When did you accept the fact that women care solely for looks and all that bullshit about muh confidence muh nofap is...

When did you accept the fact that women care solely for looks and all that bullshit about muh confidence muh nofap is just delusional cope?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's one gorgeous couple, who will make absolutely beautiful babies.


>Man jaw bitch
If it's all boys, hell yeah.
If they a girl however.

>t. never leaves the house
I see fit girls with uggo guys all the time.

t. cuck

Too bad he's gay and she's a coalburner.

This. I feel nothing when I see white couples. What boils my blood are the interracial ones.

Yeah and I see fit guys with fat chicks sometimes. Maybe the HIGH TEST meme is working. Or maybe people aren't 100% shallow, I dunno.

Either way I think you are wrong. If it's all about looks why there are interracial couples? If you are european you can't possibly look worse than an african.

It's most likely both.

please stop posting anti-women threads on Sup Forums EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HOUR OF EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY


On the bright side, most women are as insecure as they are shallow, so even if they crave Chad dick they might even settle for you.

Because it's a confluence of factors, including height, wealth, fame, and even taboo appeal.

there are just as many "beautiful couples" with ugly kids as there are ugly couples with 10/10s

For a mexican pea shelling imageboard that's obsessed with genetic lineage, you'd think this place would have a better understanding of biology

But! Getting fit and dressing well is the real game changer. But do you have the discipline to get fit? Few men really do.

These two rsd guys pull 8s 9s and 10s. Because they are masters at game. Learn game. It helps average guys immensely

Woops forgot pic


>Literally Chad uebermensch.
>literally 10% or less of the male population.
Well I guess the rest of us 90%ers arr shit out of luck then and must accept a single mother raising Tyrones niglet.


One man's 8 is another man's 4.

How do you know this is a "fact"? Did you try not being an autistic incel?

This. These guys who moan about women having such high standards never even approach women or talk to them. I guess it's a lot easier than realising you have responsibility.

In the European Union we treat womxn with respect. It's very important to be inclusive, womxn doesn't only care about their looks.

Seriously /poll/, would you date a pretty womxn without a personality?

A fucking leaf!!!

White and white is boring, seriosly why would a white womxn date a white man? Black men are superior in everything
>Better athletes
>Bigger dicks
Us white men are inferior

Stop haiting Canada. Canada is the only true anglo country in North America

>and here's what's interesting when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

only asians, niggers and manlets get triggered by your pic, op.

Yet you see attractive women with ugly men all the time.

This is what a real beautiful cuople looks like, non white guy and white womxn

The guy looks white. Unless you're a nordicist 'tard who thinks black-haired people are not white.

>women placing attractiveness lower on the scale in a survey
A fact
>in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, in fact
Not a fact

>even if they crave Chad dick they might even settle for you
No fuck you. I want them to crave my dick too. I want them to look at me like we're gonna make dozens of ubermensch babies like in OP's pics.
Oh well at least I still have anime girls.
Dammit pol what have you done to me.

God fucking dammit stop posting that picture it's triggering my homo thoughts that i'm trying to repress

Hence it's not only about looks...

Whitey is getting blacked

They see everything as a threat...he's very insecure, selfish, hateful, and gay.

He really don't want the white woman, he just don't want you to have her because of his fears of knowing he cant make her happy and fell safe.

In his head, he's everything to everyone but really he's a grown up baby still sucking on his mommy teats.

>be ugly
>be richfag
>get plastic surgery

It's almost like white people (except basement dwellers, and gingers) gets a tan during summer, or something

But that’s wrong you ducking /r9k/ faggot

Women like a good looking man but they also like money, success, fame and social standing.

As a guy you can make up for your lack of looks women can’t

That said I’m mad jelly of this guys literally cartoon perfect face

I'm not particularly good-looking and everywhere I go, women are happy to interact with me

it's called not being a sperg

You're assuming this girl is with this guy solely because of his looks. How do you know he is not also rich?


That guy looks like an Italians or something wtf are you talking about

>This study was conducted to quantify the Tinder socio-economic prospects for males based on the percentage of females that will “like” them. Female Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on “like” percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies. In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be “liked” by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder. Also, a formula was derived to estimate a man’s attractiveness level based on the percentage of “likes” he receives on Tinder:

Dude attractiveness doesn't matter which is why Chad gets orders of magnitude more attention than normies from their profile picture alone.
>durr not a fact
It's social science, what the fuck do you want, mathematical proof?

If girls stayed in their lane, it would be one thing. But these average looking girls that think they are entitled to a good looking guy drives me up a wall (I'm not talking about the girl in the picture)

This, the amount of absolute fat cows that message me on tinder proves that they bat way above their average

Italians aren't white

I hope he didn't choke on the lime in the top of the juice bottle?

Why would an attractive girl use OKCupid?

i just beheaded my tenth beaner today yet i feel that licking that feet is unsanitary

You are a stupid nigger. Most women don’t really care about looks. A physically attractive guy might get an easy foot in the door, but that’s only a small part of the equation. Women are much more attracted to personality traits like confidence, humor, and professional power.

Attention, they aren't looking for a partner, they just want attention from men.

>2 years ago
>not being an autist also helps
>me an autist

why would anyone attractive use OKCupid?

That bitch is a 5/10 compared to him
He can do way better


Holy fuck, you fucking retard, how the fuck is Tinder supposed to work? It's a looks rating app, swiping left or right depends on whether you like this one picture of a person. You'd have to be a retard to compare Tinder's statistics to real life.

>When did you accept the fact that women care solely for looks
you dont seem to understand money

You have no idea what you're talking about.
You see tinder is like real life but without the social filters people normally use when interacting casually.
So for example on tinder it is perfectly normal to demand a 6 figure income and a height above 6"1 while in real life this would be considered shallow and rude.

It's not social filters.
People are either shallow, or they aren't. Looking for relationships on Tinder is shallow. Damn, looking for sex on Tinder is shallow. Without the element of real casual conversation it's nothing like real life. Being 10/10 is just the only way a woman would consider to have sex with you without knowing you and only seeing your photo. It's normal. It's a shallow sex app.

Read the fucking article nigger
>WILLIMANTIC, Conn. — Maybe nice guys really do finish last, after all. Women don’t view unattractive men as “dating material,” no matter how exceptional their other qualities are, a new study finds.

>Researchers at Eastern Connecticut State University looked at the mate preferences of 80 young women, aged 15 to 29, while also having 61 of their mothers weigh in.

>The participants were presented with photographs of men varying in both attractiveness and described as one of three dispositions:“friendly,” “pleasing,” or “respectful.”

>Additional trait profiles were explained for each of the three dispositions. Men labeled “respectful” included the traits ‘respectful, trustworthy, and honest;’ the ‘friendly’ men were labeled ‘friendly, dependable, and mature;’ and the ‘pleasing” profile meant that the man was ‘of a pleasing disposition, ambitious, and intelligent.’

>The women were then asked to assess how attractive they found each man photographed, along with whether they found the man suitable to date, either themselves or for their daughters.

>Simply put, men viewed as unattractive were not viewed as potential suitors, no matter the level of other redeeming qualities that accompanied their photos. Those with favorable personality traits that were ranked highly were at least moderately attractive.

no surgery for being a manlet
no surgery for being a framelet
no surgery for having a shitty skull
no surgery for short interpupillary distance/negative canthal tilt


>confidence gained by women throwing themselves at you
>no fap achieved by women throwing themselves at you
i dont see where youre going with this.

Shit bait cuck

Hello Lookism. Fuck off. Looks has nothing to do with politics. Sage.

Can't tell if you're a retard or have shit bait

Read it EVERYONE is "shallow". We have evolved to look for traits indicating health and fertility (ie. good-looking people). Literally everyone cares a lot about looks, only virtue-signalers deny this.

There's an easy way to explain this. Ugly people have bad genetics and are insecure dullards. Who wants to be around a triehard ugly fuck who constantly compensates for looking like a hairy ballsack?

Saying that niggers are dumb isn't exactly politics either, but you'd have to be an even bigger idiot to not notice how this affects politics (and everything else).
Almost everything men do is to secure pussy in some way. They dedicate their lives to it. If it wasn't for the "looks don't matter" meme then feminism wouldn't exist. Most women's rights wouldn't exist.

I'm a chad manlet who opted out and went mgtow because women are soulless fuckpuppets who can't sow or cook
>inb4 >chad >manlet
it's just a thing they shit test you on, sperg

>unironically ignoring hypergamy this hard

Money and personality trump looks, period, but that’s not to say looks don’t matter. You could have the ugliest, most autistic dweeb announce in a crowd that he had just won the lottery, and women would immediately start noticing him. They are hardwired to go for the provider, regardless of his power levels or alpha-hood.

I go to the gym and lift, but I’m not one of the tools who think getting big is the be all and end all.

Assuming it's possible to be a good-looking male without a square head, why are there no females who are good-looking with square heads?

t. ugly faggot

"Muh confidence" is the shitty advice only single moms give to their effeminate sons. "Nofap" is the shitty advice strangers on the internet give out. Idiots that fall for either deserve to be virgins.

But I am literally saying hypergamy exists.
I am talking about raw sexual attraction here. You can get a hot wife if you're rich but she'll fuck the pool boy. She'll be disgusted by your presence and probably divorce you. She will never love you like she does with Chad.
Obviously, women want to secure resources, just like everyone else. Most men would marry an ugly landwhale worth $10m if they only had to fuck her twice a year and could fuck stacies on the side every day then divorce the whale for half the wealth. But of course most men don't have this opportunity.

>looks matter on online dating sites where the only thing you can go on is looks


You never interacted with women IRl, have you? Looks are far less important for them IRL than on shallow datingsites made for quick hookups.

The advice should be "Apply yourself and find a qt in your field who's fed up with all the retards, or get rich."

I've seen guys more ugly than him with girlfriends. He won't get the top model Stacey, but he can still get a cute girl who's not an orc either.

He's talking about the guy on the right, retard.

So am I, if we are talking about the picture he posted.

When I realized I get more attention than most and that I can get through life without putting much effort. When I realized I always get multiple chances and respect while ugly men got mean stares and cold responses. Basically once I reached the age of about 17-18 And realized how the way I was treated by women improved about 10x and I understood why. Accepted it for real when I got asked out by a blonde bitch who knew I was a lazy bum with no money, she gave me money and blew me.

>delusional autist
I’m a good looking autist and I can’t get women, my friend who is a charming 5/10 is constantly getting women.

The lookspill is extremely hard to swallow because it leads to feelings of powerlessness in some people. All this shit about lifting, nofap, muh konfidunce, having a good job etc. is just cope by the genetically inferior. I'm so glad to have been born tall and handsome, I can steal the crush of any beta on here + people respect me more. But no worries, if you're not good looking you can still become a beta provider.

To be clear, good looks help, a lot even, but being a good conversationalist is much more important, and confidence helps a lot with that.

he's wasting his genetics on a white thot. should get with a black or asian girl tbqh

no, because women are literally the cause of all the problems.

Let me guess, and you're a MGTOW

We both agree that looks matter, but a man’s personality and game can sexually arouse a woman and attract her in a way that looks don’t, and looks are far more important to men’s attraction.

Don’t use the fact that you’re not Magic Mike as an excuse not to work on your career, study female psychology, and hit the gym.

I'm handsome, never had a problem with women, easy to get people to like me, now let me tell you why you're wrong. There's always someone better looking, and I've noticed looks attract but personality sustains. I've lost slut battles because I was too shy, when I could have had it in the bag. Personality counts, but if you're butt ugly and don't shower, then you better start practicing your charm. Go to bars and make up identitys, same at haircut places (I noticed you can toy with people in these intimate settings) just practice. Don't bitch about looks, girls want money most of all anyways.

beautiful people are usually vapid and dumb.

I realized it likely at a younger age than most of you. Why? Because my brother was a turbo Chad, and I was just a regular person.

>Brother is an athlete his whole life.
>I played the vidyer jew.
>Girls would refer to him as "my hot brother"
>People would say they can't believe we are related.
>He is 6'4, 100kg solid.
>I'm 5'10, 80kg average build.
>I do well in school, take a STEM degree, get an average job.
>He does terrible in school, goes to college, now makes over 6 figures. Got a job through his athlete connections that pays an insane amount and is no work.
>Had a different Stacey at our house every weekend.
>Had three Stacies in one day when he was single. Showed me pictures of three different 10/10 girls who had sent him nudes that day.
>All three were begging him to go over.

The only thing worse than going to school or work with a Chad, is growing up next to one. At least I know I have the Chad gene somewhere in me. Maybe my kids will luck out and be turbo Chads.

Side note: I still managed to get married, and have a lovely wife who I care about. I just recognize that I am not a Chad. I do however have an insane insight into the life of most Chads, so feel free to ask me anything.

There also the same guys that only talk about how a woman looks. Yet they expect women to fall in love with their sense of humor despite their hideous mugs.

>you should just give up and feel helpless
That's what guys on Sup Forums do, unsurprisingly.
>I can steal the crush of any beta on here
And I can be short, fat and bald, and I'll steal your girl, because I'm confident in my ability to do so, while you're relying on something you cannot change or control.

it's natural


Actually no. Features that make a man beautiful make a girl ugly and vice versa. That's why you usually see very average parents have absolutely stunning children. If beautiful people have beautiful kids it's usually cause the kid lucked out and got physical features from almost exclusively one side.

>what the fuck do you want, mathematical proof?


Wow, it's as if being athletic, making social connections and not playing vidya instead makes you a Chad, even if your younger brother is a loser and you share the same genes.