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Why does it just specify men? With all the female teachers boinking students in the news apparantly this is not just a male issue.
Predators come in both genders.
Also, anyone who says that the slippery slope is a fallacy is just not paying attention and wilfully ignoring human nature.
>Faceberg went from the world most used platform to pedo sanctuary.
>Sup Forums still going strong
Roasties on suicide watch. The future looks bright for us lads. Start investing in cat products now.
My cat killed my new puppy last night
Surely though there is no conspiracy among the elites to brainwash the public into accepting pedfaggots. Nothing to see here goys, just a slight mistake, tee hee, move along.
thanks, just bought 100k
14. Pedophilia ?
Yes Akmed
It´s about mudslimes. ((They)) want to normalise pedophilia so that the mudslimes can rape teenage girls and thus taint them forever.
((They)) want to destroy any hope for a future for the white race.
(((They))) also want underage ass. Let's not act like most liberal elites aren't hungry for some prepubescent lovers.
What is Hebephilia ?
It is pedophilia in a fancy coat.
when women pedophiles commit their crimes society goes easy on them.
Because a good portion of the damage it's minimized due to those same gender differences, as males we take advantage of that just like females take advantage of rape allegations.
wtf bump
Always make sure to say "users should vote and decide". This way the snowflakes will gather in force and vote on shit that normies don't care about. Soon normies end up getting kicked out of their platform due to the ridiculous changing rules.
Not only will you redpill normies you will also help take down the fb degeneracy.
Sup Forumstards love facebook now
It just gives women more leeway to do whatever the hell they want, retard.
I suppose there is a chance that this kind of solicitation is happening on Facebook to such a large extent that they want to get a feel for public opinion on how to deal with it before its revealed in some kind of scandal
FAKEBOOK is Jew-run outfit. The Jews holy book, the TALMUD, says its OK for Jews to boink 3 yo girls, so what ZUCKERBERG did is no surprise.