All around us, more and more Nazis rise. Their beliefs are based in bigotry, oppression, and violence. Millions of lives depend on them being stopped at all costs. Do your duty as an American and help stop them. Give me one good reason to let them exist
Reminder: It's your civic duty to stop the Nazi menace
Other urls found in this thread:
>Meme flag
And I know a little something about meme flags. Get fucked
"I almost had to address what you said until I saw your flag" Also, nice picture of a genocidal idiot. Let me guess, you think the Holocaust didn't happen and put other people below you.
why did this narrative suddenly stop a few weeks after trump got elected?
Empty words with no impact, facts, examples or any elaboration in general.
That's not how to AgitProp made, comrade
>your duty as an American
There's no such thing as nationality you strasserite closet-fascist fuck
Nazis continue to rise and grow in numbers, look it up. Their beliefs are based in hatred, bigotry, and violence. Again, look up the beliefs of Nazis. Do research.
>Nazis continue to rise and grow in numbers
> Again, look up the beliefs of Nazis. Do research.
I know. Nazis are smart, they can disguise and debate and a lot of them doing a better job than you.
>look it up
> Again, look up the beliefs of Nazis. Do research.
No. If you try to make a point - you provide all whats neccesery to make ME believe that you are correct.
Fuck. Why am I have to teach you about the basics of agitation? What the fuck are you anarchist are doing at your 8ch? shitpost and dream all day?
People stopped trusting the old guard in favor of the businessman.
1. Nazis hate minorities
2. Nazis genocided people they don't like
3. Nazis constantly threaten people with violence
4. Nazis hate homosexuals
5. Nazis deny the Holocaust
6. All of it is backed with pseudo-science and things that have been debunked
7. They dismiss all criticism by calling everyone a Jew or paid shill
Sorry for bringing alternative viewpoints to the Nazi echo chamber
Searched for reactionary. Seems spot on
>(of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Now tell me why hating minorities is bad and try to do it in the most convincing way. because that question will come up often
Check out these black nazis :^)
It is my RIGHT and DUTY to kill tyrants in self-defense. Civil war is coming nigger.
Because it's based on very loose prejudices, country of origin amount of melanin, language spoken or simply being ugly, which means rushed poor judgement are usually made to detriment of non minority individuals.
Nazis havent existed since 1945.
>everyone i disagree with is a nazi so i will i lash out violently in public and leave smug notes online
Violent radical communist agitators are one of the main factors in the gains of right wing politics now and in the past.
We've tried things the globalist way for a while now. People are intensely unhappy and lacking of purpose. Now you want to tell us we must double down on this or else you will act like an arrogant little shit full of threats? Please. You are the worst enemy of everyone, even yourself.
>Nazis genocided people they don't like
Lol. Sure.
1488 brothers
>anarchist captain america
that's like a communist private business
Is it possible to get any gayer?
I'm with this guy
Bigotry is a virtue. Fuck pakis.
You can't stop us commie faggot
>Give me one good reason to let them exist
You are a massive faggot and you should KYS
Great arguments guys, i didnt even have to enter the thread
I'm a moderate nazi, stop alienating me
>Their beliefs are based in hatred, bigotry, and violence
And this is a bad thing because?
Found the paki
rip trash can
It’s based on reality sweet heart. It’s based on data.
You could swap "Nazi" with "commie" and be exactly as accurate. Except there isn't a rise of more and more commies.
>Thinks race is just the amount of melanin in you skin
Fuckin moron.
>imply all your enemies are nazis
>make statements about how it's ok to use violence against nazis
>never admit that you are referring specifically to your political enemies so you can claim anyone that opposes the statement supports actual nazis
This is why nobody likes liberals
It's your civic duty to KYS.
>Nazis growing in number
And why do you think that is?
It isnt because "whypipo be raycis"
Its more because of over rapid liberalization/globalization along with your ever shifting definition of the term
Antifa please start punching everyone
better dead than red
Hahahahahahahahaha. Pussy
You believe that there are real Nazis hiding everywhere. I think it'd be best if you spared the world your mental illness and became an hero.
Succumb to your darkest urges. Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet at the same time and wash them all down with an entire bottle of everclear. The world will thank me once you comply with my request.
Well if commies and sjw weren't so blatently anti white there wouldn't be such a rise in "nazism".
You progressives can only blame yourselves once you get rounded up.
This is your grave you filthy marxists now lie in it!
When you are a pussy POS like OP, everyone who has a different opinion is a NAZI.
Because they realized the nazis could kick their ass if tgey kept escalating
Boomer alert!
Not a boomer. What suppose to be so boomer-y about what I just said?
Bigotry oppression and violence are necessary to create a better world. As a kike I unironically believe a solid 75% of what hitler did.
Correct, somebody claiming to be a Nazi is basically saying he's an open target for a good beating. Nobody cares about the losers, even the state will allow these dogs to receive proper punishment.
Fucking turkroach....
It's funny: if the commies weren't so determined to completely demolish western civilization and the values it used to hold dear, we wouldn't have this nazi "problem"
I guess you can't help but author your own destruction.
What nazi menace?
Communism killed a hundred million people. According to communists, capitalism has killed even more than that. So basically, it's just a free for all, anyone can use violence on anyone?
>Give me one good reason to let them exist
1st amendment, your argument has been destroyed
Rofl @
"Nazis continue to rise and grow in numbers, look it up."
Where can one look up these Nazi stats? Also, what goes into creating these Nazi stats?
*waits for faggot to post WaPo article as proof of rise of Nazism"
OP is a faggot
You guys are really proud of that one soyboy running sucker-punch that Pence shook off like a mild inconvenience, aren't you.
Jews, gypsies, minorities, POWs, etc. Please don't make me debunk your Holocaust denial, you'll cry
We're all equal. Equality exists in nature.
300 year old piece of paper
We don't have pakis in germany, know your hated immigrant minorities, dude.
I don't get it. Why do you do this? Everyone knows it's shitposting and that you don't actually believe it. Do you think you're funny? I can assure you that you're not.
You're a larping memeflag faggot. You have nothing of substance to offer besides extra chromosomes
Did you see Nazi/right wing rallies happening constantly 10 years ago? Were there marches of hundreds of thousands of people 10 years ago like we see today?
There are at least 70000 pakistanis in Germany.
"Everyone who I disagree with must be a troll!"
>1. Niggers hate minorities
>2. Niggers genocided people they don't like
>3. Niggers constantly threaten people with violence
>4. Niggers hate homosexuals
>5. Niggers dont know what Holocaust is
>6. All of Nigger shit backed with pseudo-science and things that have been debunked
>7. Niggers dismiss all criticism by calling everyone a White nationalis or paid shill
Completly agree
These niggers think it hurts to get punched in the face.
No, just people who are obviously trolls and act like Sup Forums caricatures. Again, you're not fucking funny. You're not cut out for this.
Yes, the sheep are equally at the whim of the wolf.
A piece of paper we still follow and abide by, try again plebbit
Never heard of them, don't know why anyone would associate Germany with Pakis when everyone ought to know that our hated minority is turks
I never signed the Constitution nor do I consent to be ruled by psychopaths and pedophiles. I reserve ALL rights, including the right to shoot tyrants in the face. Amen!
>duty as an American
I thought you commies wanted to erase the very concept of nations.
How do you know who's American and who's not, if any 3rd-worlder is supposedly a citizen of America according to your past rhetoric?
Where is that happening? Not in America...
Niggers literally have less advanced brains than other races.
>Get into Sup Forums
>Somebody replies with actual arguments
>No, ur mom gay
All sheep are equal to other sheep, same with wolves. Also, notice how humans are the only animals that discriminate, kill for no reason, genocide, etc
Except it's 95% insults and no arguments
You are a fool, a useful idiot who swallows propaganda without question and yet believe yourself to be some sort of moral crusader.
One day it will dawn upon you that you have been deceived and you will feel ashamed at how stupid and ignorant you have been.
Captain America didnt cover his face.
That's not true. Wolves are pack animals and have hierarchies.
I think you give OP too much credit. He will likely be a useful idiot his entire life.
>doesn't even realize that the NSDAP came about fighting the RFB and other violent communist groups.
is any non-pol argument on pol actually serious?
all this fake controversy is really grinding my gears.
Why do you fucking faggots reply to this bait in mass?
The absolute state of shills and Sup Forums