lol
kek they look absolutely disgusted, lmao
>that bright red hair
deserved it, i'll take 1000 violent niggers before a "woman" like that
She deserves it, she is a boomer, her generation was the one allowing the first niggers to stay
She voted for this, hope she gets raped next
>implying niggers want a bright coloured bitch
lol no
what gives her more right of the seat than him?
looks like kuffar bitch was not moving over for him to sit down
she deserved it
Age and looks isn't an issue for migrants. In Dusseldorf a 90 years old woman was raped by a migrant
I wonder when its gonna be the day when this fucking niggers are publicly executed
yeah whatever, still better than those blonde pussy ass fagots, look at Sup Forums the countries that complain the most about western women being whores are also the ones that shame on this inmigrant, i repeat, 1000 violent niggers before pussified blonde "men"
I mean you can just kill the niggers and that's it, ask the cartels. lmao
Never, immigrants will soon outnumber the native population in several European countries
The native population in Sweden, Luxemburg, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Beligum, The Netherlands will be a minority within their own country by 2060.
Germans, Brits and French will be a minority by 2080
Something needs to be done, but it's probably to late for western Europe.
and it's beautiful, those who can't survive, those who refused to fight back, deserve to die.
Isn't Luxembourgers already a minority in Luxembourg?
We seem to be going in the same direction my friend ;)
>i repeat, 1000 violent niggers before pussified blonde "men"
You come from a country that's makes Colombia, Syria and Somalia look safe. Maybe you should start accepting more blond men and things will improve.
Austria has more immigrants and Muslims than Sweden
Wh*t* "men" think death, violence and torture are inherently bad.
It's better to have so much desire to fight back, and stay in your country, no matter what, fight for your people, than to just accept rapefugees based on dumb jewish propaganda
You’re a dumb monkey who thinks dying is cool. That makes you dumber than a fucking cockroach. Even a cockroach has enough of an ego to try to avoid senseless death. The only thing you fight to protect are your drug lords cocaine plantations, like a good subhuman slave. “Die for me paco! The cocaine harvest has just come in, needs protection.” “Ok master whatever you say”.
How bad is it my brudda?
DAAAAMN dem asians looks absolutely disgusted when they see what's on the cam!
>Wh*t* "men" think death, violence and torture are inherently bad.
No, it's just that after bleaching your maternal ancestors and killing your paternal ancestors white men are resting.
>It's better to have so much desire to fight back, and stay in your country
Agreed, but tell that to your countrymen.
>Fight for your people
Reminder that Cartels kidnap random busses full of people and make them fight each other to the death (or just kill them), and Mexicans will still say that they're "fighting back".
>But wait, we sent in the army to fix that, they aren't corrup-
>However, there are also reports linking Federal forces to the case, some stating that military personnel in the area deliberately omitted helping the students in distress.[1][2] Others state a direct involvement of the Mexican Army in the kidnapping and murder of the students.[2][3]
lmaoing @ your life
Eh, nothing to see here. Looks like an elderly woman gets some assistance from another woman to get off of the train. The migrant proceeds to take the vacant seat left by the old woman.
canada goose jacket
thanks for the 1k swede senpai lmaoo
niggers should be killed
I love how Sup Forums proves me right at every move.
Thanks for proving me right Sup Forums
You end up discussing politics for hours to no end, nothing ever changes, only becomes worse, but you keep larping, you keep blaming everybody with some balls. stay you Sup Forums, stay being nothing but faggots.
Mexicans are such big creatures that they are willing to die for a fucking cocaine farmer lord because it is supposedly “glorious”. Can you even pity such abominable creatures? They are like orcs killing each other for fun, there is no reason to pity them at all.
i fail to see the significance of this thread
its monday in sweden.....?
Not all of us are interested in politics your dumb faggot. Don’t you have a plantation to protect? Don’t forget to suck your cartel lords dick later, suck it good or he will cut off your head with a chainsaw.
This it's like making a thread about the sky is blue. Niggers chimping out is normality in Sweden
How is this fame worthy?
No Swedish person ever do that?
I used to get angry at this shit, but then I realized this is what women wanted, they brought it on themselves and now they can't even get a seat in the tram hahahaha. Many here are quick to blame the Jews and I'm convinced a lot Jew hate here are the cunts themselves blaming others for their own mistakes. You turned against your own kin and now you have no one to defend you. Look at that bloke in the backround for example, didn't give a flying fuck and so he shouldn't. You women have created a very dangerous world for yourself.
In America, this guy would be picking his teeth up off of the floor.
The only correct response. The reason the socialists took such an absurd amount of control of institutions and government in Sweden is largely due to the boomers. Although the socialists back in their day weren't exactly the socialists of our days, back then they were only a few steps away from being national socialist, they even had a eugenics program until the mid 70's or something like that.
The problem began when these socialists started selling out to the international community, and despite this the boomers would just keep voting for them because they couldn't understand that times had changed and the party had as well. It's only with the advent of the internet that the brainwashing has started to turn around, because now the Bonnier owned media which acts as a propaganda agency to the socialists no longer has a monopoly on information. This is currently being met with increased censorship and stepped up propaganda which has so far been backfiring on them because no one is falling for it, aside from the old boomers. Make no mistake however, we're only a few steps away from becoming a new Soviet Union, and international media is mysteriously quiet about it and the growing resistance to the government.
I would not be surprised if there was a civil war in the coming decade. Keep in mind, we've had peace time conscription for a very long time with an exception between 2012 to 2018, so it's not outside the realm of possibility to completely overthrow the government and the occupied cities.
Damn. Asians look so disappointed and even disgusted. I kinda even feel bad for those brown girls.
And while you stinking white slags are forced to become one of 3 wives to some little dicked Arab midget, white men are living the dream in Asia bleaching the continent hahahaha. We win every time.
She have more right than any muslim. We need to kill them all and burn every mosque.
Op, Sprid detta pa flashback.
Make this go viral. Red pilling made easy.
You guys are retarded, we are all int he same boat.
We are all going to become minorities in our own countries we should stick together.
Stop idealizing non-whites.
If I came from this shit hole country I wouldn't be on a lithuanian potato pealing forum I'd be embracing muh violence to kms
Don't feel bad for the browns. They've chosen to play a part in the propaganda.
You wish, nigger.
We just won the Italian elections.
Swedes once you guys are a mere 20% of the population just remind yourselves it could be worse, you could be living in Mexico
This. The only good mosque is an ash pile.
>we are all in the same boat
You fucking wish, you silly cunt. You wish you could drag white men down in the sinking ship with you don't you? Hahaha. There's a petite Taiwanese bitch somewhere waiting get bleach. Adios bitches.
what are they larping as? you let your country become corrupted by drug lords and instead of fighting back you flood into America , so you know nothing of staying to fight
What the fuck are you talking about?
Go ahead, breed with other races. Your kids will identify as non-whites and hate you. Fucking neck beard.
I will never accept a half breed as my own. People will always laugh at you. Fucking race traitor.
The pussy behind him scuttling away when he pounds the glass is hilarious.
It took a woman to step in and prevent this from escalating.
Sweden, YES!
Swedish national anthem
>Race mixing
Sweden has boomers ? surprised you ever fought in WWII or any war
Whites a minority in the world. White genes are recessive. And half-whites almost always identify with their non-white heritage.
White who breed with other races minimize the amount of whites through 2 ways:
1) Not making white babies
2) Adding onto the 6 billion non-whites in the world.
I used to think Asians were ok, becuase they are better than niggers. But now that I see the sheer number of whites committing genocide on their own race I started to see you traitors as equal sub humans to coal burners.
>real man
>vs roleplayers that are "agaisnt degeneracy"
Why has nobody killed the jew cheeto? or the old hag merkel?
ah yeah, because Sup Forums doesn't care for shit.
Just allow your countries go down the drain
You're a fucking idiot. You have no idea what we work with IRL. Many of us have respectable jobs and careers, pol does make a difference.
Don't worry the Swedish military has taken notice and will respond accordingly:
Keep at it Mexican boy, you make everyone replying to you realise that all they'll ever amount to is LARPing online. That's why they are so angry at you.
We need american policemen to work in Sweden.
>b-buh the 66 bobillion
you never heard of anthrax or something?
soon as their is no benefit to endless sweatshops making endless 20cent sneakers for endless hordes of niggers (planet gets used up or some such) these turd world shit-heaps will get bio-weapon'd back to the stone age in the blink of an eye
and don't even start on these "domestic" non-ethnics we have here in europe lmfao
you know how much of a problem it was back in the day to go and fuck around moving (((them))) here then moving them (((there)))?
modern day undesirables move into ghettoes on their own, it's a fucking dream
get a squad of whiteboys and go to fucking town mustard gassing entire apartment blocks, it will be LIT
in the meantime, get a fucking gf already you sad fucker
Sweden: The saddest story in the world.
because the president is doing some good things like ridding us of your cousins by driving out pacos . our country is doing far better than when we were being fucked by a communist muslim nigger
so even more white people die?
That Swedish kuffar slut had it easy, back in our Muslim motherlands she would have been slapped all the way back to her home.
I have a girlfriend, a white one.
At least I don't have to resort to fucking chinks like you. Nobody respects you. They won't tell you in your face. Because it is rude - they think it however.
They see you only as slightly better than nigger fucking white whores.
And when the ethno-war comes. Your children together with the coal burners children will be left to live with the niggers away from nice white children. Sorry, the truth hurts.
Do not allow yourself to become disenfranchised. It is only through strength, and the use of that strength to protect those in need, that will reclaim our civilization from the people who seek to destroy it. Be a beacon of hope, truth, and justice, and the weak who have been cowed by the internationalists will be drawn back to the righteous path.
Sweden wanted to be the leading Humanitarian Superpower, they went full retard.
Or they will be left as sub humans in Asia, where the Asians will never see them as fully theirs.
Any word from the media, swedebro?
Swedish men could make make that man disappear. No one would even know. But they are pussies
>brown man
>word from the media
how the fuck does he have a canadian goose jacket on? those are upwards of $1k
>We have fans from Sweden
>Fans appear but it's black faces
>idols are confused
I think most people will react like this. When you hear Sweden you don't think of some brown girl in a silver wig.
probably drug dealing.
Lol, what a cute passive agressive little mutt boi. He would have gotten some pepperspray and some stomping from me.
Remember kids, always wear a hoodie when out in piblick so you can strike when the opportunity presents itself to you.
close to
feels bad man
And this is why the oh-so-edgy "Sweden, Yes!" is fucking retarded. It is now definitely "Sweden, NO!".
nice redditpost you illiterate virgin
Sweden Yes. Shame that country that once gave us Silencer now is being raped by niggers
Identify him. Put him on the list.
who, this handsome white man?
wow even fucking shitskins can afford canada goose in sweden...
It gets fucking worse, the government is trying to change our constitution to forbid everyone except state approved "serious" journalists to acces court documents on criminal trials. As it is anyone can acces them, which causes a bit of a problem for them since any swede is able to find out where the spike of crime is coming from.
Almost all of Sweden's history is war, with Denmark, Norway, Russia, Poland etc. The only exception is the past 200 years, but even in those years Sweden played a role in the Finnish winter and continuation wars where about 1/3 of the Swedish military was sent as "volunteers" partially to train Finns and also to supply them with armaments. This at a time when Norway was on the verge of occupation and later was occupied and Sweden could very well have been next for harboring refugees from Norway, Finland, Estonia and Denmark which was later occupied as well.
The main mistake was not kicking the jewish refugees out who went on to control the media and act as a key element in the subversion of Swedish society.
Bottom line, you'd have to be real historically illiterate to think Sweden was never in a war.
Easier said than done. That sanndnigger doesn't care to be filmed, none of his buddies will ever rat him out. But if a white dude got up and kicked his ass, there would be a media campaign to hunt him down. Not saying it can't be done but you have to have your thinking cap on, all these cunts with their camera phones aren't helping.
ITT Retards that don't see that the woman was hogging 2 seats, and the cameraman started recording late. pic related
can't have racists getting ahold of those facts