I've heard a lot about Freemasons over the years but I don't really know anything about it. My Uncle is a Freemason and he's been asking me if I want to join, but he apparently can't tell me anything about it. Anyone in here ever been a Freemason and are willing to talk about what really happens in their temples?
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Bump for insight.
I've met a couple, it's just a lot of "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine", at least at the low levels. You have to repay favours.
I like to read about diet, far more important and real compared to mason theories.
is this darpa research?
i see this pasta freaquently
My guess is that your uncle isn't a mason but just a perv and is trying to trick you into cock sucking.
They started off with good intentions, and the truths they found were legit. But they took a turn and now they are a pile of jewish shit.
There's a great accurate movie made by nazis in 1943 about Freemasonry. Basically they are the original vehicle for the destruction of the west, before marxism and banking.
They started off Jewish.
They are mostly in tradition with classic western "science" (old teachings). While they have their own spin to it, they are fine by my book and fully compatible with the black sun stuff etc etc. Better a mason than an atheist
The Masons origin is unknown, and debated about within the ranks. I have a book called the oddfellows pocket book and ministry, from 1870 I believe. I bought it at a antique book part of a thrift shop. But I've known masons. The exist in places w money. They see themselves as a 1% of humanity that has values that only really apply to themselves. They see the rest of us as cash cows for the most part. Preserve the hive. They have a lot of money, a lot of power, a bloodline that usually must be held (masonry to freemasonry) and they will fucking off you for fucking with them. They have secrets of science religion and everything between. I believe anybody can pursue the ability to be woke but they will kill you if you go around trying to tell people we need to kill them. So just keep you're ideas in solitude and talk quietly when you mention them. They walk around as spies for the most part. I don't see why we couldn't share and discuss though. James Rothschild was a Mason in the 1700's when he started the Illuminati and then the french revolution. His relationship with them since is unbeknownst
to me.
Very boring old mans club
They sound obsolete to an education in STEM.
I bet half the outstanding body of Free Masonry can barely check their AOL email.
they are the good goy club but Zog influence varies from region and grand lodges. this is because not every grand lodge recognizes other grand lodges as real Freemasons for eg. the united grand lodge of England (the heart of it all) does not see the women or mixed lodges as legit masons so members are not allowed to attend their lodge meetings. as for what happens in the temples members are sworn to oaths not to reveal the finer points (handshakes and ritual) of what goes on in craft masonry (the first 3 degrees) however lot of the scare stories that float around are vastly inaccurate and no one (members or otherwise) gets hurt doing anything and there are points in the initiation where you are allowed to have cold feet and walk away. The dinners are nice and you meet interesting folks in your local area here it takes roughly 10 years of being a mason in a craft lodge to be every position in the lodge unless there is a manpower shortage or someone wants to push you up the chain early. some of the higher degrees LARP as Knights Templar and Knights of Malta and they get sick ass capes and better dinners. so the basic lodge is for the most part harmless other than a place to meet the local who's who' and have a chat over dinner. the higher degrees are in their own lodges and have their own oaths secrets and rituals but you do not have to be involved in them if you dont want to and some grand lodges offer decorations and other things to masons who do not and never want to go further.
Judaism for Goys.
>Anyone in here ever been a Freemason and are willing to talk about what really happens in their temples?
it's against the rules for masons to tell u that shit nigga
just go along to a white table and if you enjoy it, tell him, and he'll invite you formally
Interestingly put. Corruption spreads through all corners of power.
I went to a meeting to be evaluated for initiation. My dad was a mason, but could never say anything about it.
From what I've seen, it's a fraternity for post-college life. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. We see each other every other week, eat food and hang out. That's really it.
Apparently my great grandfather was a mason or something, I have a blank "made a mason" coin from him. He apparently had some swords too, those Templar society swords with the name engraved.
pussy worshippers. their 'g' means goddess. you will be a warlock for the sake of witches and witchcraft
Jimmy savile had those titles
Long since it has been perverted and turned into a counter-initiation cult that is synonymous with world jewery in its goals.
>Very boring old mans club
Best answer
Im a past master, it's cool but it really depends on the lodge. Be prepared to memorize lines like a play. Don't join a lodge unless it has ten or so guys under 50.
Masonry in Europe is very political. Masonry in America is hit or miss with politics but generally it's an appendant body to the GOP except nigger lodges and city lodges.
You learn A LOT of you keep reinterpreting the degrees. It's much deeper than it seems. It can be very boring if you're not already into that kind of thinking.
KEK "Eye Witness Normal Man USA"
Do different lodges compete/fight with each other?
Only one post by OP.
Read morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike. That will answer some questions
>"After leaving Egypt, the Mysteries were modified by the habits of the different nations among whom they were introduced, and especially by the religious systems of the countries into which they were transplanted. To maintain the established government, laws, and religion, was the obligation of the Initiate everywhere; and everywhere they were the heritage of the priests, who were nowhere willing to make the common people co-proprietors with themselves of philosophical truth."
Pike is basically saying the occult masters control the world and don't let the masses know the hidden knowledge they possess. These days people have the opportunity to learn and therefore not be controlled but most stay sheeple anyways.
I assumed if there was any place where a Freemason would be willing to talk about it, it would be Sup Forums.
Ayy! Finally someone on here who's read some pike :)
stop fishing pol for satan worshipers
SAGE in all fields
I don't think so. My dad's brother is a mason at one place, and my mom's brother is a mason somewhere else and they never acted weird around each other or anything.
Freemasonry is an idiotic Ponzi scheme. It derives it's power from the idea that there is hidden knowledge, when the only real hidden power is hidden right in plain sight. Get other people to do your dirty work, that's all free masonry is.
Everything else they talk about is distracting you from the fact that you're a brainless pawn
Also, they rape and kill children on an industrial scale and get sherrifs to cover it up
Still want to be a Freemason?
There is one quick shortcut to achieving power, but it's not very well known, I can tell you, but the knowledge is coded I have to pay someone for the decryption. If you're willing to pay, the world can be yours
I tried to join. But they turned me away because I wasn’t financially independent. Here’s what I know:
>Old dudes enjoying each other’s company
>General deist beliefs
>Only a few meetings a month, novitiaites need to attend a little more frequently for the rituals
>Limited charity work
I think maybe normal masons don't care, like normal Russians and Americans can still be friends. But I bet in the upper circle there definitely has some power struggle. Remember that the origin of the Nazi Party was started by a Mason lodge against most other lodges.
Just started Morals & Dogma recently but I've been looking into occult knowledge for awhile. I try to encourage others to read so they can think for themselves.
You don't have to join any organization when the information is out there readily available.
So at what level is there actual power? Is there a hierarchy? I'd have to assume that there are. So how long after joining to you gain access to whatever it is that they're hiding? Is it possible to infiltrate? I'd assume not seeing as it doesn't seem to have been done before.