The US haven't got the bottle to engage in a major war with anyone anywhere since Vietnam. I think this is pretty evident by the massive opposition to war in the American public consciousness at the time. To put this into perspective, the US lost ~ 58,000 troops in the Vietnam war while the French lost ~72,000 troops in the First Indochina war which directly preceded it. No one in France batted an eyelid at these losses. Basically, the US military and US populace as a whole are a pussified, mongrolized nation who can't fight for shit and won't fight for shit.
The US haven't got the bottle to engage in a major war with anyone anywhere since Vietnam...
Other urls found in this thread:
say that to the 1.2 million dead gooks in vietnam son.
its was a 4 against 2000 fight...
And they STILL beat you.
If they killed jews instead of muslims they would get more support at home. Most americans dont fear goat farmers and isis taking our rights away but kikes like Feinstein have made it their life goal to steal rights from america. If we were smart we would side with the mudshits and hand over every jew to them.
>bringing up the frogs stint in vietnam as if they weren't the sole reason for the US to head in there
we literally were protecting froggie colonies, faggot. meanwhile in reality, the US rolled the 4th largest army w/ combat experience in 100 hours during Desert Storm
>what is the war in the middle east since 1991
Reminder: That nigger on the bottom right of OP's pic was not a green beret. He was a fucking mechanic. That mission had a green beret team on it, no attachments, no other units outside of the nigerian soldiers. And.. yet.. that fucking nigger on the bottom right was killed. He wasnt supposed to be there. In fact, he wasnt there.. he was found when the berets raided the attackers camp after the ambush. Fucking traitor. And the news paraded his corpse as a hero.
>A couple of thousand dead over the course of 25 years.
>Largest anti-war protests in history.
Thanks for proving my point moron.
I didnt know this shit. So he defected to isis is the theory? What's the official explanation on why he was there?
>That nigger on the bottom right of OP's pic was not a green beret.
just looked him up and he indeed is not a snake eater. what the fuck
no shit
But the US stopped the spread of communism to south Vietnam and now Vietnamese people are Ameriboos.
What part of all that was the loss exactly? I really don’t see angry government funded hippies as a bad sign.
Aren't you faggots the people who go hysteric with gun control saying YOU CANT DEFEND AGAINST JETS AND MISSILES AND DRONES... funny how that works, few gooks with AKs destroy the USA.
2 vidyas of the attack
there are only 3 soldiers there
Boomers are pussies, yeah. They followed the orders of Vo Nguyen Giap to a T and won't stop praising themselves for it, 40 years later.
Also, Vietnam wasn't a major war for the US. Our last major wars were Iraq, Gulf, and Korea. It's easy to forget that Iraq and Gulf were major wars because we roflstomped Saddam so hard. Afghanistan doesn't count for obvious reasons.
>he thinks its a coincidence that the socialist hippie movement was in full swing during the vietnam war
we got subverted. look at the American people now. they only care about what their handlers shove in their faces. Someone wanted Americans to be against the war and so they were made to be against it.
Keep in mind as well that people still trusted the media in those days
Is it just me or is the black one not present in the videos?
>bragging about Iraq
>still there after 15 years and trillions of dollars
The military considers this a win
The hippie movement was the CIA
just like the faggot trannie movement today, CIA
>he thinks we went into Iraq/Afghanistan for any reason other than promoting American geopolitical interests
we care more about the drug trade than the people there, bruh
>Vietnam wasn't a major war for the US compared to Iraq, Gulf and Korea...
What are you, retarded? The US losses in Vietnam were larger than all of those other wars COMBINED...
Most of our time in Iraq was as an occupation force. People count the years between the withdrawal and ISIS even though we were just there garrisoning our military bases and some training of the Iraqis. Afghanistan is the war we never stopped fighting, though our numbers there are pretty tiny, which is why we're losing.
I knew exactly why we were going into Iraq, and said as much at the time. The Occupy Movement started in the lead up to the Iraq invasion. We began to build permanent protest zones, camps. Obviously it didn't work. That is when the government co-opted the movement into a "social justice" dumpster fire of faggots and trannies. you reckon wars by casualties alone?
I just count dollar bills and lies
4 NCOs together = special forces
The Korean War cost us 170k+ KIA with many more casualties. Vietnam was 58k KIA.
>US populace as a whole are a pussified, mongrolized nation who can't fight for shit and won't fight for shit.
>Love war or you're a pussy
and I bet you think Israel is our greatest ally right?
Well what fucking metric do you measure by if you're claiming that Vietnam was less of a major conflict than Korea, Gulf and Iraq?
Absolutely, verifiable wrong
Let me help you out there.
i didn't see him either
his body was found about a mile away
citation needed
What war has Europe won recently?
What I'm saying is; for a nation which prides itself on it's martial prowess, you guys actually suck at it and have for a long time.
Where is your flag? Let's look at your countries statistics.
that's demonstrably wrong, though. We're one of the youngest nations around and nobody comes close to our level of combat experience outside of the sword and shield age. We've been in a perpetual state of war 222 of our 239 years of existence.
100% of disputes can be handles in court or through arbitration of some sort. 100% of wars are caused by sociopaths who want to bypass working for what they want or they want to destabilize anyone who threatens the lazy rotschild rat mafias power structure
Top kek, does this sound accurate?
>Separated from the rest of the team, Sergeant La David Johnson was shot as many as 18 times by M4 carbines and Soviet-made machine guns as he took cover in thick brush, fighting to the end after fleeing militants.[32] La David Johnson was with two Nigerien soldiers who tried to get to a vehicle to escape, but were unable to do so.[32]
What the fuck were American soldiers even doing in Niger to begin with?
>sign up to protect your country
>end up killed by illiterate locals in bumfuck nowhere Africa and even the people who sent you there don't know what exactly you died for
I feel sorry for these guys, but at the same time this should make people realize that this kind of pointless death is what you sign up for.
I'm not against serving in the military, but the military needs to focus on the direct national interest and defense of the country, not turning the whole world into an adventure playground where Joe Gomez gets killed in a place he can't name for reasons known to no one.
It's pretty common knowledge. Laurel Canyon, Timmy Leary, all CIA. Charles Manson was literally raised by the government. They are very good at this. They literally named the alt-right, btw, and used jews to divide it. Better get hip, you don't want to be a square, daddy-o
How many times you post this today you slav shit?
We got out because it was the first time the American people actually got to see what war was, they broadcasted everything into people's tv's and most people saw that the reasoning for being over there wasn't solid enough for the loss of life. Still to say we loss this conflict (it was never officially a war) is absolutely incorrect when the mission objective was search and destroy.
tru, but that's still comparing a 3 year war to a decade long conflict. It's pretty apparent which was more vicious.
Manpower and materiel like everyone else, dipshit. By your metrics, the Kashmir border skirmishes have been one of the biggest wars since Korea.
left wing
>imperialist pigs dying got what they deserved
right wing
>zionist pigs dying got what they deserved
horseshoe theory starting to seem a little more valid
The "mission objective" was to contain the spread of Communism, and that mission failed.
Quite the wordsmith
were they white? (obviously not talking about the nigger) I can't decide
MUH K/D ratio
This isn’t call of duty fuck head
I’ve seen 13 yr olds on COD use better judgment in a gun fight.
First and last are reversed...
What's the official scientific measure of "viciousness" that's widely accepted among
historians anyway? Do enlighten me.
They were sold out by Nigerians they were traveling with. Drove them right to the ambush, and while they were engaged, those same Nigerians shot them in the back.
>We're one of the youngest nations around
That's objectively untrue. I started to make a list for you, but then I realized I would spend the next five minutes typing so here's a wikipedia link for you.
Vietnam is not over.
Yeah you can have more than one objective, but the main mission was to destroy enemy equipment and personnel. Stopping the commies would be an end result.
>Korea: 36,574 dead
>Gulf: 292 dead
>Iraq: 139 dead
>Vietnam: 58,220 dead
I bet Syrians and their supporters wish they had more than 3 guns per 100 people right now.
My sources say the same.
Saigon fell years after the US withdrew, and now there's McDonalds all over the country with it being more capitalist than commie. So who actually won, then?
isn't it obvi which was the more brutal conflict? In 3 years the US lost slightly less than what we would end up losing over a decade of fighting in the jungles. The battle at Chosin was far more intense than any period of the Vietnam war, especially the Tet Offensive which was an utter failure for the zipperheads
Black is bottom right...he was the first killed
Johnson is bottom center...second killed
Wright is bottom right...last killed almost got away but stopped when Johnson was shot.
So by your own admission, Vietnam was more "major" than Korea, Gulf and Vietnam...
American education is cringeworthy, it really is.
That was the British intervention mate.
I mean Wright is bottom left...last one killed almost got away but stopped to help Johnson.
(((the us military))) is (((their))) greatest source of money
It hasn't been about protecting the US or even being competent since WW2
No go be a good goy and masturbate to a A-10 strafing dirt as if it means anything
Protecting global jewish financial interests, same as what the army is doing when it's gone off to sit on any foreign soil. Resources like oil wells and diamond mines have to have a buffer zone set up around them where the nigs nog and moderate beheaders behead.
>it was never officially a war
none of your wars are officially wars ever since WW2. neither korean war, nor vietnam, nur Gulf I or II. your government is too chicken towards you guys and the rest of the world to call it by it's name. for you are the 'good guys'...and good guys don't invade and start wars (gulf wars, afghanistan, panama, grenada....)
>So by your own admission,
No faggot, you took what I said and flimflammed it around in that goop box you call a brain until you thought it sounded like I agreed with you. You probably do that all the time, given the large amount of delusions you've autistically screeched in this thread.
>nb4 muahahahaha so i was right all along haha!
>search and destroy
Whatever you want to tell yourself.
So the US went there to just kill some gooks for fun?
>good guys don't invade and start wars
pay your reparations to poland, kraut
The ZOG meme is almost enough to make me believe that there's an illuminati behind all the retarded conspiracy theories in this world.
This. Americans are pussies.
From the lowliest grunt to the high command.
or else what nigger?
Will you let more of your retards die?
Always bear in mind that you claimed The Gulf war, Korean war and Iraq war were more "major" than Vietnam...
You're a moron dude, no offense.
>2000 dead/25 years=80 dead/year
that doesn't sound like a big deal to me.
even 10,000/25 = 400 wouldn't sound that bad given the sheer size of our forces.
i've played cod and been in combat
that whole i'm gonna die here shit just gets in your head and you don't get to start over
sometimes you make good decisions and sometimes you don't
i see
as soon as the russians do the same and the americans do so for bombing our cities, kek.
could a milfag or /k/ommando tell me how quickly the higher ups would have known these guys had been killed and to change radio frequencies etc? or does that even happen? (sry i don't know the proper terms for these things)
This list implies that Japan as a country is less than 100 years old, which is technically true but we're talking about nations, not countries.
This is exactly my point. Minimal losses and massive public outcry compared to nations with far greater loses.
No because the French were pussies and LBJ was a fucking idiot that's why. You can say whatever you want leaf it's well documented what our objective was and a simple look at the numbers shows our K/D blew them out of the water.
Also I love this idea that they were just rice farmers and not getting training and funding from Russia and China. They grow those ak47 in the rice fields?
i didn't make it but from looking at the nose you are correcy
Every one we go into. But we are not mainland.
Falklands was fun.
Two steps further and its a humanitarian crisis and genocide, we pulled out because it was too hard to wage a war without causing immense destruction. Youd be bitching about the U.S being monsters if we cared enough to win that war, so stop bitching that we werent monsters. Its lose lose with you cucks against the U.S, no matter what daddys not tough enough, or daddy beats his children.
The Hegemony is here to stay, so long as the entirity of the west isny paying for their own defense budgets theyve basically submitted to America being their protector but want to complain every time they do anything.
>I redefined terms so no one could disagree with me!
desu that seems believable somewhat considering how hard he's being shilled Also this line: n 6 October, the body of La David Johnson was found by children tending cattle.[38] His body was nearly a mile (1.6 km) away from the scene of the ambush.[39] On 12 November, additional remains of La David Johnson were found at the site where his body was recovered.[40]
And the m4 bullets...
Keep having zero faith in your country because a shill on the internet told you so, user. I'm sure that's going to work out great for us in the end.
>Falklands was fun
you guys fucked up an uncontested landing bruv
each team has assigned frequencies
each command has assigned frequencies
each soldier should have a radio with all needed freqs programmed in
the radios that they had are capable of transmit and receive
it's as easy as turning the knob from 1 to 2