>"Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his guns and all ammunition!"
What do, Sup Forums?
>"Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his guns and all ammunition!"
What do, Sup Forums?
Start datamining just like you friendo
Never happened. They all died in enfiladed crossfire outside. Thanks, neighbors.
You'll drag at least two bodies from this house alongside the guns.
thread music video:
>Not having your front door rigged with IEDs so that anyone who breaks in loses at least 2 limbs minimum
Sup Forums doesn't own any guns. They were all stolen by some real bad hombres. See police report and insurance claim.
Comply with their orders and turn in all my firearms. No one should have a weapon of mass destruction. We are a civilized society.
Comply, and then chuckle to myself when they find absolutely no guns or ammo because I lost them all in a tragic boating accident.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>how events really unfold
in spite of what stormfags believe about their hero cops these pigs have been systematically disarming the american public for decades now and will gladly continue to do so when orders come down for mass confiscation. the police are not your friend. your pic related is a cops wide awake wet dream
>What do, Sup Forums?
I would comply and live to fight another day, when the odds weren't so stacked against me. As the great Johnny Cash rightly said, "You gotta know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em."
unironically this
pays to live in open fields with 700-800m of clear lines of sight on their only avenues of approach
also, I don't have any guns cause I sold them for cash but no one had a pen for receipt
>be american door
>explode at 3 am
>17 rounds fired
>17 rounds hit
Theoretical civil war scenario:
>Find out where their kids go to school and where their wives work.
>Go to war on their families while they are stealing someone else's guns.
>Have some friends burn their station while they are out
>Molotov their armored vehicles
>Make examples out of captured enemies
Learn to guerrilla or die like a slave.
>Never happened. They all died in enfiladed crossfire outside. Thanks, neighbors.
This would actually happen in my neighborhood, also they would be shot by other cops as well if they tried
>implying americans never heard about tactical walls.
When they come for my guns, they are going to have to catch all my ammo first.
Funny how they dont want us to have gimpy m4 copy semi auto magazine fed ar15s but give full auto belt fed machine guns to drug cartels and terror cells all around the world.
Shoot back.
Jokes on you, I'm a soyboy
Comply peacefully as i have nothing to turn in.
All of my guns were tragically lost and or destroyed in an unforeseeable boating accident.
>get blown up to bits because the house is one huge fucking IED
>I'm already in the woods with the other preppers forming an American Hezbollah cell
Clever guy
This guy gets it.
>All of my guns were tragically lost and or destroyed in an unforeseeable boating accident.
They arent going to buy that and will instead jail you indefinitely, or just charhe you with unlicensed transfer of firearms etc.
You will have to fight or be snuffed out in a fema camp or jail.
Gun control has always been the harbinger of genocide.
What happens when they send more people with bigger guns?
>yfw .338 vs swat vest
Yeah gomrade, you sure know better than those stupid stormfags. Let's go beat up some trashcans.
Yes brother let's change this decadent system
Nigger my neighbor has a functioning mortar, short of going full Waco on an entire block, if not more, I would like to see them fucking try.
Damn, that sucks. It's always useful to carry a pen :^)
>just two and you're one of them.
>guns too
You bring shame to our people, Fingol
Yes sir, here's my $100 mosin. Have a nice day. Yes, that's all I own. I promise.
>You just violated the NAP
>*fires SCUD rockets at the police station*
Fucking kek
Wouldn't have a chance to get on the floor
If I hear my door get kicked in I'm already running towards my AR and hunkering down
No knock raids are illegal and if the knock first I'm not opening
>Get on the floor and walk the dinosaur
>not doing this to Leonel or Danilo or any of the other imperialist families that run the country like the Billini family
*teleports behind you*
nothin personnel
try to take out as many brown shirts as possible
I don't have any gunz. Now get your fat asses back to the Fatlandia.
>I applaud you for making it past the perimeter defenses.
I think back to ww2 and ask myself if i have been neglecting my grenade holes
>Oh, sure thing, officers
>Thanks for taking them. Save me the trip to turn them in, amiright? Hahha
>Ok, bye, officers. Have a nice day
>Run to any other gun owners house across town
>Gear up, faggot
>Wait across road inna bushes
>Police show up to his house
>Go to back it SWAT vehicle, get my funs back
>Now have SWAT vehicle too
Press the button, turn off my webcam monitor and go have some sake and sushi.
Kill their entire families.
I have no idea who this individual is.
My name is Rusty Shackleford.
Wheres the picture of the cop sitting in his home watching the game when the RWDS busts in his door and self-defenses him for treason?
>implying the boating accident isn't a facade to deter warrants.
Brainlets, everyone.
so, watch this and imagine them attempting this with millions of gun owning households.
Detonate the improvised thermonuclear warhead I have stashed in the basement
mfw the pigs start a race war based on 4473 typos
>>"Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his guns and all ammunition!"
>What do, Sup Forums?
Shot pants in self defense,
>>shit pants in self defense
>>dare them to touch me
Get real faggot, most people don't want to risk getting shot for doing their job.
Confiscation would be the laziest thing there ever was, you could expect a lot of "nothing to see here"
>They got past my landmines
>And my German Shephard
>And my Corgi but he's a little bitch
This scenario is why I'm seriously considering rigging the foundation of my house with explosives. Let them search as I'm escorted outside, and then boom.
hot damn, that gave a me a bit of a stiffy ngl
>posting shit like this
Rip your dogs, ATF might be paying you a visit
Nice try, FBI. I won't tell you my tactics.
>What do, Sup Forums?
You can buy guns made specifically for these situations.
sorry I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident
If they come for our guns, I don't think anyone here is gonna suggest its anything but open war.
And with everything else that's posted here on a daily basis, I am not quite shaking in my boots.
And ideally the ATF would not kill my dogs.
>What do, Sup Forums?
>Johnny Cash
oh, dear
>"the reason i pulled you over is because the lamp on the license plate is burned out. do you have any guns or drugs or anything i need to know about? you seem nervous - sit tight."
>heads back to squad car
>radios for backup
everyday scenario in usa
At least you got cash. My wife threw mine into the river one night because she got pissed off that I stayed out to late. I never reported it because I was embarrased.
>y-yes sir, here's everything I have
>dig up AK in my backyard when they leave
I don't have any
What the fuck did I just watch
Stupid shills. Start a data mining thread, combined with fear mongering. Only thing accomplished is causing readers to mentally prepare and become aware.
>The utter state of Jews
ah, the samson option.
Potassium iodide + hydrogen peroxide + soap + gasoline
the guy on the right is clearly Jewish
>he doesn't have unregistered guns and ammo buried for this scenario
Jesus Christ guys this is basic shit, don't die day 1 when you could arm the resistance and fight back
Wow you made yourself easily sniped. So smart.
Most cops wouldn't do it.
Any that did would probably be killed.
Defend the constitution at any cost, that's the law. Ordering people to break it makes you a criminal liable for summary execution.
Plz try. It will be the end of liberalism for ever. Once the media changes, all the people who think they are liberal (and don't realise they are totalitarian globalists) would find 'their' ideas change with it. Puppets.