Do Americans really use Mexicans to cut their grass and clean their house? Is this what american cuckservatives call hard working immigrants? How lazy can you get? I don’t know how it’s in other countries, but in Croatia it would be viewed embarrassing to hire somebody to maintain your house. I have no sympathy for those who complain about immigrants but used them as labour for cutting their grass.
Do Americans really use Mexicans to cut their grass and clean their house...
Doing your own lawn, and having a thick, healthy, green lawn is the last stand of implicit whiteness.
And raise their babies
Californians are accustomed to the migrant slave class but in middle america only the richest bourgies have domestic assistance.
>lawns are white
Lawns/yards are the biggest kike scam in history. Imagine all the food that could be grown in these barren wastelands of fruitless GMO grass.
No. I'm in Mississippi. When Hurricane Katrina damn near destroyed us, when it was time to rebuild, Mexico invaded our state and the liberal media said nothing. They stole jobs people here needed. They absolutely fucking raped our state. Then they didn't leave. They stayed and shit out a baby every year. Now they steal jobs in lawn care, in housekeeping, in restaurants, and those are the "good" illegals. The bad ones are brewing meth and other bullshit. They are a CANCER and they need to go. I have a friend who is a contractor who got put out of business because a bilingual contractor employed a bunch of mojados to undercut his quotes. I have a friend who had to close her lawn care service because of beaners stealing her clients. I have another friend who can't get a job as a school teacher, because the schools are only hiring bilingual instructors, because we have so many little spiclets who can't fucking speak English going to school now, using ESL learning materials, and chowing down on free breakfast and lunch.
Depends on where you live and your economic class really. In some areas you are required to keep your lawn up to a high standard and people who have good jobs or work all day might rather pay someone to not have to deal with it.
In more rural/working class areas you're seen as lazy for hiring people to do work for you. Also a lot of those guys really like mowing their lawns.
I'm forced to have a lawn even though I agree it's such a waste of time and resources. Yes, Mexicans cut it since it fucking blows to mow the lawn in 100 degree weather.
In my experience, only kebabs and pajeets attract massive waves of insects every summer and spring.
>tfw white lawn care guy specialized in weed control and fert in Dallas
>bunch of mojados to undercut his quotes.
he should lower his rates faggot. that's how capitalism works
>in Croatia it would be viewed embarrassing to hire somebody to maintain your house
You couldn't afford it.
in my family we do everything ourselves
A bombed out shack is a lot easier to maintain then a mansion.
True, but still people wouldn’t hire somebody to do that job.
They don't have lawns in Croatia, instead people use their land to grow actual fruit and shit and not GMO grass
try not being such a fucking bitch
Only the super wealthy and southern Californians do that.
Only rural retards cut their own grass and do their own house cleaning. Sophisticated Hillary supporters have third world migrants do it for them.
My boss once had a guy ask for 250 bucks to mow his lawn.
they also cook the burgers at McDonalds and other fast food places. At least in Houston, basically any job a 17 year old should be doing they do.
Yeah white guys do weed and fertilizer shit, the spics just mow and landscape.
I don’t really know how it’s in southern Croatia ( Dalmatia) but in my region nearly everyody has a lawn.
Rich people usually hire whites to do their landscaping if they want it done right. Mexicans are used more by big companies.
In places like Florida, where mexicans are readily available, people who own winter houses here or realtors typically use those lawn trimming services.
The ground here is mostly sand though, so its only the large lots that are worth paying for lawnmower service.
So every square inch of your yard is full of garden? You don't have a single patch of grass on the whole thing? Fuck off you dork
This is exactly what happened to California back in the 80s early 90s. Minus Katrina stuff.
If you can find any white guys to do your job that is. Those mexicans just flood the lawnmowing market.
Mississippi is in a silent crisis. I only see these ways to address this:
>cut ALL illegals off from EBT. ALL of them
>shut down the Coinstar machines
>shut down Western Union. Make money orders ONLY available in a bank. ONLY. I never see one, NOT ONE fucking beaner in a bank. NOT ONE, EVER.
Cut off their cash-only market and stop feeding them. ICE won't have to round up masses of people - Most of them will leave on their own.
When one can make A LOT of $ per hour(salaried then it's getting important work done & more family time) it's just not efficient and those who do not understand this have likely never been paid much above min. wage.
Time is a resource poorfags.
look, the point is if you want shitskins in your society, to see this apes on a daily basis, to give them jerbs treat them as humans, you are an american and the harbinger of doom.
this is not a white european thing
Using chemical fert
>not using organic Alaskan Fish Emulsion
>not composting
F R E E M A R K E T C A P I T A L I S M !
Nobody's eating the turf, I don't like going home smelling like actual shit every day, and part of my job is to instruct my customers to do that crap themselves as needed.
>problem is caused 100% by government action or inaction
>blames freedom
>tfw another man mows your lawn