Can we get a comprehensive list of everything wrong with Bahamut? Story and character related mainly...

Can we get a comprehensive list of everything wrong with Bahamut? Story and character related mainly, because my god the plot was atrocious and the public needs to know why.

Who cares what's wrong with it; there's one thing we know for sure is right: pic related, i.e., best girl!

I guess you were the target audience, a faggot who doesn't give a shit about anything but fap material.

>fap material of females

So I've had this show on my backlog for a while now. I just started watching the first season, just a couple of episodes in. Should I stop? Everyone keeps saying how shitty the ending was. I don't want to get invested if I'll regret it.

Best girl is image related.
Anyone who wants to get blacked is very far from best anything.

>the only person that cared about kaisar's death was Rita
>Allesand got a fucking 6 minute long death scene

You'll hate everything, especially if you care about Genesis

Watch Genesis all the way through and pretend season 2 doesn't exist.

Get out of here with your shit taste.