Can we get a comprehensive list of everything wrong with Bahamut? Story and character related mainly, because my god the plot was atrocious and the public needs to know why.
Can we get a comprehensive list of everything wrong with Bahamut? Story and character related mainly...
Who cares what's wrong with it; there's one thing we know for sure is right: pic related, i.e., best girl!
I guess you were the target audience, a faggot who doesn't give a shit about anything but fap material.
>fap material of females
So I've had this show on my backlog for a while now. I just started watching the first season, just a couple of episodes in. Should I stop? Everyone keeps saying how shitty the ending was. I don't want to get invested if I'll regret it.
Best girl is image related.
Anyone who wants to get blacked is very far from best anything.
>the only person that cared about kaisar's death was Rita
>Allesand got a fucking 6 minute long death scene
You'll hate everything, especially if you care about Genesis
Watch Genesis all the way through and pretend season 2 doesn't exist.
Get out of here with your shit taste.