4 us soldiers killed by isis
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niggers killing niggers
Does anyone have more footage?
This was already show last night on a thread. Scary shit. You can see his wrist is fucked up. Apparently there was a French jet nearby as well. Why are the French always so fucking useless at everything. I actually had a nightmare last night about this. Imagine feeling the hot sun on your bag, smelling your own blood, your back wide open about the receive a load of brass riddling you
Amerimutts cannot fight, haven't won war in my lifetime
another goy dead for Israel, if you wanna play hero....
I feel sorry for the guy but when you volunteer for SF you know you're going to get sent in a small group to the middle of nowhere without support, and this shit can happen.
>without support
American SF doesn't go anywhere without support, if they do shit like that go pro video happens.
Supposedly the black Motor T guy leaked the info of where the green berets were to ISIS. Turned to shit show real quick.
It shouldn't have happened. Its happened a few times because American SF think they are supermen. If you look into it the Lone Surivor thing was the same. They were taken out by like a Taliban squad not the hundreds in the movie (which is mostly bullshit). They went in light and got fucked up. One of the guys killed would have been court martialed had he survived. They gave him a medal posthumously because he tried to make it right.
Instead of picking the best from the army like the SAS do they allow anyone to try have a go sometimes the people that get in are more in love with the idea of being SF badass than actually being effective. Its just sad to see 4 good guys wasted by jihadi scum
At mark 5:01 u can hear the guy screaming..
All 4 of them were SSgts, they were experienced and well trained soldiers just maybe not as tough as SAS
I thought ISIS were dead
Yea don't believe the people saying its edited in . Its like the retards that say ISIS execution victims are drugged. Like they are going to waste drugs on dead bodies in the battlefield. Turns out when people are dying they scream, shit themselves or completely give up. Life isn't a movie
isis is a euphism for shitskins, the irony is that western goobernments will never admit that
They'll just migrate to areas like Yemen/Africa just like Al Qaeda.
It was 3 green berets and 1 Motor T guy.
That's weird, there are hundreds of vids of Syrian people getting massacred by ZOG mercenaries, and in them, they mostly do not scream like a bitch. BAKEEYA!! ROAAARR!!
We need to get the fuck out of africa. What is so strategically important for us to be there?
Ya these guys belonged to US special forces, found out their names:
Names of the #US soldiers who were killed in october 2017 by an #ISIS ambush at the border to #Mali 1.Staff Sgt. Bryan C. Black
2.Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson 3.Staff Sgt. Dustin M. Wrigh
4.Sgt. La David T.
Q predicted it.
i did not hear the scream and that is good. back then when i watched more videos like that the worst were the screams and not the blood or whatever.
Big if true
Did the Land Cruiser have any armour plate? They seemed to be taking a lot of fire but it kept slowly driving about.
>full 9 minute version to taken off youtube which shows the shot to shit corpses at the end
>theync uploads the sanitised 6 minute one
They were driving in 1st gear Americans cant into manual.
god i wish that were me.
Here is another video of the incident where u can see the dead bodies of atleast 2/4 of em :/
Screams coming from SF are more haunting, you expect them to go out like a badass throwing grenades but in reality they run across a field with their back turned to the enemy, get shot in the leg and slowly turned into swiss cheese by animals who can't aim.
fake screams look it up
They are not fake it's laughable that you say they are.
I believed the screams at first, but they may have just been added in.
What the fuck is wrong with you? That's someone's son. Someone's brother. You fucking piece of shit. My brother is a cop and every day I'm afraid he will get killed over a traffic violation by some wild nigger. I love that guy more than anything else in my life. You are fucked in the head if you're laughing about this, or your brain not mature enough to empathize.
To be fair he got shot in the groin so it probably hurt.
The guys were supposed to be doing psyop bullshit, meeting with local leaders telling them why ISIS is bad mmkay. They werent expecting a 50+ hadji firefight, someone on the inside definitely tipped of the Jihadis. Probably their first firefight. You can see in the video before they try to break for it they work their way to another pickup where their Nigerian support is already fucking dead.
No armor, its definitely shot to shit and barely rolling, the first dead guy gets pulled out of it so the things riddled with bullets, probably why they didnt try to drive out.
What's the angle on spamming this on Sup Forums? MIDF shilling?
Ya i think the screams are real, cmon ppl lets be real here. Getting shot multiple times with 7.62 would probably make us all scream.
Yeah, pussy-ass white boys squeal, you don't see ARab bulls doing that shit.
Its the first real video of ISIS killing US troops. Its taking its time to percolate through the internet. Maybe all the armchair soldiers can shut the fuck up for a while.
Oh. Friendly fire...
Yeo'd think the adrenaline would block out the pain? I'm no army doctor
screams are taken from this
Scream is fake
Amerimutt """""""special"""""" forces, not even once.
Turns out sometimes you don't go into shock when tortured or in vasts amount of pain...its all lies told by doctors to make relatives feel better.
>Its just nice to see 4 good goys wasted by jihadi scum
lol it sounds absolutely nothing like that you retard
>damage controlling this hard
top jej
I agree, the screams dont sound like that.
Yes I have the full video downloaded
I just wish the one I saw didnt have nasheeds blasting the whole time. Kind of hard to get a sense of how fucked the situation when you can't hear what their saying and how much incoming fire their taking.
There is an article on nyt about this
>sf training Mali nogs to nig militias
>50 militias technicals and 400 fights roll on sf and nogs
>nogs run sf hold the line
>4 dead but rest of the 12 sf push them back killing 40 militia
Yupp would like to see the unedited version
If ISIS or shills regard this as a victory then let them have it. At least it was a fight and not the millionth execution/sniping some poor sentry video.
No, 2 blacks killed all those pussy-ass white bois. Classic. ROAAARR!
is he okay?
A Green Beret was recently killed by two Navy SEALs when he discovered they were stealing from an informant fund. Absolute state of American SF
>be ambushed
>instead of disengaging you stand and try to fight
>with like 4 people
>rest of the unit already disengaged (or rather fled since they didn't ensure even disengagement)
>pop red smoke to let enemy know where you are
>leave fully functional car behind to run on foot
Special needs forces.
Those screams were something...
more like special nignog forces
whoever is best at nignoggingTM gets to join
>four Americans are dead
>spitting on their graves
Fuck off, its a more valuable life lost than some random Middle Easterner.
Stop supporting the jewish system that perpetuates the suffering your talking about then. If you weren’t such an infantile emotionally triggered individual you would realize he understands the sensitivity around the issue but how can he talk straight faced about soldiers and police officers the men you know and love being used as cattle in the game of international jewish supremacy?
Well blacks are 3/5ths of a person so you’re not wrong
You literally don't hear anything during the whole video except for the stupid shitskin chanting music and the "scream" at the end. Of course it's fucking edited in you retard. Why else can't you hear literally anything else? When do helmets carry audio anyways? It's just video.
You fell for the Isis propaganda hard. Turn your fucking brain next time.
I highly doubt user would talk like that in public and reveal his power-level like an utter autismo.
The cameras record audio too, retard.
>you expect them to go out like a badass
They are just normal fucking dudes like everyone else, they have more training than a normal soldier but that doesn't make them invincible killing machines.
>How did a group of American soldiers — who Defense Department officials insisted were in the country simply to train, advise and assist Niger’s military — suddenly get sent to search a terrorist camp, a much riskier mission than they had planned to carry out? Who ordered the mission, and why were the Americans so lightly equipped, with few heavy weapons and no bulletproof vehicles?
good fucking question.
>Be Russian Special Forces
>Look at Car drive self comrade
>Run towards gun fire, not away
>Call Russian Grade attack helicopter
>"Comrade Assad where have you been all my life ,Blin!"
>Assad Blows terrorists away
>"Comrade Ivan, do you have energy juice"
>"Blyat! Comrade, here it is"
>Ivan pulls out Vokda
>"Opa cousin, let us drink!"
>terrorists run away from ancient weaponized squatting power of Slavs
The french were tasked with providing air support in this region but they failed to Identify any targets. This will probably be the last time the US relies on a foreign power for air support.
>no armored vehicles
whoever organized this operation should feel bad and probably kill themselves
>they have more training than a normal soldier
That's doubtful at this point, if they were as trained as US military claims their tier 1s are trained, they wouldn't slowly get encroached by muds.
>tfw I'm the next in line to replace them
Wew lads well fucking Praise Kek let's get this shit started
you hear guns popping too you do realise GoPro record audio too right? Sorry if you cant handle the fact that these green berets scream when they are dying.
oh no, 4 grunts got killed in some random country , somehow defending freedom there
who the fuck cares
Everyone has heard go pro audio, its shit and no way could pick of a scream that clearly over everything else. Its a video from ISIS, you'll believe the entire video is raw and unedited?
Russian pilot that got downed recently engaged 20 hajis with his handgun from behind a rock, then blew himself up to evade capture. I don't blame this GB for running away but wouldn't you expect SF to fight more fiercely than a pilot?
Very nice, Comrade.
I give it a Cheeki out of Breeki.
Black masculinity wins yet again.
fuck you and your brother's wife's son
No doubt the officers responsible for this fuck up will be court martialed, unless US is truly corrupt as we think it is
no cover
More likely the immediate supervising officers got negative marks, higher ups nothing will happen. No SF officer was killed so no worry about handing out medals either.
>The french were tasked with providing air support in this region but they failed to Identify any targets
Only the French could be so incompetent.
>disease ridden malnourished monkeys with 50's tech vs most expensive military force on earth with pension after 20 years of 'service'
/k/ on suicide watch.
did he died?
>officers getting court martialed for anything other than fake sexual harassment claims from the unit's token female
If only you knew how bad things really are
you're confusing sympathy for empathy friendo. not the same thing.
>21 militants died in the attack
>but Americans still got btfo
In case you had any doubt that Sup Forums is the wrong side, this should make you question your allegiances.
>all dat pussy ass white boi salt
Your life must suck
Niggers do taste pretty salt especially when their smoked