UK bans sale of Energy Drinks to anyone under 16

First our porn, now our Red Bull, Monster, Relentless, Rockstar, Boost and whatever the fuck else.

>Sales of energy drinks to children under 16 will be banned by most major UK supermarkets from Monday, following concerns about their high levels of sugar and caffeine and impact on health and behaviour.

>Customers buying drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre in branches of Asda, Aldi, the Co-op, Lidl, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose will be asked to prove they are over 16.

>The high street chemist Boots is the latest retailer – and the only non-supermarket – to announce a ban, following the lead of a voluntary restriction taken by Waitrose in January.

>Drinks such as Red Bull, Relentless, Monster Energy and Rockstar have become increasingly popular. Children and teenagers consume them more than adults, even though industry labelling guidelines statew that any soft drink with more than 150mg of caffeine per litre must carry a warning about its high caffeine content and state it is not recommended for children.


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>but you can still buy caffeine pills

Energy drinks are the biggest health meme ever. Coffee literally has more caffeine in it, and most sodas have 3x the sugar.

That being said the random bullshit they put in it does give me indigestion.



>The compulsory health warnings read: “High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breastfeeding women or persons sensitive to caffeine.”

>The teachers’ union NASUWT called last year for the sale of the drinks to under-16s to be banned by all retailers. Its national official for education, Darren Northcott, described the beverages as “legal highs” that helped to fuel bad behaviour in schools.

>Also seeking a ban are medical experts, including the charity Action on Sugar, as well as the TV chef and food campaigner Jamie Oliver.

>"To see a health brand like Boots join the ban on energy drinks to under-16s is brilliant,” said Oliver. “Our retailers are doing the right thing for the health of our children and now it’s time for government to step up, close the loop and implement a ban.

>“We need a level playing field so we can protect all our kids from buying these drinks in all independent retailers.”

>The Food Standards Agency has warned that energy drinks can contain high levels of caffeine, usually about 80mg in a 250ml can – similar to the amount in three cans of cola or a mug of instant coffee.

>In January, Theresa May promised to look into the dangers of the drinks after the death of Justin Bartholomew, 25, who took his own life after regularly drinking 15 cans a day. His family believe that the energy drinks heightened his anxiety and helped contribute to his death.


you should take your butter knives and resist. oh wait

Can you still "change" sex under 16?
It boggles the mind.

kek! Leave your rockstar and your plastic forks at the doorstep. Oh and don't forget to pay your TV license.

>no energy drinks for under 16's

Literally a non-issue. Not only is this probably a good idea, but there are far greater things to be worried about right now.

You can be diagnosed as having ADD and be prescribed Ritalin at almost any age, yet you can't have a caffeine drink? What sort of shit show are the technocratic elite of Britain running?


i think redbull sucks so ironically this is funny and ok to me

unironically there are countries out there that deny your humanity and UK is one of them. illegal decisions, illegal thoughts, illegal opinions, lllegal tools, illegal foods, illegal appearances, the list goes on.

people talk about human rights violations and muh oppression- UK is fucking the pinnacle of cucked

at least if u do the "illegal things" in some 3rd world shithole, you have a chance to defend yourself from whomever might try to enforce it or try to hide. in UK your neighbors are rats and all technology is monitoring you. just wow at that culture and population for allowing themselves to become that. and god bless the founding fathers for recognizing that england sucked 300 years before it was too late to leave.


What what why?

Nothing wrong with this.

Redbull ceo is /ourguy/ tho

Monster Assault vs Monster Rossi/valentine it's halarious.

I think it's time we banned caffeine.

Somebody is going to make a nice profit selling black market red bull.

Jesus Christ, you guys have so many problems and your gov't just chooses to be a nanny state and make useless bans instead of going after terrorists and rapists. I feel sorry for you.

>children under 16
LOL what the actual fuck

Oh Nigel

This. The amount of morbidly obese children in this country needs to be reduced. This is a good first step.

But there isn't.

Fucking fight me irl faggot

>ITT: Desperate addicts coping

>nothing wrong with arbitrary laws made for no reason

>banning things means people will stop using them

> Banning porn.

What are you guys trying to do? Stop making alphas and join the trap (not gay)

Worst stimulant, very addictive both physically and mentally. Strains cardiovascular system, increases stress and actually reduces concentration overall.

What's to stop them from buying this stuff off of amazon?

>children having fewer health problems
No wonder a third of your country is obese.

>actually reduces concentration overall.
That's not true at all. I lived on 5 hour energies back in school

It will reduce it though.

>UK bans
>Some supermarkets ban

Pick one you fucking moron.


>a nanny state is the solution for that
No wonder your 3rd world country has 0 freedom left

So this law is basically just going to hurt local markets and grocers for no other reason than....

I can't even think of a meme reason this is so arbitrary

Sipp has been made illegal. Kek

not totally against this, ever see school kids with a 500ml can of monster walking around like zombies ? ?

We ban alcohol to under 17s so I don't see why we shouldnt ban these Monster/Red Bull liquid degeneracy drinks too

Did you even read the article?
>banned by most major UK supermarkets
Not the state.


>Did you even read the article?
No. So it's just virtue signaling? That's fucking retarded

How is freedom to do self harm a good thing? Nanny state probably has more info on the health consequence than a single consumer would.

>good goyim, feed your children Monster™ and Rockstar™ energy drinks to help them stay alert

Not virtue signally, I think the supermarkets dont want to be blamed the next time some 13 year old has a heart attack after drinking 2 tins of Relentless

No, because only the major supermarkets are actually going to ban them.
If anything it would seem to support local markets.

Probably the opposite effect. Now drinking Red Bull is edgy and rebellious..


>How is freedom to do self harm a good thing?
If you don't have that freedom, you don't have any freedom.

>Implying that major retailers caving to this won't result in pressure for smaller businesses to follow suit until finally it's forced upon them

Kids will get it whether they want to or not

If you want kids to stop drinking energy drinks stop making classes start at 7 am

Its been this way for ever in sweden

>if it's not a nanny state then you have to give it to your kids
My point is that stuff should be thrown parents responsibility, not govs.

This coming from the country where you can't buy a can of Bud Light unless you're 21

Get a load of these cucks.

>consume multiple energy drinks every day
>one night get heart palpitations/bpm 9000 that last for 2 hours

>supermarkets dont want to be blamed the next time some 13 year old has a heart attack after drinking 2 tins of Relentless
The fact that they could get blamed is retarded

Is it state enforced in Sweden?

>alcohol and energy drinks are the same thing

Are you serious right now?

UK millennials are on track to be the most overweight generation since records began, health experts say.

Based on population trends, more than seven in every 10 people born between the early 1980s and mid-90s will be too fat by the time they reach middle age.

In comparison, about half of the "baby boomer" generation, born just after World War Two, were fat at that age.

Being fat as an adult is linked to 13 different types of cancer, says Cancer Research UK, who did the analysis.

The list includes breast, bowel and kidney cancer, but only 15% of people in the UK are aware of the link, according to the charity.

Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe

UK most overweight country in Western Europe

Many unaware of eating disorder signs

Teenager challenges 100-calorie snack advert

'Generation fat?'
Britain is the most obese nation in Western Europe, with rates rising faster than in any other developed nation.

Obesity prevalence has been increasing in the UK, from 15% in 1993 to 27% in 2015.

You're a cuck to big business pal

15 year old memechild detected

That's also bull shit. That was because the fed gov held state funds hostage till the upped the age

Kids use energy drinks to get high before they're old enough to buy real drugs I dont see the issue with this

What does a child need extra energy for?

Wrong answer. The UK prioritises the health of its people above making profit on a health hazard product. The only reason the US allows so much "freedom" is because it can tax the most amount of stuff that way.

>plz caffeine no bulli
>save me mummy May

So if Walmart sold a bottle of malt liquor to a kid and they died from alcohol poising you wouldn't blame Walmart? Fucking moron

Not a argument.

>be a moron with no self control

Fucking auto correct

Most kids could get weed if they wanted to, have you ever been to a public school?
Most teens and kids drink energy drinks because they have to wake up super fucking early for class

>plz caffeine no bully

The LD50 of energy drinks is lower than alcohol. For children energy drinks are categorically more dangerous than booze.

it's funny Walmart own ASDA supermarkets here

Crap drinks for cunts anyway. Also why do I give a shit if a kid can't by a crappy energy drink

>What does a child need extra energy for?
literally this
if you don't have endless energy at age 16, then idk whats wrong with u

That is so sad.

>'Generation fat?'

No idea why this name is so funny to me. Probably because it's making me think back to when we had the Spice Girls doing that "Generation Next" song while shilling Pepsi

Oi where's your caffeine loiscense

Highly addictive and lethal in small doses

>minors should be allowed to alter their brain chemistry

Future drug addicts, all of them

I support a healthy lifestyle for children/youth. This doesn't include stimulants. Being mad that children are protected must be the most degenerate, morally disgusting viewpoint.

If your scenario, that would be illegal, so yea blaming them makes sense.
Though if they sold a kid a case of 5 hour energies, and he drank them all and died, Walmart has 0 blame there.

A lot of stores do that here too. And I don't get it. Its bad business. A store's job is to generate capital from selling you things, not raise your children.
Its the other health effects everyone is worried about. But maybe instead of banning it from everyone under 16, even those who drink these in moderation, it should be up to the parents to teach their children to live healthy.

You're full of shit and fucking dishonest

The lethal dose of energy drinks is 98.1 fucking cans of red bull

>mfw I work in Tesco and have to ID kids now

Now they will have to start making kegs of it to sell to high schoolers throwing parties.

>Its bad business

Not everyone is an amoral lolbertarian

How did kids manage before energy drinks became widespread

Eating fucking sugary cereal and drinking milk can alter someones brain chemistry, you're fucking retarded if you think that's a point of contention

They slept in class

>The lethal dose of energy drinks is 98.1 fucking cans of red bull

>this problem with our society is irrelevant because of other problems in our society


This will just sell way more adderall prescriptions.

>working on checkouts

Are you a middle aged woman? You should be on produce or in the warehouse where the real men are.

Fucking brainlet

Well ill be back to redbull now

I napped my ass off in social studies along with half the class.