What will happen if white women start to recede from society in the same way white men have?
What will happen if white women start to recede from society in the same way white men have?
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1776 will commence again!
Why would they? First off all they are too social.
Introverted white men can retreat into imageboards & vidya pretty eaisly but I don't think women can do the same. 6/10+ = Chad awaits! Who needs the spergs anyway.
Besides with the loser men out of the way they can form harmens like nature intended.
Women can't recede from society. The average woman is too addicted to attention and conformity. Women need society far more than men do.
Women married .gov 40+ years ago anyway.
You fags would probably start fawning over your hypothetical fairy tale princess who's secluded in her basement waiting for you to come rescue her
>muh delicate little cave mushroom, I pledge my troth to thee
Golly gosh that’s some intense shitposting.
Absolutely nothing.
Women, and especially white women, contribute fuckall to society at large.
There are little to no women building shit, laying copper/fiber, constructing sidewalks, maintaining electrical grids, treating drinking water, or doing any of the shit required to keep the average modern town/city functioning smoothly.
Women are passive and exist only to do busy work in an office setting or get paid for doing fuckall, even a lazy nigger has some experience in DIY construction and manual labor.
Do you believe in elves too?
White women really ruined white society.
bix noods
>What will happen if white women start to recede from society in the same way white men have?
Ask Japan. That's what's been happening to them for close to 25 years now. BOTH males and females have retreated into work and various forms of fantasy.
A lot of jerking off (or flicking the bean), with no marriages, and no babies.
Yes and? 24% of young adult men in the west are functionally NEETs. Those wont build infrastructure aswell.
You sure sound upset
Are you basing that on your image?
Because I don't see shit there about what gender it is.
At the end of the day, women are all talk no action, and without men maintaining all of the avenues they use to complain about said men, they'd be sitting around in their favorite harem sucking a mean dick for protection.
Women have never and never will contribute to or care about society, so long as they have security, sexual release, and something to look after to pretend that they're not useless (child, pet, a "job"), they'll be happy.
Women are basically niggers.
Who is this sperm receptacle?
they wont; BBC is too enticing
What will happen if white women start to recede from the coddling welfare state in the same way overburdened men have?
Because as long as she isnt like horribly deformed, almost any woman will be able to find friends and a relationship/sex with what amounts to zero effort
that's a boy isn't it
this guy is fucking hot desu
my dick is confused is that a man?
They see everything as a threat...he's very insecure, selfish, hateful, and gay.
He really don't want the white woman, he just don't want you to have her because of his fears of knowing he cant make her happy and fell safe.
In his head, he's everything to everyone but really he's a grown up baby still sucking on his mommy teats.
There is no reason to, with social media women can expand their female value which is only based on looks across the world.
Just like dogs
First off women social first I doubt they can psychologically handle that on mass.
Second there wouldn't be society left since when are already leaving.
Would never happen. They need attention like you and I need oxygen.
They CAN build infrastructure. under the right set of circumstances they COULD come out and contribute to society (say if a war somehow killed 1/3 of all men, but somehow spared everyone else). I'm not saying it's likely, only that they have slightly more potential.
how do I get a cute gf like this
I reckon many already do. You probably just don't know about it
Women only go out and build shit when they're essentially forced to.
No woman CHOOSES to go into construction or waste management or anything that goes into maintaining society.
The very nature of women means they will never recede from society. It's integral to their being.
If it got to a point of societal collapse as men withdrew themselves, they would just find a way to make the few men they have force the other men to participate or just join other societies where the men haven't withdrawn.
ragnarok dummy
Why would they? A 25 year old woman with no college degree can make a living just working as a secretary.
Theres a strange phenomenon where some reserved and nerdy girls grow up on the male dominated internet, and they take on a a sort of male internet personality separate from their real life female personality. They end up having the strangest mix of personalities later in life. Ive met one before that had half of her personality like someone who grew up on posting on Sup Forums in isolation. She even developed political views that could have come right off of Sup Forums, including about women.
They have. Cat lady's have been around since animals were domesticated. Women are committing suicide cause they can't find their "ideal" partner and won't settle realistically with the times (when men are kicked out of jobs on mere allegations, men pushed out of colleges by SJW feminists, when men are being replaced by foreigners).
>What will happen if white women start to recede from society in the same way white men have?
It will require even less people to start a revolution.
they would rahter take the bottom of the genepool than be alone
Maybe they'll find each other again
>under the right set of circumstances
Right, for instance if a woman was born as a man and not a woman.
>>Women are basically niggers.
Women are pigs; sloths and generally worthless. As Napoleon once said, "Women are simply machines to build more men. (sic). We are literally watching society collapse before our eyes. Nope, not the right "circumstances" yet for women to change something.
A woman is designed from birth to be a victim and to blame men for all that goes wrong. The west is facing massive death and chaos in the coming years and all women will do is simply blame men.
Another source: That Danish/Dutch Survivor episode where the women never seemed to be able to think ahead; plan; build camp; fish or do jack shit. They finally brought men over to the female side so the show could finish.
>The very nature of women means they will never recede from society. It's integral to their being.
>If it got to a point of societal collapse as men withdrew themselves, they would just find a way to make the few men they have force the other men to participate or just join other societies where the men haven't withdrawn.
Here is the subtle point you're missing. A "Society" or "Civilization" along with it's quality of life and technological advancement is a product of "Beta Participation."
As the first wave of Betas drop out, the next wave will have a much bigger tax burden as a woman, nigger or Leftist in general.....will never do without GIBS. They are all born victims. That wave of Betas now carry an even heavier burden and are now much closer to Waking Up via Red Pill and going MGTOW and dropping out. Rinse Repeat.
Chad does not "build" society. Chad is the warrior who killed off foreigners and secured land for civilization. It is the Betas who build a society and secure women with the marriage contract. That is their reward for participation; a woman forced by the State to be loyal. Otherwise, there is very little reason to participate.
If there is a Beta Revolt, all that will be left are careless Chads who Pump and Dump. Women will be having babies but there will be no infrastructure (supported by Betas with Patriotism for The State). As such, the infant mortality rate will skyrocket. Death in general will skyrocket as Chad is forced to directly care for his woman....something he's not wired to do.
The fallout will be roaming tribes with Chad forced to care for his woman but turning her into the submissive little cunt hole that she should have been in the first place. He will reduce the effort he has to put into her in order for her to shit out a kid. Without a society to bother with, it will be a much more efficient system.
This is also the environment under which betas get selected more often. Chad isn't gonna stick around for the kids,and no infrastructure means no birth control. Women will suffer consequences for their actions again, and the old gender roles will return once that's apparent.
See how hard white knights fight on the internet? They'll fight harder when their actually getting some, both irl. Providers become the new Alphas in times of scarcity.
"She'll suck your dick for a candy bar."
Yes! I know one. She's like a 8/10 gorgeous mother with a perfect family and yet I'm her outlet. She sends memes and internet; pop-culture references constantly via email. I have come to realize I'm a completely separate function from her Normie Family.
Her mother died when she was young. I think it may have affected her in a great way. She may have driven hard into internet culture and then later she got pulled out for Normie Life because she's quite attractive and wife-material.
It's crazy. She's totally creative and wonderful but I've never met her in real life. The multiple personality thing hits the nail on the head. She has at least a dozen "meme" personalities and switches between them.
You realize that's a man? Fucking faggot.
>t. beta
>Not noticing the obvious adam's apple
>Providers become the new Alphas
Nailed it.
The whole Alpha/Beta thing is kind of like a sexual orientation argument. Some people believe you are "born beta" like it's DNA and you can't escape it.
Part of being Beta is poor physical fitness and health.
But the rest is a weak mind that has been indoctrinated by society and Single Mother Cancer. I think we are in the midst of a true Beta Uprising when Beta Males are using the internet to break the shackles of indoctrination.
Mentally they are becoming "Alpha" or Red-Pilled and what follows is a move to improve their health; their bodies and their male sovereignty.
Soon, the Providers have transitioned into the new class of Alphas.
The current crop of Alphas we have now....the ones out there getting a free ride of pussy and contributing nothing to society...all die off. In a way they are Faux Beta, living off the tit of society (heaps of available women) without participating in the Tax system, etc.
Women are not men, they are dependent on someone to survive, be it a man or the state. Plus they are social creatures, and being ostracized or voluntarily leaving the collective is a fate as bad as death to them.
They already do in huge numbers. Cat women are increasing.
shit like this is why I fucking hate society. Allowing these mentally ill abominations to roam free and deliberately try to trick people. gas chambers when
not true
actually quite a lot of girls do that. they are the same like us, dude. Growingly more anxious of the society
lol, it's in the thread's name. It fooled me. I feel violated desu
I'm a straight man, but I'd plow that twink like it was the week after the last frost of the year.
>I'm a straight man,
I find that hard to believe, seeing as you're lusting after an obvious man in drag.
>wearing Burberry
this girl is rich
>40+ years ago
that started when they were allowed to vote
tfw no qt trap gf
also tfw no more pics on her reddit