Let's see how white you are.
Don't be unmanly cowards. Let's see your results.
I notice that you never post your DNA results on here. I wonder why.
Let's see how white you are.
Don't be unmanly cowards. Let's see your results.
I notice that you never post your DNA results on here. I wonder why.
>I wonder why
Because the DNA testing companies almost always give false results. A few have event admitted to it.
I'm waiting. I've asked for your DNA results on other threads and you never provide them.
I'm wondering why you don't provide them. Is it because they're not very good?
DNA companies almost never give fake DNA results to Americans. Somehow we almost always come out as 100% white.
I'm waiting. It's only 7:41 in Johannesberg. I know you're not in bed.
The fake DNA results is just a lame excuse that people who get non-white ancestry on their DNA tests use.
Tick, tock. I'm getting bored waiting here.
You South Africans are unbelievable cowards.
First you refuse to provide your DNA tests on /pol. Even when you're specifically asked to.
And now you want to cowardly flee to other countries rather than staying in your own country and fighting to keep your land.
"White" South Africans. The people who produce Sandra Laing.
Yeah and we're supposed to accept them as white and let them into our countries. And allow them to marry our wives and daughters.
What a joke.
Why haven't I gotten any kits yet?
>la creatura always write threads like these to make them feel less shitty about themselves
why do you keep posting shill threads against south african boers? its pretty obvious now that you are just a divide and conquer shill.
pot calling the kettle
They're the best whites in the world... give me a couple divisions of Boers and I could wipe out the niggers in a day.
Because they're admixed with non-white blood. Including nigger blood. Yet somehow we're supposed to feel super sorry for them and let them in as refugees. PS not every thread about Boer and Afrikaner DNA is started by me. I was the first person to create anti-Boer threads, but one or two other people seem to have recognized the truth about "white" South Africans and sometimes start anti-South African threads. Every now and then I go on here and see a South Africa DNA thread that wasn't actually started by me.
And I post threads on pol about other topics. We're all anonymous on here so how do you even know what I post?
Seriously have you ever noticed that they never actually post their DNA test results no matter how much I ask?
If any of them actually scored 100% European don't you think they'd actually post their results on here?
Black lives don't matter. That is why we need to know if they really are white.
Seriously have you ever noticed that South Africans never actually post their DNA test results no matter how much I ask?
If any South African actually scored 100% European don't you think they'd actually post their results on here?
I mean seriously Americans post our DNA results all the time when people question our whiteness.
Yet South Africans never post their DNA results when somebody questions their whiteness.
Why do you think this is?
Coming from the worlds biggest cucks.
>I wonder why.
Because they don't feel that they have to take them because they already know where they come from, unlike americans who are terribly insecure about their racial heritage.
It really is an american thing.
No. It's because they're fucking mutts with nigger, Indian and Malaysian ancestry.
They take DNA tests but are too cowardly to post them on here.
Because if they posted their DNA results everybody would know the truth about them.
Shariablue shill detected please ignore this thread
small fraction of khoisan blood reporting in...dating back to around 1840...lonely missionary drilled slave girl.
You're the first South African I can ever recall who actually has discussed their DNA results on this thread. Usually when South Africans post on these threads all they do is tell me I'm a faggot or some other insult.
So, how much nigger did you get on your DNA test?
What about South Asian and East Asian? How much did you get of those?
I greatly respect you for actually being honest about your DNA. Unlike the other South Africans on here, who are all unmanly cowards who refuse to discuss their DNA results.
You are such a careerist in the faggotry industrial complex it's not even funny
Fuck off kike!
How convenient, isn't it?
I'm a faggot because I recognize them as fraudulent mutts?
After 10,000 threads where none of them actually admits to their DNA results, one guy actually discusses his DNA results. And admits that he is not pure white.
Do you seriously think that the South Africans who refused to discuss their DNA test results were actually pure whites?
desu khoisan are/were based non-bantu hunter gatherers so i dont mind.its a bit like having cheyenne or comanche blood i guess (persistence hunters...the best long distance runners the world has known). i dont have dna evidence...just plain old fashioned family tree and black and white photos of descendents early in 20th century displaying obvious signs of negro genetics
btw i am anglo, not boer.
>giving your DNA to corporations
>paying them to build a human registry
Why would I be that retarded?
As I already discussed I'm not the only person who creates South Africa DNA threads. There's at least one other guy who sometimes creates these threads too.
Granted that the other guy(s) who sometimes creates South Africa DNA threads lives in the United States like I do. So he also has American flags next to his posts.
I create most South Africa DNA threads but I don't create all of them.
I don't want to give my genetic material to a corperation.
take a vial of my blood and a hair follicle, nerd
youre an african nigger as far as any of us are concerned. spend enough time living with niggers and the microchimerism in the air takes you over. enjoy being slaughtered like sheep by apes.
Says the American
I am vastly superior to you in every way, my dear gelatinous lifeform . I have had my body and my personality forged by trial and by relentless adversity. Yours has been forged by your playstation and your mom's chicken tendies.