Protip : you can't.
Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>shitty economy
>shitty plumbing
>Prove me wrong
You're a baguette. Your existence is wrong. QED.
Humans are part of Animalia, thus everything should be black
Conflict keeps us Slavs strong.
Maybe if you didn't have the highest muslim population in western europe
I mean he's got a point
Sup Forums is truly a paradise of "no u" debating
Are you greek, by any chance?
No, I'm just aware of history.
Nice try, you cheese-eating, instantly surrendering, snail-sucking, no-washing, no-shaving, Algerian cum-drinking pansy.
France is probably worse, but you're too faggy to actually research racial statistics.
t. Daffyd Sheepfucker
t. Temujin
Hahaha, how ignorant..
listen snail you wouldn't know of civilisation if it hit you in the head...
fucking gauls..
>Greece (corruption over 90%, overrun by migrants)
>France (overrun by muslims and africans, cradle of the new european caliphate)
>Netherlands (little Morocco, full of degeneracy)
If you are civilised id rather be a fucking savage..
>Niggers of Europe
Nigga we're more civilised than you cunts
losing 95% of your island to anglos must've been traumatic, owain
Opinion disregarded.
France no longer exist
Sorry i live on a piece of land that's been civilised for far more then France existed...
Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia should be green.
Also why is Russia black while Crimea and Kanliningrad are red?
Otherwise cool map.
I 2nd that.
That's a myth. The only people who are descended from the native Britons who got subjugated by the Anglo-Saxons are the English. The Anglo-Saxons interbred with the natives they conquered, they didn't genocide them. The average "Anglo" is only 30% Anglo-Saxon genetically, the majority of the rest being native British.
Basically, English people are the Britons too beta to defend themselves from the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, while us rustic Welshmen BTFO'd the faggots each time they came over here.
Fuck off traitor
Why can't E*glish "people" fight?
Finland, Norway and Czech Rep. barbarians? Why?
Typical night in San Andreas or Liberty City
France.....hmmmm.....I dunno user
my oh my just look at time
it's prayer time
better find the right direction towards Mecca you faggot literal frogfucketr
Dosen't matter, my country is not filled to the brimm with demons.
ahmed pls
>Go to Australia on holiday
>Very slight chance of getting bit by deadly spider
>Thats okay because antivenom
>Have fun anyway
>Go to Western Europe
>Guaranteed to get acid thrown in face.
>Call police
>Describe perpetrator
If you can't beat them, join them. Right?
coz this map was made by shill niggeroid
You say this, right? Yet it is twice as bad for you.
Wrong. English and Lowland Scots are Anglo.
>English are Anglo
Sure thing, hon.
>le 30% face
I've seen that video, he's basically saying "Okay we're Celtshits but we've LARPed as Anglo-Saxons for over 1000 years"
You know this bullshit mean nothing, right?
Damage control, French bastard. The only thing I hate more than an inbred Anglo is a limp-wristed frog-eating POOFTER.