>Shall not be infringed
We focus a lot on this part. But what about the other bit?
>A well-regulated militia
Am I allowed to form an armed militia and run drills in my area? Do these exist? Is there an official registry of citizen militia?
>Shall not be infringed
We focus a lot on this part. But what about the other bit?
>A well-regulated militia
Am I allowed to form an armed militia and run drills in my area? Do these exist? Is there an official registry of citizen militia?
Other urls found in this thread:
Varies by state; but yes.
You can larp all you want dude, might want to check out your local ren fair
>,the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
emphasis on the comma after the necessity for a well regulated militia(remember the US didn't have a military when the constitution was being drafted it had a militia).
The right to keep and bear arms is a right of the people, not the militia.
>Citizen militia
Its called the national guard.
get fucked by an emu ya cunt
>National Guard
Pick one. Militias dont deploy to Afghanistan to fight for Israel's cut of the opium.
>Israel's cut of the opium.
you know not everything comes back to isreal right?
The CIA uses that opium to fund their black projects. Tossing Israel into everything with no correlation diminished the actual real shit they have done to fuck us.
The well regulated Militia is the national guard dip shit. Its run by the state not the feds. When you talk about militias you talk about state militias.
Technically you are supposed to be able to, but some states will arrest you (unconstitutionally) for paramilitary activities. So be careful.
USA is not even meant to have a standing military and was instead intended to have irregular state militias.
>basic gestalt
If you are a civilized white man, it is your duty to own a firearm and be highly proficient with it, be part of a regulated militia, as to fight enemies foriegn and domestic
>you know not everything comes back to isreal right?
Who do you think owns the pharmaceutical companies that make the opioid pills, retard?
shall not be infringed, bud
get it through you head
Yes, you can. Although some interpretations of this part of the 2nd Amendment speak of every citizen who is armed is part of the militia. George Mason also states this. I find it humorous that we must interpret what the 2nd Amendment means or what it is for when we have hundreds of quotes from every founding father telling us exactly what it means. Here is the breakdown:
>A well regulated militia
This does NOT refer to the military. This is a group of citizens specifically and not professional soldiers. The militia is a huge reason we won independence from the Tyrant King George.
>being necessary to the security of a free State
We had just fought off a Tyrannical government which proved that a citizens militia was vital to that cause and the security of the free state. Without the ability to form a citizens militia there can be no true free state.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
There can be no militia without private gun ownership which means there can be no free state without private gun ownership.
>shall not be infringed
This speaks for itself. Infringing on the God given right of American citizens to privately own small arms infringes upon the forming of a militia which infringes on the free state.
You can, without any doubt, form a militia to protect the constitution. You can run drills and teach shooting. As long as these citizens are not paid they are a militia. If they are paid before any wars break out they become professional soldiers and no longer a militia. You cannot build a standing military of professional soldiers under the 2nd Amendment, that would fall close to treason. The militia must be only made up of regular citizens. Thats not to say they cannot be trained by a professional soldier but those professional soldiers can NOT be paid for their time.
>He doesn't know about the Golden Crescent, and pharmaceuticals.
>Supply and Demand
Straw-man argument. See Article I, sect 8 US Constitution.
The renn faire is filled with LGBTQ
Dont bother.
Every able-bodied male 18-45 in the US is already part of a militia
You're absolutely wrong.
It's kinda funny, isn't it. The Framers fuck up one line of text and clappistan spends centuries arguing about gun laws.
He looks so happy walking on that flowerfield.
>To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
>Written before we had a standing army, we barely had a fucking Navy
Army =/= Militia, also where the fuck does it say deploy militia outside of our territory to fight?
You signed up for the militia when you filled out your selective service papers.
This is why men who are signed up with selective service are the only ones who can legally possess a firearm according to our Constitution.
>fuck up one line
nothing is fucked up about it if you understand the english language and the context in which the constitution was written. "the militia" is literally anyone (specifically males) that can hold can a gun. "well regulated" in 18th century english means well equipped. "arms" means any weapon or weapon accessory, not just guns (which we have been unjustly cucked on by the supreme court and congress with the NFA and such because they are willfully ignorant of what the Constitution says). Shall not be infringed means exactly what it says. The government has infringed it heavily though because the federal government has held unlimited power since they civil war and they are not beholden to the people or the constitution. call it "federal power creep".
Have you even looked up the definition of Militia? I know you haven't so I'll give it to you.
Militia: An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
If paid by the government then those citizens no longer can be classified as a militia. They are a professional soldier at that point.
Good call, militias don't deploy at all.
You can form a malitia. But you will be infiltrated by COINTELPRO.
Here faggot.
Except that's not true. I expect better from a Czech poster.
The 2nd Amendment is the simplest and clearest. Its literal meaning is obvious to anyone with a middle school understanding of English language and grammar. The spirit of the words are obvious from the writings of the founding fathers and the similar worded amendments in the colonies' constitutions.
The only people who say its vague or argue about its meaning are intentionally obtuse leftists and antigun communists.
Absolutely false.
According to the Militia act of 1903 there are two types of militia. Organized and Unorganized. Organized is the national guard. Unorganized is every able bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45.
Look shit up and do research before spreading your dishonest horseshit.
Today, as defined by the Militia Act of 1903, the term "militia" is primarily used to describe two groups within the United States:
Organized militia – consisting of State militia forces; notably, the National Guard and Naval Militia.[9] (Note: the National Guard is not to be confused with the National Guard of the United States.)
Unorganized militia – composing the Reserve Militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, not a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia.
If you are between 17 and 45 and can walk and run you are already part of the militia.
>it's super clear guise, it's just that the dummies at the supreme court, including the conservative judges, don't understand the constitution!
You are exactly right.
Before you act like a smartass on this turkish wrestling board why dont you educate yourself? If you are going to bring up the Supreme Court, then read the rulings and dissenting opinions on gun issues. You will find that those judges who are strict interpreters of the Constitution based on the intent and spirit of the founders have written extensively about what my previous post said. It is the leftist judges who do mental gymnastics and sophistry to say "we interpret it to mean differently".
Once again, the 2nd Amendment is very clear: Citizens must be allowed to own arms to preserve their freedom from tyrants, inncluding their government.
That's a non-standing State Army.
The national guard is not the militia and never was.
I'm amazed at how people are unable to read that amendment properly. If it were to be read today in modern English, it would read something like this.
"A well-regulated militia is essential for a free state. However, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That middle comma indicates two separate points of discussion in which the first is distinguished from the second. The founders were making the point that a professional fighting force is essential for national protection but that THAT force shall never trump the rights of the individual.
Sorry user but you are wrong.
A well equipped body of non-professional citizen soldiers is essential to the security of a free state, THEREFORE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
This is what the amendment means. The security of a free state is NOT dependent on a standing, government controlled, professional army. Quite the contrary. It is dependent on the body of the people being armed to preserve their freedom. Read what the founders thought about having standing armies. Remember, they, the people, had just fought against the King's army.
Yep, you're right! Thanks for clarifying.