which european country will be the first to ban islam?
Which european country will be the first to ban islam?
My moneys on Poland.
Why? Islam has been integral part of Europe for centuries now.
Italy by the looks of it
How is this even debatable
An integral part of wars and conflict for centuries.
Screenshot this post.
Probably Sweden. People are really starting to hate Islam over here
ive got my money on italy, going fashy again putting in nuremberg-esque anti-muslim laws
dont make me laugh Sven
You fags made the New York Times for your faggotry. Proud, Sven?
With 16% nationalists? Then we have more than that even
Fag? ROFL Canadian
i've heard a few swedes starting to say this, do you think most swedish people are just affraid of being labeled racist but actually hold strong opposition to islam and migrants in general?
Really fucking hope so.
Show me.
Never going to happen my friendo
Islam is now part of France culture
The countries which imported +1 mil muslims are going to look like paris in 30 years from now, perhaps even a lot worse and I cannot wait for that to happen
If race war happens, there won't be slavs saving your ass this time because clearly slavs don't give a shit about your cucked countries
Problem is actually the opposite. Pretty much everyone talk on their jobs and agree that immigration is shit, but then when voting people often fall back to voting on the party they always voted for
It will probably be a precursor to becoming an Islamic state desu.
Bait kys
they tried in the 90's i think
Not that positions between M and SD were reversed, until M adopted all of SD:s anti-immigration policies (but somehow did not get labeled racist for doing so) which meant their habitual voters has flocked back. Anyway then it means 40% anti-immigration voters in theory, but people don't realize that the bigger party is just LARPing
Yeah you can even see the reversal in the graph.
Few countries poll that high for anti-immigration parties. The problem is not the vote, but that our coalition system allows for the elimination of the public vote
Also notice that the femenist party can't get above 2% despite all the memes about femenist Sweden
*raises hand*
Almost certainly Hungary
You don't need to ban Islam. You need to ban arabs.
An integral pest of Europe
Now if only SD would abandon the civic line that would be great
Austria or Hungary
Then how the hell are the government so retarded?
None. We're here to stay
There wont be a race war in any of our pozzed nations.
The best we can hope for is segregated communities
I can fault them for many things, but that is not one of them.
It’s not a religion, it’s a farce, a death cult intended to keep you dumb by removing any free will you would have, ordering you what to do, how and when to do it and punishing you if you refuse.
Why can’t you see?
.....why can't you see past the smoke and mirrors of Jewish propaganda. Hating on us won't change your country.
I'm gonna throw a cheeky bet on Romania.
I don’t hate you. Is this Jewish propaganda?
>pic related
I’m just utterly astonished at how backwards Islam and its followers are. It doesn’t fit in anywhere today’s society.
Germany. We just lure them all in so there'll be no escape
italy and then the real culprit behind the chaos
Czechia - numbers confirm
Yeah I would go with the dumb as shit and brutally violent polacks.
>Hating on us won't change your country.
But letting in stone age religotards who believe in some stupid book dictated by an asshole who told everyone he spoke to good will?
For the better?
This is poor bait
lol i like it lolololol, to be fair tho, while we are euro we are the new world thus americano
I dont think we will get rid of islam. We will embrace it. We will master it. How do you think we get rid of feminism? islam! How do you think we end the destructive voting rights for woman? islam! How do we end welfare?
islam! How do we introduce eugenics? islam!
We must take islam and own it. We can let some stupid sandniggers dominate islam. Islam is ours!
How long do you think it'll take before you pray that the "backwards" people save you from the horrors of your "progress" faggot? You'll son will be molded by his culture into sucking cock.
>t,Albozerg akA "Jeton Beton Blerim"