What the fuck is their problem?

What the fuck is their problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Their whole media industry is owned by one family that just happens to be Jewish(Bonnier) and they are exacting their revenge on the country deemed by physical anthropologists in the early 20th century to be the most pure aryan people on earth.




They are cucks


If the speedrunning community is anything to go by that would america.

Try harder fags

The video is even better

TFW you get gang raped by your classmates who taunt you with it the rest of highschool, you're forced into group projects with them, and reminded about it every day. They are all Islamic, no one with their faith even thinks it's wrong.

Then you post on FB that this is normal for them, that their prophet Muhhamed raped a 9 yr old girl.

Then you go to jail for hate speech.

> Sweden hate thread
> No content or actual theories

Come on Jens, do basic research for once.

Literally nothing.

It's one of the best countries in the world, successful in every aspect. Yes, there's some problems that get exaggerated by burgers, all Sweden's problems combined don't equate to burgerland's mass shootings problem.


Hey, I'm just asking, Capn' Cuck

You tell us Simon, why can’t you control your transsexual Islamic little brother??

Hahaha I didn't know there was a video hahahahahaha help my sides.

I'll do you one better in OP's honor


I wish we could

Being scolded by a mutt on sexual moral and interracial crime is the height of irony.

It's the jews

SInce you are our eternal bitch, what should we call you then?

Soy-boy Swallow is good but it's getting old.

You're your own self-harming bitch

Swedish people are cucks. Seems like all the non cowards died in wars. Now they don't even report rapists. It's like they don't give as shit about rape anymore.

The same government that declared itself the first feminist government, those people campaigned talking about how rape is under reported and punishment isn't severe enough and it's not prevented enough. Then under their leadership it's up 500% and they don't care. You can even be punished for talking about it.

Sweden has proved to me that women want to be conquered, that it's not really rape. They fucking like it. Women are mostly a bunch of whores that like men simulating rape or having it actually happen. they get control of a country, and oh no, we invited all these sexual deviants into our homes. They don't even report it when it's their own daughters getting raped.



>Sven actually calling others outside Sweden “soy boys”.

>Our women are getting raped, feels remorse and Stockholm syndrome for the attacker.
>Nörges fucking men get raped and feels the same.
>Starts Sweden hate thread.


Well your GMO soy are somehow making you fat as fuck to boot.

>Wow, fat AND brown!

Swedes are a joke. Glad you're being bred out of existance.

They will report white rapists but if the rapist is a muslim they don't mind

> When you are millennial but try to act like a boomer but lack all of the economical prerequisites to live that lifestyle so you neet of your upper middle-class parents with the intent of destroying the nation.

No you are not, stop larping.

Insallah to you my muslim brother

Feel the RAGE brother! Let the fire in your heart out! That’s right that’ll put the fear of GOD into them Muslims!

you are really fucked, even normies know it


Kek, nazi chief racial theorist belived the nords, especially the swedes to be the most aryan. Personally i cant tell the difference between a swede and a norweigan if you go by looks.

>Happened to one guy
Tell me, how many women does this happen to each day in Swedistan?

ad Hominem is a logical fallacy, so not an argument cunt.

You people are willing cucks as seen in thousands of cases now. Your rape rates are up hundreds of percent and grenade crimes totaled over 300 attacks since migrants started illegally crossing the boarder.

You are higher white percent than us so what's you fucking excuse? How can your majority white country keep voting this in? You have every chance to stop it but you don't. You right now are like the US boomers 50 years ago. You're fucking trash because you really believe diversity is strength and you really let rapists walk.

this, also


I'd rather laugh at Norweigan men getting blacked.

I'm not denying Rotherham, I know the same kind of thing happens here, but this is a thread about Sweden so I'm addressing their issues

But I am a Sjowall so I get to talk shit niggih!!!

the problem is we are extremely way too fucking smug to ever admit we made any mistake ever and just keep pushing it

I guess the difference is that norwegians will still be around in 40 years

Why stop now?

I don't believe you, provide sources of this "only one guy" thing you're trying to get going.

Jag tycker synd om er. Jag menar det, jag lider av att se er så naiva över allt som sker i er omgivning. Jag försöker hjälpa men ni stirrar bara... Ni bara glor. Varför glor ni bara?

Well no dots over the "O" in Sjowall... You're one of them now.

Show me more then

You’re now interested in heritage? After all these years of cultural appropriation???

what the fuck is wrong with norwegians?

>56% taking a shot.




>If Sweden gets a right wing government
Good for them.
>If Sweden becomes a third world country
Even cheaper food at Charlottenberg.

It's not even 56% irl

>cultural appropriation

100% american phenomena, never gets mentioned here

Looks like a young Otto Jespersen

It gets fucking worse, the government is trying to change our constitution to forbid everyone except state approved "serious" journalist to acces court documents on criminal trials. As it is anyone can acces them, which causes a bit of a problem for them since any swede is able to find out where the spike of crime is coming from.


True. We will basically fund them by shopping at the borders

Government cartel. For next election we got 40% voting for anti-immigration parties. We will see if they will block it again.

Schibsted is a huge media concern in Sweden too, its them and Bonnier. Our largest newspaper, Aftonbladet is owned by Schibsted for exemple... a (((norweigan))) company.



Oh shit... we need to pull the breaks on this one or the poor burger will never recover.

Don't show him, it's just too mean.

We don't. It's a cartel. Look it up


Commies and market liberals working together to keep opposition to immigration out

dude swedes are born cucks lmao

In all seriousness though, I wish you swedes the best. I hope your country will be "fixed" soon

The problem with Brazil however... Is that it's full of Brazilians.

Says the guy who has sucked the dick of his Aryan overlords for 3000 years

America was always destined to be a giant bucket of diarrhea. The Statue of Liberty is proof of it. YOU on the other hand were supposed to preserve the beauty, cultural, and heritage that is Sweden. From the majestic fjords to the wondrous rune stones littered throughout the lands. I find it atrocious and shameful and disgusting and degenerate that you would allow such mongrels to fill up said land and destroy it and raise the crime rates exponentially and quite frankly sir your 56% meme is meaningless in this situation.

At least I know where the bathroom is haha


Not only that. They worship toilettes yet still manages to have a designated shitting street.

This thread is now only for people who can into basic sanitation.

I hope Denmark shows the way with their "ghetto annihilation" plans and that we can copy them, seems like a good first step.

Monopoly on information. This has quickly began turning around now that internet allows independent media, but still a long road to go.

The Spaniards tried breeding them out and it didn't help. If anything it just made the situation worse. They created 4 half-niggers where once there was only one nigger, thereby doubling the nigger population.

And YOU were supposed to smoke the bad guys, not PUT THEM IN POWER.

They've gone too long without war. They've turned into pussies and nature is trying to correct it, that's all.


Hmmm, wrong. You are a tricky bastard. We have a racial problem. The last stocks of whites in south are being invaded by imigrants from other states. Also KYS.

The last war you were in was the assault on your male politicians asshole.

spoiler alert, you lost.

Stop talking shit when we literally gave you your country back.

Epic meme haha

Oh, I see. I forgot you shills. Flags n sheit

We didn’t put them in power, they already were in power my good fellow.

Ya mama, Wellington


>we are extremely way too fucking smug
At least some of you know this.


Idk sounds to me like they are getting what they deserve.

>Stop talking shit when we literally gave you your country back.

More of us than you know, know this.

We all know here that this is the real problem. But fags from other countries taking digs with capn Sweden and Muhammed memes get what they desserve.

People who try honesty might be more surprised than they actually think.

But nooo, Ego is way to frail to be honest about things like these, after all nationality and skin color = self worth. The only course of action is to attack with deciet and lies because bringing someone else down might not make you better, but by the Gods it makes everyone else less good.

The pinnacle of human evolution ladies and gents.

>When Ya mama jokes isn't fun anymore

violence is a tool that no man should throw away

Well, they're not all bad...

They’re your neighbors. You tell us.


There is no hope.
I've tried discussing the problem with swedish politics with friends and the one who aren't high school dropout idiots are all "refugees welcome" retards who won't see the problem with immigration until someone they know get blacked one of these days.

There is only suffering

The liberal Swedes yeah, I feel bad for the right wing people though.

Ironic as it may be, you should probably take heed lest you become just like us. You don’t want to find yourselves in our shoes Svenne.

We are the canary in the coalmine. We’re just trying to show you some tough love a la reverse psychology, so lighten up.

More like Sweden is the canary in the coalmine, and US is our last hope
