nofap teaches you self control and self respect.

Fapping to porn and weed makes you a balding numale. Masturbation is anti white. Sperm is white. When you ejaculate you get rid of the white and become less white.

>posts a semen demen

What if I'm balding and I rub the cum on my head?

What if i cum black does that make me more white? If so how much do i have to cum to become 100% aryan bavarian?

Ahmed, thats the goats poo sticking to your dick.

>What if i cum black does that make me more white?

100% Bavarian wanker confirmed.

Edging also teaches self control desu

That's rich coming from a fudge packer

I don't masturbate to p*rn, only feet


carefull with that, Ive heard story of ED when people overdid it.

>nofap teaches you self control and self respect.
>link to video that says don't ejaculate more than 3 times a week

you have no idea what you are talking about. masturbation in moderation is fine. no-fap is poison that makes you crazy and gives you ball cancer. fuck off faggot

>stinky head


op's video says don't cum more than 3 times a week. It doesn't say anything about edging. fuck off you don't know what you are talking about edging is great practice for lasting long when you are with a woman. Just don't cum more than 3 times a week it isn't that hard.

I am doing no fap right now. But your pic is making it(me) hard.

>op's video says don't cum more than 3 times a week. It doesn't say anything about edging.

I know what Ive linked faggot. Edging too often can mess up your whole proces of erection>orgasm>ejaculation. Careful.

I masturbate every day, but only cum once or twice a week. I'm awesome in the sack and have control over how long I last. Being a faggot without a girlfriend is what you need to be careful about.

>When you ejaculate you get rid of the white and become less white

This logic is truly astounding.

I apologize, you extremely cool person. dont say I havent warned you about ED.

>When you ejaculate you get rid of the white and become less white

it does make sense.


but numales get laid, while Sup Forums doesn't. maybe they're on to something.