What should be done with these people in your ideal society?
What should be done with these people in your ideal society?
Promote them to chief scientist
someone post the pic where the guys fap towel started growing mushrooms
>kill parents
>bolt bedroom door shut
>leave them to die
OP's pic is grosser than that to me
Work camp
Oh no.... years ago I BRIEFLY visited a guy's house. It was biohazard. I had to run in to use the toilet while he was picking something up. So I navigated through the path on the floor (walls lined with trash) to the bathroom... and I saw mushrooms growing one one spot of the shower wall. Fucking mushrooms. I always wondered how that was even possible, and now I know how.... I bet he fapped in the same spot every time...
this could be modern art 4 sure
Fuck this place
Im out FFS
To be fair, that's probably snot.
This is why I just eat it, way more sanitary.
ITT things only white "people" do.
>when mods make threads
$100k to the user that can get Sup Forums shut down
You mean Nips
Send them to South Africa.
gtfo Sup Forums, lmao
That’s a lot of snot for one blow
I unironically believe that you would leaf
shits fucked. my kids are boogery drooly messes that like to give me hugs all the time. I cant wear dark colors because of this
Not really, I've blown bigger wads out of my nose and my dick, at the same time even. But I'm certain its jizz.
t. uses shirts as jizz rags
When I have a flu it usually is that amount.
My question is how can you sneeze IN THE SHIRT at that angle?
It probably is a cumrag.
Never understood the stigma, desu.
>letting protein go to waste
Fuck that shit bro
Of course you would leaf
Here you go m9
Courtesy of /ck/
>someone post the pic where the guys fap towel started growing mushrooms
WTF. Very curious to see this.
Holy shit i thought it is some sort of giger-tier alien thing in the thumbnail
We have enough problems
jesus wept
Typical jizzrag plebs.
how much would you trip if you ate those
Gas them, there is no place for weebs and degenerates in this world.
Just stop funding them and they'll have no time for that shit. Going after these people is a waste of effort.
How to fuck would you trip they wouldn't be in your way any more
You'd become pregnant
the abyss
returns even the boldest gaze
NEETs deserve to be thrown into camps and either forced to learn to benefit society or die
You're too young to be here
Enjoy your cumstains.
>"we've learned to imitoot you exarctly."
god, thats fucking funny
>this man took a picture everyday of his favorite figurine for one year
>don't cry when you see the last image!
It's got nothing on the cumjar project.
I almost just threw up
Why spread this stuff
Your day will come
This is some Silent Hill 4 shit ITT
It's a gauna!
Just end it senpai.
Guillotine, then cremation.
pretty sure Ive seen another picture of this kind of thing
And that's enough intenet for me today.
>tfw no qt polish cosplayer to sit on your lap
Leave jizz rag sitting in one spot for so long mushrooms grow, produce spores, and die.
And then you jizz on them too.
I maintain it's shopped and no one will change my mind. I want to believe. I have to.
This is why I don't drink kombucha anymore.
Looks like Coprinus comatus, a very tasty mushroom when fresh. I'll try to farm some using cum and cloth, yummy
>you'd trip balls
Id ship em all to some island and they could all live in filthy weeb paradise together.
There is nothing worse to do to them, which they aren't already are.
>eating your own children
Using them in the propaganda department because they are autists or cut their benefits and let them die of hungry
Nice waifu he has though. She knows how to take it.
You do realise that that's technically your son, right?
I was here for this thread...hopefully no one brings it up 10 years from now at a Job interview or something.
Japan no?
>Image search shows it's originally from leddit
I'm suspicious if this is real.
If they brought it up wouldnt that mean they were in the thread too?
We need Hitler back
This is like 3 years old. She'd been completely immersed in cum a while ago. It was a project after all. Even buzzfeed wrote about it.
could have been worse..
You've earned a double rake you fucking leaf
lol you only know they even exist if you go on Sup Forums. Otherwise they just stay in their rooms.
Food for thought
I’m saddened that this isn’t the only reply to this obvious slide thread.
>all these newfags amazed by this
Summer is early
Story time
what if you plant a seedling in a cum stain and it grows? is your son a tomato plant, if a tomato plant grow?
Idk somewhere in the channel maybe
Yes. The plant is your son. You name him George, water him, watch him grow, and then every day, you viciously tear a piece off of him, slice it, and serve BLTs to your friends. They'll never know...
but what kind of shrooms are these? can you eat them? or are they drugs? or would you die if you eat them?
after seeing this i have truly ascended
I can eat anything while watching 2 girls 1 cup, but can't fucking take it with that pic... so fucking disgusting